1) How to request technical support?
If the issue you need technical support with is not covered on this page, click the link next to the license key, on the plugin settings, and fill out the ticket with your request.
2) Where do I report security vulnerabilities found in this plugin?
You can report any security bugs found in the source code of this plugin through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program.
The Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment and take care of notifying us.
General features
1) Which roles can access the “Shop as client” functionality?
Administrators and Shop managers can use “Shop as client” on the checkout.
Add this to your (child) theme functions.php file if you want to allow other user roles to use this functionality.
2) I’m giving discounts user or user-role-based. Will this work?
Yes and no. Normally the logged-in user is the Administrator or Shop Manager. It’s not possible to integrate with the vast amount of user or user role-based discount plugins when the logged-in user is not the customer himself.
However, our PRO add-on integrates with the User Switching plugin and sets the Administrator or Shop Manager that switched to the customer account as the order handler upon checkout, thus allowing to benefit from the fact the customer is logged-in (discounts, wishlists, or any other functionality provided by 3rd party plugins based on the logged-in user) and still get our plugin functionalities.
So, if you use our PRO add-on and the User Switching plugin, instead of selecting the customer with our built-in search functionality, you switch to the customer account and process the order with its account. Your user ID is still set as the handler for that order and you can still request payment by email securely with our fake payment gateway.
3) Can I use a customer saved credit card to pay for the order?
Read the FAQ above regarding user-role-based discounts. It’s the exact same scenario.
For security reasons, WooCommerce will not allow even shop administrators to access user stored payment methods, but if you use our plugin and the User Switching plugin, you can switch to the customer account and use the saved credit card information to pay for the order.
You should make sure to get unequivocal authorization from your customer to access and use the account and credit card details.
4) Why am I not seeing the “thank you” / “order received” page after checkout? 🔗
Since WooCommerce 7.8.1 you’ll get “Please log in to your account to view this order” after checkout because the order no longer belongs to your logged-in user and was assigned to the customer user. This is a security measure put in place that actually makes a lot of sense.
We implemented a fix on Shop as Client PRO add-on version 2.3 (only for the classic checkout, as the new block-based checkout does not allow overriding this page).
5) How can I search by “first name + last name” on the checkout autocomplete field?
Before version 6.0 of this plugin, we were searching on each WooCommerce name, company and address user meta fields, which means it was not easy to find a user by “first name + last name” because those two strings do not exist together on the same meta entry.
Since version 6.0 we are building a user index meta with all the relevant information combined, solving this issue, as well as improving the search performance.
Each user index is updated whenever his details are changed, but a complete index for all users can be triggered with the “Rebuild users index'” option on the plugin settings. However, if you have a large number of users, this may be slow and even cause a timeout not completing the task, in which case we recommend using the WP-CLI wp shop-as-client-pro rebuild-users-index
1) When using Stripe, the credit card details are saved on the admin account, not the customers’. Is it possible to save the cards to the customer account?
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to save cards to another user other than the one logged in.
For security reasons, we do not recommend that you request the credit card number from your customer and add it yourself to the order but instead use our “Request payment by email” payment gateway so that the user can insert the credit card later on his own, clicking on the link he’ll get via email.
Third-Party Compatibility
1) Known incompatibilities
- FunnelKit: Our fields will not show up, rendering it unusable;
1) How to transfer the license to another domain?
You should ask for the domain change in your customer area, next to the original order details.
After you get the reply from us stating that the license key is free, you should go to the plugin configurations on the new website and insert the key again.
If you cloned the website, the license key is on the database, and you need to remove it, or else this new domain will not be activated. Remove these records from the wp_options table on the fresh install:
Then you should be able to insert the key again and activate it on the new domain.
2) How to replace the license key on the same website?
If you need to replace your license key on the same website, because you let the subscription expire and had to buy again, or you were using a temporary key for some reason, remove these records from the wp_options:
Then you should be able to insert the new key and activate the plugin again.
Developer hooks
As stated in our policy, the usage of developer hooks is not covered by technical support, yet we provide some usage examples below.
1) Getting custom fields on autocomplete – classic checkout
If you have checkout custom fields and need them to autocomplete, you can use the shop_as_client_pro_customer_data filter
This filter is only available on the classic checkout. The block-based checkout fundamentally changed how things work and each custom field needs to be address individually by our plugin, not being possible to do it with hooks. If you need to add compatibility with another plugin / custom field, please contact us.