With the PublishPress Checklists plugin, you can require that all your posts have a Featured image. If the image is missing, you can choose to show a warning, or prevent the post from being published.
Many sites require a featured image for blog posts because an image is important for sharing on social media.
The “Featured Image” box is show in this image below:

Go to Checklists > Settings. Click the “Featured Image” tab. The image below shows the Featured Image option. You can also enable as task called “Featured image has Alt text”.
- You can choose from “Disabled, Recommended, or Required” options.
- You can choose “Who can ignore this task?”

If you enable this Featured image option, it will be visible when you edit content. If your Featured image box is empty, this task will be marked in red in the sidebar:

If your Featured image box has an image, this task will be marked in green in the sidebar: