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Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) adalah merupakan organisasi yang bertanggungjawab untuk menyediakan bantuan kewangan dan khidmat nasihat perniagaan kepada usahawan Kecil dan Sederhana di Malaysia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti... more
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Disebabkan kepesatan perubahan dan persaingan yang sengit bagi pasaran dunia pada masa kini, orang ramai berusaha gigih mengendalikan perniagaan secara moden dan maju bagi mengekalkan kelebihan persaingan yang kompetitif dan mendapatkan... more
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Critical Success Factor (CSF) is the most important element for firms in existing industry to achieve competitive edge. CSF demonstrates the performance whether an enterprise has been successful and unsuccessful in achieving its target... more
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    • Business
This conceptual paper tries to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and fi rm performance and also the role of market orientation (MO) as a moderating variable. EO and MO are important strategic orientations... more
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      Market OrientationEntrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance
Studies on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and its influence on the performance of business firms have received widespread attention in the fields of entrepreneurship and strategy. A survey was conducted to assess the influence of five... more
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This study reviewed the literature on the "Resource-based view" (RBV) theory and its relationship with the entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance variables. Detailed discussion is made for the importance of this theory... more
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Business performance plays an important role for the survival of a firm's operations. In relation to that, this study focuses on the aspect of business performance among co-operative firms. The objectives of this study are to measure the... more
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    • Market Orientation
Scholars in management and strategy found that the participation of members correlated with business performance. However, the business performance of cooperatives in Malaysia does not clearly show this trend. As such, this study aims to... more
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Online business is getting popular among entrepreneurs in Malaysia, including young entrepreneurs who titled of student. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the personal background, self-motivation and online experience and its... more
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    • Business
There are a lot of entrepreneurial activities that have been implemented by higher learning institutions for their students. This efforts were made with the aim to develop the productive and positive attitude among students. The... more
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    • Entrepreneurship
Leadership is vital for the success of any organization especially in achieving its vision, mission, objectives and goals. In relation to that, leader plays the important role in driving the commitment of subordinates toward the... more
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The higher learning institutions play the vital role in developing students with various aspects of skills and knowledge to face any challenges in the future. Besides attending an academic programme, students need to participate in campus... more
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_______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Today, Muslim travellers segment are becoming high market potential in global tourism business. They are heterogeneous in nature, made up... more
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    • Tourism Studies
Previous studies have found that market orientation practices were important in benefiting the continuity of the business firms. In this regard, the study tries to focus on the market orientation practices using MKTOR scale including... more
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    • Market Orientation
Scholars in entrepreneurship studies have found the vital role of innovation practices towards the performance of businesses. Innovation is often associated with an increase in the performance of a business. However, the question arises... more
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    • Innovation Management (Business)
Workers' cynicism towards organizational change or known as change-specific cynicism refers to the tendency of workers to be cynical about any changes introduced by their respective organisations. Specific change in the organization of... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational Change
The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) field is part of the drive for national development. With the circumstances, the TVET institutions have taken steps towards creating future entrepreneurs as well as contributing... more
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The performance of business in cooperatives sector should be grown rapidly every year. It is in line with the goals of its establishment which aims to mobilize the resources of the members for their economic and welfare benefits.... more
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Pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda dunia telah memberi kesan negatif dalam perniagaan dan juga tawaran pekerjaan. Deretan lepasan IPT yang memenuhi pasaran pekerjaan turut menyulitkan keadaan. Justeru, penulisan ini mengutarakan kepentingan... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEducationEntrepreneurship Education