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Create New WordPress Statuses

Out-of-the-box, WordPress has 8 post statuses.

However, many WordPress plugins will create their own custom statuses. For example, WooCommerce will create statuses to allow eCommerce product orders to be in statuses such as “Refunded” or “Completed”.

This guide will show you how to add your own statuses.

How to add new WordPress statuses #

The PublishPress plugin allows you to create custom post statuses such as “In Progress” or “Assigned”. You can define statuses to match the stages of your team’s publishing workflow.

When you first install PublishPress, you’ll see these extra statuses: “Pitch”, “Assigned”, and “In Progress”.

Custom WordPress statuses

You have the freedom to completely customize these statuses.

  • Go to “PublishPress” in the admin menu, and click “Settings”.
  • Click the “Statuses” tab. You’ll see the screen below.
  • On the left side of the screen, you are able to add your own new statuses.
  • On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the current statuses. You can drag-and-drop statuses to set the best order for your workflow. By default, “Pitch” comes first, followed by “Assigned”, then “In Progress”, then “Draft” and finally “Pending Review”. Each image has its own icon and color.

Click here to find out more about creating custom statuses with PublishPress.

WordPress statuses inside the PublishPress plugin