Dignidade Re-Vista
A Dignidade Re-Vista é um periódico acadêmico com publicação semestral, revisado por pares, editada pela Pastoral Universitária da PUC-Rio, criada no primeiro semestre de 2016 com o objetivo de publicar artigos originais que apresentem resultados relevantes de pesquisas e estudos realizados por profissionais e discentes da academia brasileira e internacional, propiciando debate crítico e interdisciplinar entre autores e leitores sobre Direitos Humanos e valores éticos, humanos e cristãos.
Cada edição possui uma temática específica. Os temas foram: “Direitos Humanos”, “Relações Trabalhistas e os Direitos Humanos”, “Da natureza à justiça social: desafios socioambientais”, “Pluralismo Cultural e Religioso” e “Olhares Universitários sobre a Laudato Si´”. A partir da sexta edição (segundo semestre de 2018), a revista contará com duas sessões, uma temática com edital especificando e delimitando o tema e a outra sessão aberta a assuntos sobre a temática geral da revista: Direitos Humanos e valores éticos, humanos e cristãos.
Supervisors: Pastoral Universitária Anchieta / PUC-Rio
Address: Dignidade Re-Vista | ISSN: 2525-698X
Pontifícia Universidade Católica – Pastoral Universitária Anchieta
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil – CEP 22451-900
Cada edição possui uma temática específica. Os temas foram: “Direitos Humanos”, “Relações Trabalhistas e os Direitos Humanos”, “Da natureza à justiça social: desafios socioambientais”, “Pluralismo Cultural e Religioso” e “Olhares Universitários sobre a Laudato Si´”. A partir da sexta edição (segundo semestre de 2018), a revista contará com duas sessões, uma temática com edital especificando e delimitando o tema e a outra sessão aberta a assuntos sobre a temática geral da revista: Direitos Humanos e valores éticos, humanos e cristãos.
Supervisors: Pastoral Universitária Anchieta / PUC-Rio
Address: Dignidade Re-Vista | ISSN: 2525-698X
Pontifícia Universidade Católica – Pastoral Universitária Anchieta
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea,
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil – CEP 22451-900
Related Authors
Gabriel Cardoso Cândido
Tácio de Campos
Gabriel Banaggia
Bruno Albuquerque
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Papers by Dignidade Re-Vista
The article will explore how consumerism has manifested itself in society, bringing its historical roots and influence of the media. In addition, cuts will be made to the Laudato Si’, analyzing not only the history and the impacts that the exacerbated consumption has, but also exploring its behavioral bias and reflecting on the choices and motivations of the consumers.
Palavras-chave: palavra 1; palavra 2; palavra 3; palavra 4; palavra 5
This essay seeks to analyze the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si', showing how this text is in dialogue with serious questions of philosophy and of anthropology/sociology. Furthermore, the essay seeks to show how the Encyclical Letter ends by pointing to a productive and fraternal union of conservative and progressive worldviews for the greater good, that is the conservation of the things we love.
The improper disposal of waste cooking oil (WCO) causes negative impacts to the environment. However, if properly discarded, it results in environmental, social and economic benefits. The complex reverse logistics of the WCO involves several players. The Volunteer Delivery Point is the element connecting domestic consumers to the reverse chain. Thus, it represents a strategic role to WCO reverse supply chain.
Sustainable water use is increasingly discussed in the academic world. Alternatives to the reuse of water must be considered in order to conserve human life and dignity. Based on this reasoning, a simple system was proposed to reuse the water from air conditioners, utilizing it in chemistry laboratories, benefiting our house, the world.
cada pessoa e respeitar os direitos humanos são fundamentais para a coexistência e a paz globais.
This article aims to reflect on cultural and religious pluralism in the context of postmodernity. Here, we analyze the main changes occurred in individuals and in society since the end of the 20th century. The change of era brought new challenges and opportunities regarding cultural and religious diversity. Recognizing the dignity of each
person and respecting human rights is fundamental to achieve global peace and coexistence.
This paper deals with the way the syncretism in afro-brazilian religions is established, and the meaning of catholic iconography appropriation in a religious context, especially in syncretic Candomblé houses, where a diffuse identity is developed backed by the historical erasure of its most essential mythic and ritualistic characteristics, which impels
the practitioners to seek, in a problematic way, to reconstruct or “purify” their practices. Keywords: Ketu Candomblé; yorubá studies; religion; syncretism; religious diversity.
This works aims on reflecting about the rescue of passion and joy. Launching of the nietzschean concepts of apollonian and dionysian dimensions, but giving greater focus to the dionysian element of human experience, we will try to juxtapose these concepts in dialogue with artistic manifestations-rituals of afro cultural and religious expression in
Brazil, this we on the human subjective and political rescue these spiritualities.
In times of population and informational migration, a growing plurality of thoughts, cultures and religions is observed. However, the confrontation and coexistence of these different cultures does not always happen easily, as they are able to be marked by diverse complexities. This article pursuit to explore some of the difficulties faced by Muslim women in Brazil who not only live the cultural diversity: they dress it in their own skin.
tópicos relacionados ao âmbito social, como pluralidade cultural, religião e direitos
humanos. Busca-se denotar sua importância para a construção do indíviduo e para o
desenvolvimento da sociedade, considerando o dito conhecimento oriundo dos esforços
intelectuais de regiões e etnias diversas, tanto no passado quanto no presente.
This article aims to highlight the relationship that Mathematics has with various topics
related to social scope, such as Cultural Plurality, Religion and Human Rights. It seeks to
denote its importance for the construction of the individual and for the development of
society, considering this knowledge derived from the intellectual efforts of diverse regions
and ethnic groups, both past and present.
da liberdade humana, presentes tanto na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos
quanto na ética cristã, em confronto com o crescimento de práticas que desrespeitam estes
valores na contemporaneidade.
Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos; ética cristã; igualdade; fraternidade; liberdade.
This article aims to discuss the principles of human equality, fraternity and freedom, both
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in Christian Ethics, as opposed to the
growth of practices that disrespect these values in contemporary times.
entidades religiosas que atuaram contribuindo para processos em que a pauta política
regional se movimentava para um período de maior valorização dos direitos humanos. Em
ambos os exemplos, Brasil e África do Sul se (re)estruturavam após um período longo de
governos autoritários.
Palavras-chave: direitos humanos; justiça de transição.
This paper is a brief illustrative history about the participation of representatives in
religious entities who take part in processes, which the regional political agenda moved to
a period of more appreciation of human rights. In both examples, Brazil and South Africa
were (re)structured after a long period of authoritarian governments.
Demonstra o quanto o preconceito e discriminação acontecem dentro e fora das prisões
com as religiões de matriz africana e aponta o forte crescimento das instituições cristãs que
desejam converter os detentos.
This study starts from the bibliographical readings focused on the prison system and
religions. Understand how prejudice and discrimination happens in and out of prisons with
african matrix religions and point to the strong growth of christian institutions wishing to
convert detainees.
The purpose of this article is to reflect about the variation of the social definition of good death, based on an anthropological analysis of the funerary rituals transformations and the understanding of death in Brazilian society from the nineteenth century to the twenty - first century. From this reflection it is possible to add a historical and social view to the concept of human dignity, an essential value for Human Rights.
the mayor Marcelo Crivella to black and popular culture in 2017. Therefore, we could note
that the dialectic relation between Estate and culture is developed, necessarily, in class
struggle. In this way we’ll operating theoretically with some author’s propositions like
Gramsci, Marx and Lenin.
entidades religiosas que atuaram contribuindo para processos em que a pauta política
regional se movimentava para um período de maior valorização dos direitos humanos. Em
ambos os exemplos, Brasil e África do Sul se (re)estruturavam após um período longo de
governos autoritários.
This paper is a brief illustrative history about the participation of representatives in
religious entities who take part in processes, which the regional political agenda moved to
a period of more appreciation of human rights. In both examples, Brazil and South Africa
were (re)structured after a long period of authoritarian governments.
This paper deals with the way the syncretism in afro-brazilian religions is established, and the meaning of catholic iconography appropriation in a religious context, especially in syncretic Candomblé houses, where a diffuse identity is developed backed by the historical erasure of its most essential mythic and ritualistic characteristics, which impels the practitioners to seek, in a problematic way, to reconstruct or " purify " their practices.
da pós-modernidade, analisando as principais mudanças ocorridas nos indivíduos e na
sociedade a partir do final do século XX. A mudança de época trouxe novos desafios e
oportunidades referentes à diversidade cultural e religiosa. Reconhecer a dignidade de
cada pessoa e respeitar os direitos humanos são fundamentais para a coexistência e a paz
This article aims to reflect on cultural and religious pluralism in the context of
postmodernity. Here, we analyze the main changes occurred in individuals and in society
since the end of the 20th century. The change of era brought new challenges and
opportunities regarding cultural and religious diversity. Recognizing the dignity of each
person and respecting human rights is fundamental to achieve global peace and
das noções nietzschianas das dimensões apolínea e dionisíaca, mas dando enfoque maior
ao elemento dionisíaco da experiência humana, tentaremos justapor essas noções em
diálogo com as manifestações artístico-rituais da expressão cultural e religiosa afro no
Brasil, discorrendo sobre o resgate do humano subjetivo e político nessas espiritualidades.
This works aims on reflecting about the rescue of passion and joy. Launching of the
nietzschean concepts of apollonian and dionysian dimensions, but giving greater focus to
the dionysian element of human experience, we will try to juxtapose these concepts in
dialogue with artistic manifestations-rituals of afro cultural and religious expression in
Brazil, this we on the human subjective and political rescue these spiritualities.
crescente pluralidade de pensamentos, culturas e religiões. Entretanto, o enfrentamento e
convivência destas diferentes culturas nem sempre acontece de forma fácil, podendo ser
marcado por múltiplas complexidades. Este artigo busca explorar alguns dos desafios
enfrentados por mulheres muçulmanas no Brasil, que aqui vivem e vestem na pele a
diversidade cultural.
In times of population and informational migration, a growing plurality of thoughts,
cultures and religions is observed. However, the confrontation and coexistence of these
different cultures does not always happen easily, as they are able to be marked by diverse
complexities. This article pursuit to explore some of the difficulties faced by Muslim
women in Brazil who not only live the cultural diversity: they dress it in their own skin.
The article will explore how consumerism has manifested itself in society, bringing its historical roots and influence of the media. In addition, cuts will be made to the Laudato Si’, analyzing not only the history and the impacts that the exacerbated consumption has, but also exploring its behavioral bias and reflecting on the choices and motivations of the consumers.
Palavras-chave: palavra 1; palavra 2; palavra 3; palavra 4; palavra 5
This essay seeks to analyze the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si', showing how this text is in dialogue with serious questions of philosophy and of anthropology/sociology. Furthermore, the essay seeks to show how the Encyclical Letter ends by pointing to a productive and fraternal union of conservative and progressive worldviews for the greater good, that is the conservation of the things we love.
The improper disposal of waste cooking oil (WCO) causes negative impacts to the environment. However, if properly discarded, it results in environmental, social and economic benefits. The complex reverse logistics of the WCO involves several players. The Volunteer Delivery Point is the element connecting domestic consumers to the reverse chain. Thus, it represents a strategic role to WCO reverse supply chain.
Sustainable water use is increasingly discussed in the academic world. Alternatives to the reuse of water must be considered in order to conserve human life and dignity. Based on this reasoning, a simple system was proposed to reuse the water from air conditioners, utilizing it in chemistry laboratories, benefiting our house, the world.
cada pessoa e respeitar os direitos humanos são fundamentais para a coexistência e a paz globais.
This article aims to reflect on cultural and religious pluralism in the context of postmodernity. Here, we analyze the main changes occurred in individuals and in society since the end of the 20th century. The change of era brought new challenges and opportunities regarding cultural and religious diversity. Recognizing the dignity of each
person and respecting human rights is fundamental to achieve global peace and coexistence.
This paper deals with the way the syncretism in afro-brazilian religions is established, and the meaning of catholic iconography appropriation in a religious context, especially in syncretic Candomblé houses, where a diffuse identity is developed backed by the historical erasure of its most essential mythic and ritualistic characteristics, which impels
the practitioners to seek, in a problematic way, to reconstruct or “purify” their practices. Keywords: Ketu Candomblé; yorubá studies; religion; syncretism; religious diversity.
This works aims on reflecting about the rescue of passion and joy. Launching of the nietzschean concepts of apollonian and dionysian dimensions, but giving greater focus to the dionysian element of human experience, we will try to juxtapose these concepts in dialogue with artistic manifestations-rituals of afro cultural and religious expression in
Brazil, this we on the human subjective and political rescue these spiritualities.
In times of population and informational migration, a growing plurality of thoughts, cultures and religions is observed. However, the confrontation and coexistence of these different cultures does not always happen easily, as they are able to be marked by diverse complexities. This article pursuit to explore some of the difficulties faced by Muslim women in Brazil who not only live the cultural diversity: they dress it in their own skin.
tópicos relacionados ao âmbito social, como pluralidade cultural, religião e direitos
humanos. Busca-se denotar sua importância para a construção do indíviduo e para o
desenvolvimento da sociedade, considerando o dito conhecimento oriundo dos esforços
intelectuais de regiões e etnias diversas, tanto no passado quanto no presente.
This article aims to highlight the relationship that Mathematics has with various topics
related to social scope, such as Cultural Plurality, Religion and Human Rights. It seeks to
denote its importance for the construction of the individual and for the development of
society, considering this knowledge derived from the intellectual efforts of diverse regions
and ethnic groups, both past and present.
da liberdade humana, presentes tanto na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos
quanto na ética cristã, em confronto com o crescimento de práticas que desrespeitam estes
valores na contemporaneidade.
Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos; ética cristã; igualdade; fraternidade; liberdade.
This article aims to discuss the principles of human equality, fraternity and freedom, both
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in Christian Ethics, as opposed to the
growth of practices that disrespect these values in contemporary times.
entidades religiosas que atuaram contribuindo para processos em que a pauta política
regional se movimentava para um período de maior valorização dos direitos humanos. Em
ambos os exemplos, Brasil e África do Sul se (re)estruturavam após um período longo de
governos autoritários.
Palavras-chave: direitos humanos; justiça de transição.
This paper is a brief illustrative history about the participation of representatives in
religious entities who take part in processes, which the regional political agenda moved to
a period of more appreciation of human rights. In both examples, Brazil and South Africa
were (re)structured after a long period of authoritarian governments.
Demonstra o quanto o preconceito e discriminação acontecem dentro e fora das prisões
com as religiões de matriz africana e aponta o forte crescimento das instituições cristãs que
desejam converter os detentos.
This study starts from the bibliographical readings focused on the prison system and
religions. Understand how prejudice and discrimination happens in and out of prisons with
african matrix religions and point to the strong growth of christian institutions wishing to
convert detainees.
The purpose of this article is to reflect about the variation of the social definition of good death, based on an anthropological analysis of the funerary rituals transformations and the understanding of death in Brazilian society from the nineteenth century to the twenty - first century. From this reflection it is possible to add a historical and social view to the concept of human dignity, an essential value for Human Rights.
the mayor Marcelo Crivella to black and popular culture in 2017. Therefore, we could note
that the dialectic relation between Estate and culture is developed, necessarily, in class
struggle. In this way we’ll operating theoretically with some author’s propositions like
Gramsci, Marx and Lenin.
entidades religiosas que atuaram contribuindo para processos em que a pauta política
regional se movimentava para um período de maior valorização dos direitos humanos. Em
ambos os exemplos, Brasil e África do Sul se (re)estruturavam após um período longo de
governos autoritários.
This paper is a brief illustrative history about the participation of representatives in
religious entities who take part in processes, which the regional political agenda moved to
a period of more appreciation of human rights. In both examples, Brazil and South Africa
were (re)structured after a long period of authoritarian governments.
This paper deals with the way the syncretism in afro-brazilian religions is established, and the meaning of catholic iconography appropriation in a religious context, especially in syncretic Candomblé houses, where a diffuse identity is developed backed by the historical erasure of its most essential mythic and ritualistic characteristics, which impels the practitioners to seek, in a problematic way, to reconstruct or " purify " their practices.
da pós-modernidade, analisando as principais mudanças ocorridas nos indivíduos e na
sociedade a partir do final do século XX. A mudança de época trouxe novos desafios e
oportunidades referentes à diversidade cultural e religiosa. Reconhecer a dignidade de
cada pessoa e respeitar os direitos humanos são fundamentais para a coexistência e a paz
This article aims to reflect on cultural and religious pluralism in the context of
postmodernity. Here, we analyze the main changes occurred in individuals and in society
since the end of the 20th century. The change of era brought new challenges and
opportunities regarding cultural and religious diversity. Recognizing the dignity of each
person and respecting human rights is fundamental to achieve global peace and
das noções nietzschianas das dimensões apolínea e dionisíaca, mas dando enfoque maior
ao elemento dionisíaco da experiência humana, tentaremos justapor essas noções em
diálogo com as manifestações artístico-rituais da expressão cultural e religiosa afro no
Brasil, discorrendo sobre o resgate do humano subjetivo e político nessas espiritualidades.
This works aims on reflecting about the rescue of passion and joy. Launching of the
nietzschean concepts of apollonian and dionysian dimensions, but giving greater focus to
the dionysian element of human experience, we will try to juxtapose these concepts in
dialogue with artistic manifestations-rituals of afro cultural and religious expression in
Brazil, this we on the human subjective and political rescue these spiritualities.
crescente pluralidade de pensamentos, culturas e religiões. Entretanto, o enfrentamento e
convivência destas diferentes culturas nem sempre acontece de forma fácil, podendo ser
marcado por múltiplas complexidades. Este artigo busca explorar alguns dos desafios
enfrentados por mulheres muçulmanas no Brasil, que aqui vivem e vestem na pele a
diversidade cultural.
In times of population and informational migration, a growing plurality of thoughts,
cultures and religions is observed. However, the confrontation and coexistence of these
different cultures does not always happen easily, as they are able to be marked by diverse
complexities. This article pursuit to explore some of the difficulties faced by Muslim
women in Brazil who not only live the cultural diversity: they dress it in their own skin.