Papers by Dzulkarnain Musa

Business performance plays an important role for the survival of a f m ' s operations. In relatio... more Business performance plays an important role for the survival of a f m ' s operations. In relation to that, this study focuses on the aspect of business performance among cooperative firms. The objectives of this study are to measure the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (independent variable) and market orientation and the participation of the members (moderators) toward business performance. The entrepreneurial orientation strategies consist of five constructs: innovativeness, proactiveness, risk-taking, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness, while market orientation involves three constructs: customer orientation, competitor orientation and coordination between departments, and the participation of the members which contains one construct. This study involved a sample of 331 out of 2,561 micro-, small-and medium-sized cooperative f m s in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. A test on the hypotheses was conducted through multiple and hierarchical regression analysis. In the first step, the regression analysis results showed that three control variables, which included small-sized, medium-aged and young-aged firms influenced the business performance. Meanwhile, in the second step, the analysis revealed that two entrepreneurial orientation constructs: innovativeness (I3 = .072, p <.05) and proactiveness (13 = .082, p c.05) were directly and positively related to a higher business performance. Furthermore, the third step showed that only customer orientation was significantly related to business performance. Lastly, the fourth step successfully traced the moderate interaction of the coordination between departments towards the relationship of risk-taking with business performance (13 = 2.526, p <.01) and autonomy with business performance (13 =-2161, p c.01). This study highlighted the positive role of innovativeness and proactiveness constructs in improving the business performance of the cooperative firms. In addition, this study also revealed the need to make alignments in firms' behavior of coordination between departments. This is caused by the results of moderate interaction which was significant but not parallel with each other; positive (with risk-taking and business perfo~~nance) and negative (with autonomy and business performance). The theoretical and management implications in detail as well as recommendations for future research are also discussed.

International Journal of Education, Islamic Studies and Social Science Research, 2023
Urus niaga jual beli saham di bursa saham merupakan instrumen penting dalam menjana ekonomi seseb... more Urus niaga jual beli saham di bursa saham merupakan instrumen penting dalam menjana ekonomi sesebuah negara. Perkara itu berikutan dengan pembiayaan permodalan bagi membiayai operasi sesebuah syarikat awam. Bagaimanapun pelabur baharu tanpa pengetahuan asas tentang pelaburan saham lebih terdedah kepada risiko kerugian akibat daripada keadaan pasaran yang sentiasa berubah-ubah. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini meneliti dan mengulas literatur lepas berkaitan teknik dan analisis pelaburan yang perlu difahami oleh pelabur sebelum mereka membuat keputusan pelaburan. Analisis yang berkaitan termasuklah analisis fundamental dan analisis teknikal. Ulasan literatur dibuat dengan merujuk kepada data sekunder melalui beberapa kajian lepas manakala contoh yang dikemukakan pula menggunakan data primer melalui platform dalam talian yang berkaitan. Perbincangan kajian ini diakhiri dengan menyediakan ringkasan umum tentang cara bagaimana pelabur harus menyediakan analisis yang tepat serta pelan portfolio saham mereka. Beberapa cadangan turut dikemukakan untuk panduan para pelabur baharu.

Journal on Technical and Vocational Education, 2023
Social entrepreneurship (SE) has started to gain attention in Malaysia lately. The sub-field of e... more Social entrepreneurship (SE) has started to gain attention in Malaysia lately. The sub-field of entrepreneurship became popular due to the activeness of some social entrepreneurs on their social media platforms. However, what is the meaning of SE? What is its development position in Malaysia? So that the aim of this study was to review the actual meaning of SE itself and its current development in Malaysia. The information for this study was gathered from secondary sources including journal articles and online platforms. Discussions and reviews are made based on the findings of previous studies that have been published by past researchers. The discussions from this study can shed light on the actual meaning of SE and its role in developing the economy and helping the surrounding community. In addition, it can be understood about the development position of this field in Malaysia. Several points have been proposed for future focus and attention.

Journal on Technical and Vocational Education, 2023
Social entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for social well-being and community life. Despite its i... more Social entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for social well-being and community life. Despite its importance, the development of social entrepreneurship is still new in Malaysia. In relation to that, this study aims to measure the level of social entrepreneurship intention and its correlation with related factors including awareness, knowledge, and interest among students. This study collects data quantitatively through a survey that covers the population including students of TVET higher education institutions in the state of Perlis. A total of 203 responses received were analyzed descriptively and correlationally. Descriptive analysis has shown a high level for all variables while the correlation test has shown a significant and positive relationship between social entrepreneurship intention with awareness, knowledge, and interest. The results of the study have enlightened towards understanding the development level and its intention to social entrepreneurship in Malaysia. Several recommendations have been made for future studies.

International Journal of Education, Islamic Studies and Social Sciences Research, 2022
Resource management effectively and efficiently within the firm become a key force in the continu... more Resource management effectively and efficiently within the firm become a key force in the continuous success and competitiveness to the market environment. Firm seeks to achieve when they can identify and exploit their own resources going forward to compete with others. In this regard, this paper is intended to review more clearly the RBV theory that is the core of resource management within a firm. In addition, resource management is examined in terms of firm's strategic orientation due to the orientation associated with an increase in business performance. Some orientation has been investigated involving entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and participation of members in the organization. This review paper is expected to provide insight into the firm's management about the importance of identifying their resources and use them for the benefit of the future. The use of resources appropriately and optimally capable of lifting their firm ahead of its competitors in the market. Some suggestions are brought for further examination in the future.

International Journal of Business and Management, Aug 30, 2018
Previous studies have found that market orientation practices were important in benefiting the co... more Previous studies have found that market orientation practices were important in benefiting the continuity of the business firms. In this regard, the study tries to focus on the market orientation practices using MKTOR scale including customer orientation, competitor orientation and coordination between functions. The survey type of study was carried out among 136 micro-sized enterprises in Perlis and grouped into four major towns using stratified random sampling technique. Results from the descriptive analysis were shown that the mean value for the three market orientation constructs was at medium high level. The issue gives an overview of moderate market orientation practices amongst such enterprises. This finding provides useful enlightenment to micro-sized enterprises and related parties in developing the business in the future. Some implications to the related parties and future suggestions were discussed.

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) field is part of the drive for nationa... more The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) field is part of the drive for national development. With the circumstances, the TVET institutions have taken steps towards creating future entrepreneurs as well as contributing to high-skilled employment. Thus, the study was conducted to examine several factors related to higher learning environment and role model as well as their relationship with entrepreneurship intentions among TVET students. The study was hypothesized and tested using three dimensions of TVET higher learning environment (entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship activities and teaching and learning methods) and role model factors that influence students' entrepreneurial intention. The results from correlation analysis found that there was a relationship between all the independent variables; entrepreneurship activities, role models, entrepreneurship education and teaching and learning methods with entrepreneurial intentions. The overall results ...

The Journal of social sciences and humanities, 2019
Workers’ cynicism towards organizational change or known as change-specific cynicism refers to th... more Workers’ cynicism towards organizational change or known as change-specific cynicism refers to the tendency of workers to be cynical about any changes introduced by their respective organisations. Specific change in the organization of this study focuses on the changes of system in Malaysian Polytechnic regarding the corporatization of the organization. This survey-based quantitative study examines the level of informational, organizational and social support factors in association with the academia’s change-specific cynicism towards their organisational change. 263 sets of questionnaires were analysed in this study. The descriptive analysis showed the moderate level for change-specific cynicism among academia and all three main factors associated with change-specific cynicism. Despite the moderate level for independent variables, the results showed that social support was the highest level, followed by organizational relation and information. This indicates that the formation of a ...

The performance of business in cooperatives sector should be grown rapidly every year. It is in l... more The performance of business in cooperatives sector should be grown rapidly every year. It is in line with the goals of its establishment which aims to mobilize the resources of the members for their economic and welfare benefits. Nevertheless, the cooperatives’ membership which has recorded rapid growth each year does not support the significant increase of some of its key economic performance indicators. In this regard, this study aims to examine the development of cooperatives business in Malaysia in order to know the current position of its performance. In addition, the study also examines several issues arising from the performance of the cooperatives business and the challenges they face. The data and figures discussed are derived from secondary sources especially from SKM and ICA, as well as references from previous studies. Some suggestions are also discussed for future directions.
Buletin JP PTSS, 2020
Pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda dunia telah memberi kesan negatif dalam perniagaan dan juga tawara... more Pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda dunia telah memberi kesan negatif dalam perniagaan dan juga tawaran pekerjaan. Deretan lepasan IPT yang memenuhi pasaran pekerjaan turut menyulitkan keadaan. Justeru, penulisan ini mengutarakan kepentingan para graduan mencipta pekerjaan sendiri dan menjadi majikan melalui aktiviti keusahawanan. Hal tersebut berikutan pendedahan meluas berkaitan aktiviti keusahawanan semasa mereka bergelar pelajar IPT. Seharusnya pembelajaran, pendedahan dan pengalaman berkaitan keusahawanan di kampus dapat melahirkan graduan yang berupaya mencipta peluang pekerjaan sendiri seterusnya dapat mengurangkan tekanan dalam pasaran pekerjaan negara.

Journal of Technical and Vocational Education (JTVE), 2020
The performance of business in cooperatives sector should be grown rapidly every year. It is in l... more The performance of business in cooperatives sector should be grown rapidly every year. It is in line with the goals of its establishment which aims to mobilize the resources of the members for their economic and welfare benefits. Nevertheless, the cooperatives' membership which has recorded rapid growth each year does not support the significant increase of some of its key economic performance indicators. In this regard, this study aims to examine the development of cooperatives business in Malaysia in order to know the current position of its performance. In addition, the study also want to examine several issues arising from the performance of the cooperatives business and the challenges they faced. The data and figures discussed are derived from secondary sources especially from SKM and ICA, as well as references from previous studies. Some suggestions are also discussed for future directions.

Jurnal Intelek, 2020
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) field is part of the drive for nationa... more The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) field is part of the drive for national development. With the circumstances, the TVET institutions have taken steps towards creating future entrepreneurs as well as contributing to high-skilled employment. Thus, the study was conducted to examine several factors related to higher learning environment and role model as well as their relationship with entrepreneurship intentions among TVET students. The study was hypothesized and tested using three dimensions of TVET higher learning environment (entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship activities and teaching and learning methods) and role model factors that influence students' entrepreneurial intention. The results from correlation analysis found that there was a relationship between all the independent variables; entrepreneurship activities, role models, entrepreneurship education and teaching and learning methods with entrepreneurial intentions. The overall results of the study act as an enlightenment for related parties in developing future entrepreneurship society for the development of the country.

Pendidikan Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019
Workers' cynicism towards organizational change or known as change-specific cynicism refers to th... more Workers' cynicism towards organizational change or known as change-specific cynicism refers to the tendency of workers to be cynical about any changes introduced by their respective organisations. Specific change in the organization of this study focuses on the changes of system in Malaysian Polytechnic regarding the corporatization of the organization. This survey-based quantitative study examines the level of informational, organizational and social support factors in association with the academia's change-specific cynicism towards their organisational change. 263 sets of questionnaires were analysed in this study. The descriptive analysis showed the moderate level for change-specific cynicism among academia and all three main factors associated with change-specific cynicism. Despite the moderate level for independent variables, the results showed that social support was the highest level, followed by organizational relation and information. This indicates that the formation of a framework based on a study of Social Information Processing Theory found the meaningful impact on the findings. Theoretical and practical implications of the study as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.

International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, 2019
Scholars in entrepreneurship studies have found the vital role of innovation practices towards th... more Scholars in entrepreneurship studies have found the vital role of innovation practices towards the performance of businesses. Innovation is often associated with an increase in the performance of a business. However, the question arises is what are the types of innovation that can significantly affect business performance. In this regard, the study aims to examine the current position of business performance and innovation practices among micro-sized enterprises. In addition, this quantitative study also seeks to establish the relationship between the three multidimensional constructs of innovation (including product innovation, process innovation and technological innovation) with business performance. The data collection process was carried out through surveys that involved a sample of 127 micro-sized enterprises in Perlis. Descriptive analysis showed that the current situation of business performance and all types of innovation were at a high level of practices. The result from correlation analysis further revealed that product innovation, process innovation, and technological innovation have a significant and positive relationship with the improvement in business performance. It provides knowledge on the importance of the practice of all three types of innovation in business enterprises. The implications and future directions of this study are also discussed.

Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2017
_______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Today, ... more _______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Today, Muslim travellers segment are becoming high market potential in global tourism business. They are heterogeneous in nature, made up differences and looking for a wide range of tourism products. As such, information on Inbound Muslim travellers' (IMT) profile and travel characteristic will benefit tourism players in tailoring suitable tourism product for this segment. However, to date the detail information on their demographic and travel characteristic is limited. Beside, due to the increasingly competitive from Muslim and Non-Muslim countries in catering this segment, it is essential for Malaysia to have the latest information as to gain better understanding of IMT. Therefore, this paper is trying to give insight into IMT's profile in Malaysia. A survey was conducted at the international airports of Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi. The 600 questionnaire were returned and a descriptive analysis was performed to report the result. The results of demographics and travel characteristics can be used by tourism players in planning and development of Malaysia tourism industry.

Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2017
The higher learning institutions play the vital role in developing students with various aspects ... more The higher learning institutions play the vital role in developing students with various aspects of skills and knowledge to face any challenges in the future. Besides attending an academic programme, students need to participate in campus election in order to select the Student Representative Council (SRC). So that this study aims to examine the three key factors correlated with the awareness of students towards SRC. These factors include voting rights, roles and selection criteria. This survey was conducted on 375 students of Malaysian Polytechnics in the Northern region, including Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin (PTSS), Perlis, Polytechnic Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah (POLIMAS), Kedah and Polytechnic Seberang Perai (PSP), Penang. Cluster sampling technique was chosen in collecting the data of the study. Descriptive analysis showed that the awareness of students was the highest mean score, followed by the factor of roles, voting rights and selection criteria. Meanwhile the analysis of correlation found that all three independent factors were positively significant with the awareness of students toward SRC. This study provides some enlightening information to the relevant parties to focus on SRC development in polytechnics as well as other higher learning institutions.

Online business is getting popular among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, including young entrepreneurs... more Online business is getting popular among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, including young entrepreneurs who titled of student. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the personal background, self-motivation and online experience and its correlation to the entrepreneurial behaviors of students' online business. The study population comprised of 4053 students of Polytechnic Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin with a sample size of 351 individuals. Quantitative data collected through surveys technique using stratified sampling method involved a student' category of social sciences and engineering and technology. Descriptive analysis that was conducted found the highest levels of the variables associated with entrepreneurial behavior is self-motivation, followed by the online experience and personal background. While the correlation analysis also found that the three independent variables have a significant and positive relationship with the entrepreneurial behavior of the online business. These findings illustrate the relevant parties on the factors related to the entrepreneurial behavior of the online business. Finally, some suggestions were made for future research.

Scholars in management and strategy found that the participation of members correlated with busin... more Scholars in management and strategy found that the participation of members correlated with business performance. However, the business performance of cooperatives in Malaysia does not clearly show this trend. As such, this study aims to examine the level of members " participation and its correlation with the cooperatives " business performance. The members " participation constructs were decision making, share capital and the usage of products and services measured through multi-dimensional analysis, despite current literature that focuses on unidimensional construct. Data was collected using the survey of 148 members of Koperasi PTSS Berhad. By using descriptive analysis, the result shows that usage of products and service was the highest level of members " participation, followed by share capital and decision-making. While correlation analysis found that all three variables had a significant positive relationship with the cooperatives " business performance. These findings are useful as they contribute to a better understanding of the members " participation constructs as well as relationship strategies to link with the cooperatives " business performance. Several suggestions have been made for future research.
This study reviewed the literature on the "Resource-based view" (RBV) theory and its relationship... more This study reviewed the literature on the "Resource-based view" (RBV) theory and its relationship with the entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance variables. Detailed discussion is made for the importance of this theory to the relationship between these two variables. The use of RBV theory to the organization found to have significant relevance in the relationship between entrepreneurship-oriented behavior and organizational performance. The suitability to these relationship had caused the RBV theory to be lifted as one of the theoretical framework used in many studies in the field of management.
Papers by Dzulkarnain Musa
and coordination between departments, and the participation of the members which contains one construct. This study involved a sample of 331 out of 2,561 micro-, small- and medium-sized co-operative f m s in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. A test on the hypotheses was conducted through multiple and hierarchical regression analysis. In the first step, the regression analysis results showed that three control variables, which included small-sized, medium-aged and young-aged firms influenced the business performance. Meanwhile, in the second step, the analysis revealed that two entrepreneurial orientation constructs: innovativeness (I3 = .072, p<.05) and proactiveness (13 = .082, p c.05) were directly and positively related to a higher business performance. Furthermore, the third step showed that only customer
orientation was significantly related to business performance. Lastly, the fourth step successfully traced the moderate interaction of the coordination between departments towards the relationship of risk-taking with business performance (13 = 2.526, p <.01) and autonomy with business performance (13 = -2161, p <.01). This study highlighted the positive role of innovativeness and proactiveness constructs in improving the business performance of the co-operative firms. In addition, this study also revealed the need to make alignments in firms' behavior of coordination between departments. This is caused by the results of moderate interaction which was significant but not parallel with each other; positive (with risk-taking and business
performance) and negative (with autonomy and business performance). The theoretical and management implications in detail as well as recommendations for future research are also discussed.
Politeknik Malaysia turut tidak terkecuali menawarkan kursus Keusahawanan kepada para siswa dan siswinya. Di politeknik, kursus tersebut ditawarkan sebagai satu mata pelajaran umum yang perlu diikuti oleh semua siswa dan siswi merentas program dan jabatan akademik. Selain aspek teori, pelajar turut didedahkan dengan aspek praktis melalui program dan aktiviti perniagaan yang dirangka khusus untuk mereka. Kursus ini menjadi syarat lulus untuk mereka menamatkan pengajian dalam program pengajian masing-masing.
Kandungan kursus ini dirangka khusus untuk memenuhi tuntutan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) bagi kursus Keusahawanan terbabit. Kandungan buku ini merangkumi lima (5) topik teras yang mencakupi silibus Keusahawanan. Kandungannya merangkumi; i) Pengenalan kepada Keusahawanan, ii) Idea, Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Keusahawanan, iii) Pemilikan Perniagaan dan Sistem Sokongan, iv) Pengurusan dan Perancangan Perniagaan Kecil, dan v) Pemasaran melalui Media Sosial oleh Usahawan.
Gaya penyampaian kandungan buku ini dibuat secara mudah agar dapat difahami dengan senang. Dalam konteks teoritikal, teks yang dibincangkan turut disertakan dengan gambar, jadual dan rajah. Manakala dalam konteks praktis pula, teks dikemukakan bersama-sama dengan langkah dan panduan, format dan juga contoh berkaitan. Hal tersebut penting disebabkan kursus ini memerlukan kefahaman teori dan praktik yang sebenar di dalam perniagaan.
Politeknik Malaysia turut tidak terkecuali menawarkan kursus Keusahawanan kepada para siswa dan siswinya. Di politeknik, kursus tersebut ditawarkan sebagai satu mata pelajaran umum yang perlu diikuti oleh semua siswa dan siswi merentas program dan jabatan akademik. Selain aspek teori, pelajar turut didedahkan dengan aspek praktis melalui program dan aktiviti perniagaan yang dirangka khusus untuk mereka. Kursus ini menjadi syarat lulus untuk mereka menamatkan pengajian dalam program pengajian masing-masing.
Kandungan kursus ini dirangka khusus untuk memenuhi tuntutan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) bagi kursus Keusahawanan terbabit. Kandungan buku ini merangkumi lima (5) topik teras yang mencakupi silibus Keusahawanan. Kandungannya merangkumi; i) Pengenalan kepada Keusahawanan, ii) Idea, Kreativiti dan Inovasi dalam Keusahawanan, iii) Pemilikan Perniagaan dan Sistem Sokongan, iv) Pengurusan dan Perancangan Perniagaan Kecil, dan v) Pemasaran melalui Media Sosial oleh Usahawan.
Gaya penyampaian kandungan buku ini dibuat secara mudah agar dapat difahami dengan senang. Dalam konteks teoritikal, teks yang dibincangkan turut disertakan dengan gambar, jadual dan rajah. Manakala dalam konteks praktis pula, teks dikemukakan bersama-sama dengan langkah dan panduan, format dan juga contoh berkaitan. Hal tersebut penting disebabkan kursus ini memerlukan kefahaman teori dan praktik yang sebenar di dalam perniagaan.