Papers by Mohammed AL-SAADI

IEEE, 2019
In this work, a survey was carried out to identify the current European landscape from grid and m... more In this work, a survey was carried out to identify the current European landscape from grid and market stakeholders' point of view and to improve the coordination between the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution System Operators (DSOs). The survey includes two parts, one dedicated to grid's tools and services and other to the market's tools and services. This survey aims to identify exists tools and services in order to adapt them to the future challenges. Based on the survey results, it was identified that major concerns of the energy stakeholders are related with the integration of different platforms used for different purposes (for example, operational planning and real time systems), and how to exchange information/data between parties in an expedited and standardized way. The survey participants see energy storage as the most essential technology in the future energy system, followed by the smart metering, online voltage regulation and demand response services. However, on the market landscape, survey results suggest that the creation of limited number of fully integrated regulated markets is the most consensual solution to avoid the fragmentation in many different markets and products.

Procedia Manufacturing , 2019
In this paper, an inductive power transfer (IPT) system with four various resonance topologies we... more In this paper, an inductive power transfer (IPT) system with four various resonance topologies were actively researched: series-series, series-parallel, series-parallel-series and dual side LCC. The aims of the study are analyzing and comparison of these topologies in order to facilitate of choosing a suitable resonant circuit for a specific application of an IPT system. The considered criteria of analysis and comparison were: input impedance, suitability for small/large air-gap, ability to supply low/high load voltage, voltage gain, sensitivity to a misalignment, and activity at low/high frequency. Due to its high magnetic coupling, square coils were used in the transmitter and receiver sides.
(PDF) Analysis and Comparison of Resonance Topologies in 6.6kW Inductive Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles Batteries. Available from: [accessed Jan 14 2020].
IEEE, 2019
In this paper, a three-phase hybrid rectifier is
proposed, employing a boost converter without th... more In this paper, a three-phase hybrid rectifier is
proposed, employing a boost converter without the addition of
isolation transformer and output voltage control. This topology is
usually considered to be not viable due to the current interactions.
In order to mitigate those interactions, the boost inductor is
replaced by a magnetically coupled inductor. The coupled
inductor forces the balance between the two interconnected
windings, placed at the positive and negative poles, and thus
eliminating the current interactions. The results show that the
proposed three-phase rectifier does not undergo a current
interaction and functions as a hybrid rectifier. Furthermore, it
was noted that the proposed rectifier at 20 kW presents an
elevated power factor and a low total harmonic distortion.

IEEE, 2018
The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is
mainly used in battery charging systems. The ca... more The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.

International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS), 2019
This paper investigated the performance of the sliding mode control technique for DC/DC converter... more This paper investigated the performance of the sliding mode control technique for DC/DC converter using frequency response method. The applications of the step down type switching regulator) buck converter (are found in the devices that use batteries as power source like laptop, cell phones, electric vehicle, and recently, it has also been used in the renewable energy processing, as a maximum output power can be achieved at higher efficiency. In order to optimize the efficiency and for convenient power management, the issues like power on transients, the effect of load variation, Switching and Electromagnetic interference (EMI) losses has to be overcome for which controllers are used. In the proposed method, pulse width modulation (PWM) based on proportional-integral-derivative sliding mode voltage controller (PID SMVC) is designed for a buck converter and the response for appropriate control parameters has been obtained. The system stability has been examined and analyzed from the performance characteristics, which shows clearly that the buck converter controlled by the sliding mode controller has fast dynamic response and it's very efficient for various applications. 1. INTRODUCTION The sliding mode controller (SMC) is a non-linear control method that changes the dynamics of a non-linear system which forces the system to slide. The SMC well known by its robustness, high stability and simple implementation [1-5]. One application of SMC is the control of electric drives operated by switching power converters. The DC/DC converters must work with suitable control technique in order to cope with their intrinsic nonlinearity, sudden load changes, wide range of input voltage, and to guarantee stability at any operating condition while providing quick transient response [6-8]. The SMC technique can be a possible option to control these type of circuits, since the switching converters model a case of variable construction systems [9]. The literature review shows that the authors suggest various methods to design SMC controller. In [10] the author designed and analyzed a robust SMC for the control of DC/DC buck converter, a buck converter with two loop control is employed. The system controlled using SMC is tested and gives robustness under input voltage variations and step load changes. The theoretical prediction results are validated by means of simulations using program Matlab. In [11] the author uses a fixed frequency PWM based on SMC for DC/DC converters operating in the continuous conduction mode (CCM). A prototype for the system is developed and the experimental results validate the design methodology. In this paper a frequency response method is used to investigate the SMC used to control DC/DC buck converter, and the
Procedia Manufacturing, 2019
This paper analyzes the ring and square plates configurations in a unipolar capacitive power tran... more This paper analyzes the ring and square plates configurations in a unipolar capacitive power transfer (CPT) system for electric
vehicle (EV) batteries charging. It is shown that the ring plates coupler provides better coupling capacitance and coefficient than
the square one. In this paper, the vertical, lateral, angular and rotational misalignments were actively researched. Furthermore, the
interoperability between the different plates configurations has been analyzed. The ring plate showed good compatibility only
with a ring plate, while the square plate showed good compatibility with the square and disc plates.
IEEE, 2019
In this paper, a capacitive power transfer (CPT) system
of 1MHz switching frequency was used to s... more In this paper, a capacitive power transfer (CPT) system
of 1MHz switching frequency was used to supply an electric
vehicle battery pack of 6.6kW, 500V at an air-gap of 5cm. Four
dual-sided compensation circuit topologies were considered. The
dual means the same circuit topology used in both the transmitter
and receiver sides. The aims of this study are analyzing and
comparing the characteristics of the compensation circuits in
order to facilitate of selecting a suitable compensation circuit for
a specific application of a CPT system. The considered criteria for
analyzing and comparing are input impedance characteristics,
input VA rating, and misalignment characteristics. Due to its
simplicity, the unipolar structure was used to represent the
capacitive coupler.

IEEE, 2019
In the inductive contactless battery charging, the
power transfer capability and efficiency are m... more In the inductive contactless battery charging, the
power transfer capability and efficiency are mainly depending
on the coupling coefficient (k) between the inductively coupled
coils. In this work, the spiral and square coil configurations were
experimentally made from litz wire as well as another spiral
copper coil. This study investigates the frequency characteristics
of these coil configurations in order to analyze the frequency
characteristics of the self-inductance and equivalent series
resistance of each coil; as well as we measured coefficient k
under different conditions based on the air-gap variation
between the inductively coupled coils and the misalignment
between them. Furthermore, we examined the interoperability
between the spiral and square coils configurations. It has been
found that the litz spiral coil achieved slightly higher selfinductance with compare to litz square coil and spiral copper
coil. Likewise, the square litz coil has slightly high equivalent
series resistance with compare to other coils. On the other hand,
the copper spiral coil has achieved better k than the other
coupling interfaces of the litz wire coils.
IEEE, 2019
The imperfect coupling (or misalignment)
between the inductively coupled coils in an inductive po... more The imperfect coupling (or misalignment)
between the inductively coupled coils in an inductive power
transfer (IPT) system is a major problem of the wireless battery
charging. This problem causes decreasing and fluctuations of
the system efficiency and load power (or load voltage). In this
paper, a new approach was introduced to deals with such a
problem. The proposed approach based on the maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) and load power/voltage regulation
(PR/VR). The MPPT technology based on the impedance
matching (IM), where the tuning capacitances are still varying
to keep the resonant frequencies of the coils equal to the inverter
switching frequency (fs). The proposed PR/VR was achieved
based on the duty cycle control of the inverter; the fuzzy logic
controller (FLC) was used to achieve that.

Wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years. Advances... more Wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years. Advances in technology
make WPT widely used in many applications. Electric vehicle (EV) contactless charging is an important application
of WPT. Broadly, WPT categorized into radiative and non-radiative power transfer. Radiative power transfer is
transmitting high power density, which is unsafe for humans when it is been used for EVs charging. So, only nonradiative power transfer technologies have been using to charge the batteries. Non-radiative power transfer
includes inductive power transfer (IPT) and capacitive power transfer (CPT). Inductive charging technology is based
on IPT. This paper covers a comprehensive review of an inductive charging system for EVs batteries. Operation
principles, equivalent circuits modelling and power transfer requirements are presented. Some system design
problems are also presented. Several compensation technologies and coil shape designs proposed to enhance
inductive charging performance are also described. However, the air-gap between a charger and an EV, and the
magnetic coupling between them are an area of concern. The stationary and dynamic charging methodologies have
discussed briefly in this research. The most challenges and limitations of contactless EVs charging have been
described in terms of: battery capacity, power level, air-gap, mileage, misalignment tolerance, efficiency, and
interoperability. However, battery capacity can be enhanced by dynamic charging, the power level can be
controlled, while some other limitations can be improved as discussed in this paper.

Capacitive power transfer (CPT) is one of the technologies in the field of wireless power transfe... more Capacitive power transfer (CPT) is one of the technologies in the field of wireless power transfer (WPT). A CPT
system is much similar to an inductive power transfer (IPT) system. The CPT technology based on the electric field
coupling has addressed many limitations of an IPT technology, such as low electromagnetic interference (EMI), low
eddy current losses, and ability to transfer power through the metal barriers. Firstly, the CPT systems were utilized
for low power transfer applications through small air-gaps, because the development of unsafe voltages across the
conductive plates, However, the utilizing of new compensation circuit topologies have enabled the systems that
use this technology to be utilized for small, medium and long air-gaps applications. Currently, the CPT technology
can be used in many applications, such as charging mobile phones, laptop, and electric vehicles (EVs) batteries.
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current patterns and trends of the CPT technology usage in a
wireless battery charging. The principal of operation, capacitive coupler structures, equivalent circuits modelling,
plates configurations, resonance circuit topologies, challenges and limitations are actively described in this paper.
A hybrid wireless power transfer (HWPT) technology which is a combination of IPT and CPT technologies is also

IEEE, 2019
The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is
mainly used in battery charging systems. The ca... more The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.

IEEE, 2019
In this research, using response surface
methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional
d... more In this research, using response surface
methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional
dependencies on the six specified geometrical parameters is
developed for coupling capacitance (Cm) of a capacitive power
transfer (CPT) device. The geometrical parameters include the
physical and misalignment parameters of the plates. Using the
variance analysis, the sensitivity of the Cm value to variations in
the geometric parameters of the CPT device was investigated. The
established analytical formula allows for easy calculation of the
Cm value specific to the CPT devices for their different geometric
parameters, including for different misalignments. It is also
particularly useful in optimal design of the CPT devices.
However, it was found that the misalignment parameters have a
negligible effect on the Cm. On the other hand, the physical
parameters have an effect of 46%, 38%, and 16% for the
transmitter plate area, receiver plate area, and air-gap between
them, respectively.

In this paper, an analytical formula for the coupling coefficient (k) was introduced for two indu... more In this paper, an analytical formula for the coupling coefficient (k) was introduced for two inductively coupled coils of ring configuration. The response surface methodology (RSM) was used as a tool to develop this formula. The k was tested as a function of the geometrical parameters which include the followings parameters: an air-gap (d) between inductively coupled coils; coils dimensions which include the inner (r1) and outer (r2) radii of the transmitter coil, inner (R1) and outer (R2) radii of the receiver coil; and misalignment parameters. Therefore, the introduced k formula is facilitating of a ring coil design, performance optimization of an IPT system, and prediction of system behaviour at normal or misalignment cases. The percentage effect of each parameter on the k was calculated. It was found that the d has the most considerable impact on the k among other geometrical parameters.

In this research, using response surface methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional d... more In this research, using response surface methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional dependencies on the six specified geometrical parameters is developed for coupling capacitance (Cm) of a capacitive power transfer (CPT) device. The geometrical parameters include the physical and misalignment parameters of the plates. Using the variance analysis, the sensitivity of the Cm value to variations in the geometric parameters of the CPT device was investigated. The established analytical formula allows for easy calculation of the Cm value specific to the CPT devices for their different geometric parameters, including for different misalignments. It is also particularly useful in optimal design of the CPT devices. However, it was found that the misalignment parameters have a negligible effect on the Cm. On the other hand, the physical parameters have an effect of 46%, 38%, and 16% for the transmitter plate area, receiver plate area, and air-gap between them, respectively.

The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is mainly used in battery charging systems. The ca... more The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density, electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column couplers, respectively.

This paper investigated the performance of the sliding mode control technique for DC/DC converter... more This paper investigated the performance of the sliding mode control technique for DC/DC converter using frequency response method. The applications of the step down type switching regulator) buck converter (are found in the devices that use batteries as power source like laptop, cell phones, electric vehicle, and recently, it has also been used in the renewable energy processing, as a maximum output power can be achieved at higher efficiency. In order to optimize the efficiency and for convenient power management, the issues like power on transients, the effect of load variation, Switching and Electromagnetic interference (EMI) losses has to be overcome for which controllers are used. In the proposed method, pulse width modulation (PWM) based on proportional-integral-derivative sliding mode voltage controller (PID SMVC) is designed for a buck converter and the response for appropriate control parameters has been obtained. The system stability has been examined and analyzed from the performance characteristics, which shows clearly that the buck converter controlled by the sliding mode controller has fast dynamic response and it's very efficient for various applications.
In this paper, a capacitive power transfer (CPT) system of 1MHz switching frequency was used to s... more In this paper, a capacitive power transfer (CPT) system of 1MHz switching frequency was used to supply an electric vehicle battery pack of 6.6kW, 500V at an air-gap of 5cm. Four dual-sided compensation circuit topologies were considered. The dual means the same circuit topology used in both the transmitter and receiver sides. The aims of this study are analyzing and comparing the characteristics of the compensation circuits in order to facilitate of selecting a suitable compensation circuit for a specific application of a CPT system. The considered criteria for analyzing and comparing are input impedance characteristics, input VA rating, and misalignment characteristics. Due to its simplicity, the unipolar structure was used to represent the capacitive coupler.

The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is mainly used in battery charging systems. The ca... more The capacitive power transfer (CPT) technology is mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density, electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column couplers, respectively.
In this paper, a three-phase hybrid rectifier is proposed, employing a boost converter without th... more In this paper, a three-phase hybrid rectifier is proposed, employing a boost converter without the addition of isolation transformer and output voltage control. This topology is usually considered to be not viable due to the current interactions. In order to mitigate those interactions, the boost inductor is replaced by a magnetically coupled inductor. The coupled inductor forces the balance between the two interconnected windings, placed at the positive and negative poles, and thus eliminating the current interactions. The results show that the proposed three-phase rectifier does not undergo a current interaction and functions as a hybrid rectifier. Furthermore, it was noted that the proposed rectifier at 20 kW presents an elevated power factor and a low total harmonic distortion.
Papers by Mohammed AL-SAADI
(PDF) Analysis and Comparison of Resonance Topologies in 6.6kW Inductive Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles Batteries. Available from: [accessed Jan 14 2020].
proposed, employing a boost converter without the addition of
isolation transformer and output voltage control. This topology is
usually considered to be not viable due to the current interactions.
In order to mitigate those interactions, the boost inductor is
replaced by a magnetically coupled inductor. The coupled
inductor forces the balance between the two interconnected
windings, placed at the positive and negative poles, and thus
eliminating the current interactions. The results show that the
proposed three-phase rectifier does not undergo a current
interaction and functions as a hybrid rectifier. Furthermore, it
was noted that the proposed rectifier at 20 kW presents an
elevated power factor and a low total harmonic distortion.
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.
vehicle (EV) batteries charging. It is shown that the ring plates coupler provides better coupling capacitance and coefficient than
the square one. In this paper, the vertical, lateral, angular and rotational misalignments were actively researched. Furthermore, the
interoperability between the different plates configurations has been analyzed. The ring plate showed good compatibility only
with a ring plate, while the square plate showed good compatibility with the square and disc plates.
of 1MHz switching frequency was used to supply an electric
vehicle battery pack of 6.6kW, 500V at an air-gap of 5cm. Four
dual-sided compensation circuit topologies were considered. The
dual means the same circuit topology used in both the transmitter
and receiver sides. The aims of this study are analyzing and
comparing the characteristics of the compensation circuits in
order to facilitate of selecting a suitable compensation circuit for
a specific application of a CPT system. The considered criteria for
analyzing and comparing are input impedance characteristics,
input VA rating, and misalignment characteristics. Due to its
simplicity, the unipolar structure was used to represent the
capacitive coupler.
power transfer capability and efficiency are mainly depending
on the coupling coefficient (k) between the inductively coupled
coils. In this work, the spiral and square coil configurations were
experimentally made from litz wire as well as another spiral
copper coil. This study investigates the frequency characteristics
of these coil configurations in order to analyze the frequency
characteristics of the self-inductance and equivalent series
resistance of each coil; as well as we measured coefficient k
under different conditions based on the air-gap variation
between the inductively coupled coils and the misalignment
between them. Furthermore, we examined the interoperability
between the spiral and square coils configurations. It has been
found that the litz spiral coil achieved slightly higher selfinductance with compare to litz square coil and spiral copper
coil. Likewise, the square litz coil has slightly high equivalent
series resistance with compare to other coils. On the other hand,
the copper spiral coil has achieved better k than the other
coupling interfaces of the litz wire coils.
between the inductively coupled coils in an inductive power
transfer (IPT) system is a major problem of the wireless battery
charging. This problem causes decreasing and fluctuations of
the system efficiency and load power (or load voltage). In this
paper, a new approach was introduced to deals with such a
problem. The proposed approach based on the maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) and load power/voltage regulation
(PR/VR). The MPPT technology based on the impedance
matching (IM), where the tuning capacitances are still varying
to keep the resonant frequencies of the coils equal to the inverter
switching frequency (fs). The proposed PR/VR was achieved
based on the duty cycle control of the inverter; the fuzzy logic
controller (FLC) was used to achieve that.
make WPT widely used in many applications. Electric vehicle (EV) contactless charging is an important application
of WPT. Broadly, WPT categorized into radiative and non-radiative power transfer. Radiative power transfer is
transmitting high power density, which is unsafe for humans when it is been used for EVs charging. So, only nonradiative power transfer technologies have been using to charge the batteries. Non-radiative power transfer
includes inductive power transfer (IPT) and capacitive power transfer (CPT). Inductive charging technology is based
on IPT. This paper covers a comprehensive review of an inductive charging system for EVs batteries. Operation
principles, equivalent circuits modelling and power transfer requirements are presented. Some system design
problems are also presented. Several compensation technologies and coil shape designs proposed to enhance
inductive charging performance are also described. However, the air-gap between a charger and an EV, and the
magnetic coupling between them are an area of concern. The stationary and dynamic charging methodologies have
discussed briefly in this research. The most challenges and limitations of contactless EVs charging have been
described in terms of: battery capacity, power level, air-gap, mileage, misalignment tolerance, efficiency, and
interoperability. However, battery capacity can be enhanced by dynamic charging, the power level can be
controlled, while some other limitations can be improved as discussed in this paper.
system is much similar to an inductive power transfer (IPT) system. The CPT technology based on the electric field
coupling has addressed many limitations of an IPT technology, such as low electromagnetic interference (EMI), low
eddy current losses, and ability to transfer power through the metal barriers. Firstly, the CPT systems were utilized
for low power transfer applications through small air-gaps, because the development of unsafe voltages across the
conductive plates, However, the utilizing of new compensation circuit topologies have enabled the systems that
use this technology to be utilized for small, medium and long air-gaps applications. Currently, the CPT technology
can be used in many applications, such as charging mobile phones, laptop, and electric vehicles (EVs) batteries.
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current patterns and trends of the CPT technology usage in a
wireless battery charging. The principal of operation, capacitive coupler structures, equivalent circuits modelling,
plates configurations, resonance circuit topologies, challenges and limitations are actively described in this paper.
A hybrid wireless power transfer (HWPT) technology which is a combination of IPT and CPT technologies is also
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.
methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional
dependencies on the six specified geometrical parameters is
developed for coupling capacitance (Cm) of a capacitive power
transfer (CPT) device. The geometrical parameters include the
physical and misalignment parameters of the plates. Using the
variance analysis, the sensitivity of the Cm value to variations in
the geometric parameters of the CPT device was investigated. The
established analytical formula allows for easy calculation of the
Cm value specific to the CPT devices for their different geometric
parameters, including for different misalignments. It is also
particularly useful in optimal design of the CPT devices.
However, it was found that the misalignment parameters have a
negligible effect on the Cm. On the other hand, the physical
parameters have an effect of 46%, 38%, and 16% for the
transmitter plate area, receiver plate area, and air-gap between
them, respectively.
(PDF) Analysis and Comparison of Resonance Topologies in 6.6kW Inductive Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles Batteries. Available from: [accessed Jan 14 2020].
proposed, employing a boost converter without the addition of
isolation transformer and output voltage control. This topology is
usually considered to be not viable due to the current interactions.
In order to mitigate those interactions, the boost inductor is
replaced by a magnetically coupled inductor. The coupled
inductor forces the balance between the two interconnected
windings, placed at the positive and negative poles, and thus
eliminating the current interactions. The results show that the
proposed three-phase rectifier does not undergo a current
interaction and functions as a hybrid rectifier. Furthermore, it
was noted that the proposed rectifier at 20 kW presents an
elevated power factor and a low total harmonic distortion.
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.
vehicle (EV) batteries charging. It is shown that the ring plates coupler provides better coupling capacitance and coefficient than
the square one. In this paper, the vertical, lateral, angular and rotational misalignments were actively researched. Furthermore, the
interoperability between the different plates configurations has been analyzed. The ring plate showed good compatibility only
with a ring plate, while the square plate showed good compatibility with the square and disc plates.
of 1MHz switching frequency was used to supply an electric
vehicle battery pack of 6.6kW, 500V at an air-gap of 5cm. Four
dual-sided compensation circuit topologies were considered. The
dual means the same circuit topology used in both the transmitter
and receiver sides. The aims of this study are analyzing and
comparing the characteristics of the compensation circuits in
order to facilitate of selecting a suitable compensation circuit for
a specific application of a CPT system. The considered criteria for
analyzing and comparing are input impedance characteristics,
input VA rating, and misalignment characteristics. Due to its
simplicity, the unipolar structure was used to represent the
capacitive coupler.
power transfer capability and efficiency are mainly depending
on the coupling coefficient (k) between the inductively coupled
coils. In this work, the spiral and square coil configurations were
experimentally made from litz wire as well as another spiral
copper coil. This study investigates the frequency characteristics
of these coil configurations in order to analyze the frequency
characteristics of the self-inductance and equivalent series
resistance of each coil; as well as we measured coefficient k
under different conditions based on the air-gap variation
between the inductively coupled coils and the misalignment
between them. Furthermore, we examined the interoperability
between the spiral and square coils configurations. It has been
found that the litz spiral coil achieved slightly higher selfinductance with compare to litz square coil and spiral copper
coil. Likewise, the square litz coil has slightly high equivalent
series resistance with compare to other coils. On the other hand,
the copper spiral coil has achieved better k than the other
coupling interfaces of the litz wire coils.
between the inductively coupled coils in an inductive power
transfer (IPT) system is a major problem of the wireless battery
charging. This problem causes decreasing and fluctuations of
the system efficiency and load power (or load voltage). In this
paper, a new approach was introduced to deals with such a
problem. The proposed approach based on the maximum power
point tracking (MPPT) and load power/voltage regulation
(PR/VR). The MPPT technology based on the impedance
matching (IM), where the tuning capacitances are still varying
to keep the resonant frequencies of the coils equal to the inverter
switching frequency (fs). The proposed PR/VR was achieved
based on the duty cycle control of the inverter; the fuzzy logic
controller (FLC) was used to achieve that.
make WPT widely used in many applications. Electric vehicle (EV) contactless charging is an important application
of WPT. Broadly, WPT categorized into radiative and non-radiative power transfer. Radiative power transfer is
transmitting high power density, which is unsafe for humans when it is been used for EVs charging. So, only nonradiative power transfer technologies have been using to charge the batteries. Non-radiative power transfer
includes inductive power transfer (IPT) and capacitive power transfer (CPT). Inductive charging technology is based
on IPT. This paper covers a comprehensive review of an inductive charging system for EVs batteries. Operation
principles, equivalent circuits modelling and power transfer requirements are presented. Some system design
problems are also presented. Several compensation technologies and coil shape designs proposed to enhance
inductive charging performance are also described. However, the air-gap between a charger and an EV, and the
magnetic coupling between them are an area of concern. The stationary and dynamic charging methodologies have
discussed briefly in this research. The most challenges and limitations of contactless EVs charging have been
described in terms of: battery capacity, power level, air-gap, mileage, misalignment tolerance, efficiency, and
interoperability. However, battery capacity can be enhanced by dynamic charging, the power level can be
controlled, while some other limitations can be improved as discussed in this paper.
system is much similar to an inductive power transfer (IPT) system. The CPT technology based on the electric field
coupling has addressed many limitations of an IPT technology, such as low electromagnetic interference (EMI), low
eddy current losses, and ability to transfer power through the metal barriers. Firstly, the CPT systems were utilized
for low power transfer applications through small air-gaps, because the development of unsafe voltages across the
conductive plates, However, the utilizing of new compensation circuit topologies have enabled the systems that
use this technology to be utilized for small, medium and long air-gaps applications. Currently, the CPT technology
can be used in many applications, such as charging mobile phones, laptop, and electric vehicles (EVs) batteries.
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current patterns and trends of the CPT technology usage in a
wireless battery charging. The principal of operation, capacitive coupler structures, equivalent circuits modelling,
plates configurations, resonance circuit topologies, challenges and limitations are actively described in this paper.
A hybrid wireless power transfer (HWPT) technology which is a combination of IPT and CPT technologies is also
mainly used in battery charging systems. The capacitive coupler
plays a critical role in a CPT system. The capacitive coupler can
be classified into two sections, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar
includes row and column couplers. This paper aims to analyse and
compare the capacitive couplers. The plates dimension, plates
spacing, and misalignment characteristics were analysed for each
coupler. These parameters were considered as criteria to evaluate
and compare the capacitive couplers in terms of investigation their
effects on the coupling capacitance (Cm). All couplers were
examined in a CPT system with a dual LCL compensation circuit
topology. The voltage stress of the components, power density,
electric field emissions, and safety distance were evaluated. The
results showed that the most components in a CPT system of a
unipolar coupler have the highest voltage stress among other
couplers. This indicates that the CPT system with the unipolar
coupler requires passive components with high VA ratings, and
high insulation requirements are necessary. Likewise, it was found
that the highest power density and lowest safety distance among
the other couplers were achieved by the unipolar and column
couplers, respectively.
methodology (RSM), an analytical formula as functional
dependencies on the six specified geometrical parameters is
developed for coupling capacitance (Cm) of a capacitive power
transfer (CPT) device. The geometrical parameters include the
physical and misalignment parameters of the plates. Using the
variance analysis, the sensitivity of the Cm value to variations in
the geometric parameters of the CPT device was investigated. The
established analytical formula allows for easy calculation of the
Cm value specific to the CPT devices for their different geometric
parameters, including for different misalignments. It is also
particularly useful in optimal design of the CPT devices.
However, it was found that the misalignment parameters have a
negligible effect on the Cm. On the other hand, the physical
parameters have an effect of 46%, 38%, and 16% for the
transmitter plate area, receiver plate area, and air-gap between
them, respectively.