Go to Blocks admin menu. Here you can enable/disable the main features of PublishPress Blocks plugin.
- Block Permissions. You can control who can use each block, including default WordPress blocks.
- PublishPress Blocks. Enable extra blocks including content displays, sliders, buttons, icons, tabs, accordions, and more.
- Block Styles. You can add your own CSS styles for your blocks. Anyone editing posts can quickly add the styles to blocks.
- Block Controls. Schedule blocks to be published and unpublished. Every block can have a “Start showing” and/or “Stop showing” option.
- Reusable Blocks. This feature enable a submenu to manage Reusable Blocks.
- Extend Supported Blocks. If some blocks are not listed in Block Permissions, try enabling this feature.
- Core Blocks Features (Pro). Add Google Fonts support to core blocks including paragraphs and headings.