Papers by bustamam bonari

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jul 31, 2015
Students majoring in Certificate of Hotel & Catering Management in Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Polytec... more Students majoring in Certificate of Hotel & Catering Management in Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Polytechnic, Perlis are disabled (Disabled People) with hearing impairment. They constitute a minority of students in Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Polytechnic. The objective of this study is to help and find out the cause of the problems faced by disabled students, as well as suggestions on how to resolve the problems. This research is a quantitative research. Data was collected through questionnaires which were distributed during the class. The respondents were students of Hotel Management & Catering for semester 1 and 3, June 2013 session of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality. The results showed that the level of understanding and enjoyment of learning in the course is very low at 9%. Some of the proposed actions have been identified to improve student achievement in this subject.

: This disabilities student is taught in the classroom by an experienced lecturer and assisted by... more : This disabilities student is taught in the classroom by an experienced lecturer and assisted by an interpreter lecturer who plays the role of translating what he is trying to convey to the student. Constraints often occur in the process of teaching and learning is because the process of communicating information by lecturers to students is not entirely due to communication problems. Indirectly, students do not understand the topic in the course of the syllabus. This is because, the mental capabilities of hearing-impaired people differ from ordinary people due to the lack of stimulation of hearing sensory and speech they experience. Therefore this study aimed to examine the level of disabilities students in their achievement on bakery module using game board and overcome the problem occurs at Malaysian Polytechnic. Through stratified random sampling technique, there were there were 86 respondents been selected from 110 students located at three polytechnic namely Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis , Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu ,Sabah and Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan ,Johor. Through the quantitative study, descriptive analysis found variable interest was at higher level with the highest dimension after post test result. The study was implied to a lecturer for paying more attention to their roles as teachers in terms of their way to teach, attract the student in the class room and make the learning process become more attractive. Some suggestions were proposed for the future study

TVET System in Malaysia is divided into three streams i.e. higher education, technical and vocati... more TVET System in Malaysia is divided into three streams i.e. higher education, technical and vocational education and vocational skills training. Vocational and technical education starts at junior secondary level, which lies under the purview of Ministry of Education (MoE). This quantitative study was used an individual as a unit of analysis. Data was collected from the population of lectures at 1 polytechnic at Malaysia which is Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, using stratified sampling technique. Through this technique, the population of 80 lectures was grouped intro strata which includes varieties program. As derived from Krejcie and Morgan, a total of 66 lectures were made as sample size of the study. Instrument for this study was adapted from various authors such as Stufflebeam. Through the quantitative study, descriptive analysis found that dimension of process in Stufflebeam Cipp model was at higher level . Besides that, results from analysis of Pearson correlation f...

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Banana is a topical fruit consumed worldwide. Since bananas lifecycle is short, prolonging its... more Banana is a topical fruit consumed worldwide. Since bananas lifecycle is short, prolonging its' shelf life is necessary to cater for the increasing demand of globalization. This study aims to evaluate frozen bananas' quality proportional to nutritional profile and the products' acceptability as traditional ready-to-eat food. A pilot study with 30 respondents looking at the attributions between Saba Crispy and raw Saba using a 5-point Likert scale yielded 50% agreeing to texture, taste, and flavor of Saba Crispy and 66.67% for colors. Hence, the product's color and texture influence the customer's acceptance and should be marketed with new varieties. Keywords: Saba Banana, Malays, Frozen and Nutritive eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AME...

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Banana is a topical fruit consumed worldwide. Since bananas lifecycle is short, prolonging its... more Banana is a topical fruit consumed worldwide. Since bananas lifecycle is short, prolonging its' shelf life is necessary to cater for the increasing demand of globalization. This study aims to evaluate frozen bananas' quality proportional to nutritional profile and the products' acceptability as traditional ready-to-eat food. A pilot study with 30 respondents looking at the attributions between Saba Crispy and raw Saba using a 5-point Likert scale yielded 50% agreeing to texture, taste, and flavor of Saba Crispy and 66.67% for colors. Hence, the product's color and texture influence the customer's acceptance and should be marketed with new varieties. Keywords: Saba Banana, Malays, Frozen and Nutritive eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AME...

Online business is getting popular among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, including young entrepreneurs... more Online business is getting popular among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, including young entrepreneurs who titled of student. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the personal background, self-motivation and online experience and its correlation to the entrepreneurial behaviors of students' online business. The study population comprised of 4053 students of Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin with a sample size of 351 individuals. Quantitative data collected through surveys technic using stratified sampling method involved a student' category of social sciences and engineering and technology. Descriptive analysis that was conducted found the highest levels of the variables associated with entrepreneurial behavior is self-motivation, followed by the online experience and personal background. While the correlation analysis also found that the three independent variables have a significant and positive relationship with the entrepreneurial behavior of the online business. These findings illustrate the relevant parties on the factors related to the entrepreneurial behavior of the online business. Finally, some suggestions were made for future research.

Negeri Perlis yang terletak di bahagian Utara Semenanjung Malaysia memang terkenal dengan diversi... more Negeri Perlis yang terletak di bahagian Utara Semenanjung Malaysia memang terkenal dengan diversity budaya seperti makanan, tarian serta permainan tradisional yang masih dikekalkan elemennya sehingga kini. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah mengkaji makanan tradisional negeri Perlis yang semakin dilupakan serta tidak wujud lagi disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Kajian ini merupakan sebuah kajian kuantitatif dan data diperolehi secara soal selidik dan temubual dalam kalangan masyarakat sekitar negeri Perlis yang berbeza dari segi latar belakang sosialnya. Seramai 20 orang responden telah dipilih untuk menyertai kajian ini dan berdasarkan analisa maklumat yang diperolehi menunjukkan pengetahuan penduduk ke atas makanan tradisi ini adalah amat rendah dari segi peratusannya. Beberapa cadangan telah dikenal pasti bagi mengembalikan kegemilangan makanan tradisional tersebut. Pendedahan mengenai makanan-makanan tradisi di negeri Perlis ini perlu dikaji dan diperkemas lagi supaya masyarakat amnya penduduk negeri Perlis mengetahui kewujudan dan tidak melupakan makanan-makanan tradisional tersebut.
Kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk menilai kelengkapan peralatan dalam proses pembelaja... more Kajian ini dijalankan adalah bertujuan untuk menilai kelengkapan peralatan dalam proses pembelajaran bagi subjek HH 310 -Pastry dan Bakery di kalangan pelajar semester 5 Jabatan Hospitaliti & Pelancongan Politeknik Teknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin.Dalam permerhatian saya dengan menggunakan kaedah soal selidik didapatisebanyak 25 peratus melibatkan pelajar menghadapi masalah dalam kerosakan peralatan bakeri semasa kelas dijalankan.Selain daripada masalah dalam kerosakan peralatan bakeri terdapat juga sebanyak 25 peratus pelajar menyatakan kurang minat dalam subjek bakeri ini disebabkan kurangnya pendedahan.Namun masalah ini telah diatasi dengan melakukan lawatan ilmiah ke premis pembuatan bakeri konfeksioneri secara komersial.Data yang diperoleh jelas membuktikan bahawa masalah kelengkapan peralatan dalam pembelajaran HH 310perlu diatasi dengan secara bijak.
Conference Presentations by bustamam bonari

TVET System in Malaysia is divided into three streams i.e. higher education, technical and vocati... more TVET System in Malaysia is divided into three streams i.e. higher education, technical and vocational education and vocational skills training. Vocational and technical education starts at junior secondary level, which lies under the purview of Ministry of Education (MoE). This quantitative study was used an individual as a unit of analysis. Data was collected from the population of lectures at 1 polytechnic at Malaysia which is Politeknik Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis, using stratified sampling technique. Through this technique, the population of 80 lectures was grouped intro strata which includes varieties program. As derived from Krejcie and Morgan, a total of 66 lectures were made as sample size of the study. Instrument for this study was adapted from various authors such as Stufflebeam. Through the quantitative study, descriptive analysis found that dimension of process in Stufflebeam Cipp model was at higher level. Besides that, results from analysis of Pearson correlation found a significant relationship between TVET program in Malaysian polytechnic with Stufflebeam Cipp model. Some suggestion were proposed for the future study. .

This disabilities student is taught in the classroom by an experienced lecturer and assisted by a... more This disabilities student is taught in the classroom by an experienced lecturer and assisted by an interpreter lecturer who plays the role of translating what he is trying to convey to the student. Constraints often occur in the process of teaching and learning is because the process of communicating information by lecturers to students is not entirely due to communication problems. Indirectly, students do not understand the topic in the course of the syllabus. This is because, the mental capabilities of hearing-impaired people differ from ordinary people due to the lack of stimulation of hearing sensory and speech they experience. Therefore this study aimed to examine the level of disabilities students in their achievement on bakery module using game board and overcome the problem occurs at Malaysian Polytechnic. Through stratified random sampling technique, there were there were 86 respondents been selected from 110 students located at three polytechnic namely Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis , Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu ,Sabah and Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan ,Johor. Through the quantitative study, descriptive analysis found variable interest was at higher level with the highest dimension after post test result. The study was implied to a lecturer for paying more attention to their roles as teachers in terms of their way to teach, attract the student in the class room and make the learning process become more attractive. Some suggestions were proposed for the future study.

Leadership is vital for the success of any organization especially in achieving its vision, missi... more Leadership is vital for the success of any organization especially in achieving its vision, mission, objectives and goals. In relation to that, leader plays the important role in driving the commitment of subordinates toward the successful of an organization. Previous study revealed that the effective leadership style contribute to a high level among its subordinates. Nevertheless, some studies found the types of leadership style describe the various different implications to an organization. Therefore this study aimed to investigate the practice of transformational leadership among head of department and its relationship to commitment of academic staff at public higher learning institution. Population of the study was lectures at Malaysian polytechnic. Through stratified random sampling technique , there were 265 respondents been selected from 865 lectures located at three polytechnic namely Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Perlis , Polytehcnic Sultan Abdul Halim Muad`zam Shah,Jitra , Kedah and Polytechnic Sultanah Bahiyah , Kulim , Kedah. Two set instrument were used namely transformational leadership using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) by Avilio and Bass (2004), and instrument for the commitment established by Meyer and Allen (1990). Through the quantitative study, descriptive analysis found transformational leadership practice among head of departments was at higher level with the highest dimension of intellectual stimulation. Besides that, results from analysis of Pearson correlation found a significant relationship between transformational leadership of head department and commitment of lectures at Malaysian polytechnic. The study was implied to a head departments for paying more attention to their roles as leaders in terms of their apprearance , decision making process , motivation of subordinates and counsel on an individual basis. The transformational leadership style will give a positive effect on the success of their institutions. Some suggestion were proposed for the future study.
Papers by bustamam bonari
Conference Presentations by bustamam bonari