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Spsecial issue on papers of the 12 th ICTH (2020) organized by Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University
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This study aims to assess the impact of intellectual capital on the innovation performance of Egyptian travel agencies. To achieve this, the researchers used a deductive approach as well as a quantitative method. A semi-structured... more
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The continuous development of information technology has fundamentally revolutionized our communication patterns and behavior through the Internet, establishing a digital medium in which information is consumed and disseminated. In this... more
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    • Business
This study aims to assess the impact of intellectual capital on the innovation performance of Egyptian travel agencies. To achieve this, the researchers used a deductive approach as well as a quantitative method. A semi-structured... more
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      BusinessIntellectual Capital
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly a significant influence on the tourism industry due to the perceived risk of travelers that cause them to change their travel decision. The study proposed a conceptual framework to identify the impact... more
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Travel blogs are considered an important tool for destination marketing. Bloggers' narrative reflects their tourist experience and their comments often contain recommendations and their intentions to revisit the destinations their stories... more
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In the last years, the phenomena of customer co-creation have been receiving great attention in tourism studies. Co-creation is a new practice that can help businesses gain a competitive advantage. Customer co-creation is considered an... more
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating and moderating role of innovative services marketing strategy and safety and security measures in the tourism industry. Data were collected from 104 managers of travel agencies... more
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Tourism acts as a vital economic sector, though, revenues generated by domestic tourism in Egypt are far below expected levels. This paper aims to profile the Egyptian pleasure traveler based on travel attitude and behavior. The paper... more
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The most difficult part about ethical climate in the workplace is its outcomes on job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover intention. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the moderating role of ethical climate between... more
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      BusinessPsychologyOrganizational CommitmentJob Satisfaction
Websites, social media, and tourism mobile applications are now considered important online channels for promoting destinations' brand. The study employed content analysis technique to analyze the official Egyptian Tourism Website, social... more
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      BusinessAdvertisingSocial MediaTourism
Spsecial issue on papers of the 12 th ICTH (2020) organized by Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University
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This study aims to assess the impact of intellectual capital on the innovation performance of Egyptian travel agencies. To achieve this, the researchers used a deductive approach as well as a quantitative method. A semi-structured... more
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      BusinessStructural Equation ModelingSocial CapitalHuman Capital
With COVID-19 travel restrictions and home quarantines, vicarious travel has emerged as a safe physical travel alternative and a refuge for relaxation, stress relief, and escapism. This study aims to examine Egyptians" attitudes towards... more
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      PerceptionTourismRisk PerceptionCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The continuous development of information technology has fundamentally revolutionized our communication patterns and behavior through the Internet, establishing a digital medium in which information is consumed and disseminated. In this... more
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      BusinessUser-Generated ContentTravel AgenciesDigital Transformation
The focus of this study is on the application challenges of big data (BD) in tourism for one of the developing countries and how to utilise technology to improve the decision-making process. Specifically, the authors aimed to investigate... more
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      Decision MakingTechnology AdoptionBig DataBarriers
This study investigates the impact of hyper-personalisation through digital clienteling on the online booking intentions and behaviours of domestic tourists, employing an integrated model of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and... more
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      EgyptCustomer BehaviourTechnology AdoptionDomestic Tourism
This study investigates the transition barriers to the Circular Economy (CE) for travel agencies in Egypt. Drawing on a comprehensive literature review, the study develops a conceptual framework encompassing external and internal barriers... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCircular EconomyUN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)
This study aims to fill a critical gap in the field of circular tourism by investigating the perceptions and attitudes towards circularity among domestic tourists in Egypt, a developing country. The purpose is to provide insights into the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentDomestic TourismCircular Economy