Ilona Nagy
Ilona received her MD degree (Latin language and philology and ethnography) from the Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest in 1968 and began to work as a research assistant at the Institute of Ethnology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences where she worked as senior research fellow until retirement in 2008. Since 1991 she has been teaching at the University of Pécs, where she received her PhD degree and habilitated. Her studies have focused on folk narrative, especially legend (origin legend), fairy tale and apocryphal writings, but her interests extend to the different challenges and problems facing modern folklore research as well.
Address: Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Address: Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
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Papers by Ilona Nagy
Nagy Ilona: A Grimm-meséktől a modern mondákig. Folklorisztikai tanulmányok. MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet – L’ Harmattan, Budapest, 2015. 7–13.
A kötet teljes szövege elérhető:
Editor’s Foreword to Ilona Nagy’s Book entitled ’From the Tales of the Brothers Grimm to Contemporary Legends: Selected Papers’ (2015)
On the tales of the Brothers Grimm /
Data to the manuscript legacy of Georg von Gaal /
Folk tale: from orality to print /
On the edition of collections of folk poetry /
Tales, legends and folk narratives in Matkó at the beginning of the 1970s /
The scenario of tale telling in everyday communication /
Female and male folklore repertoires within a family: tale telling at the end of the 20th century /
Narratives about a táltos child in Pereszlény /
Tale telling without audience: Data to the mnemonic techniques of tale tellers /
Eroticism in folk tales /
Kharon in folk tales /
Angels at work: contemporary narratives about miracles /
Contemporary legends: the blank spot of Hungarian legend research
Nagy Ilona: A Grimm-meséktől a modern mondákig. Folklorisztikai tanulmányok. MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet – L’ Harmattan, Budapest, 2015. 7–13.
A kötet teljes szövege elérhető:
Editor’s Foreword to Ilona Nagy’s Book entitled ’From the Tales of the Brothers Grimm to Contemporary Legends: Selected Papers’ (2015)
On the tales of the Brothers Grimm /
Data to the manuscript legacy of Georg von Gaal /
Folk tale: from orality to print /
On the edition of collections of folk poetry /
Tales, legends and folk narratives in Matkó at the beginning of the 1970s /
The scenario of tale telling in everyday communication /
Female and male folklore repertoires within a family: tale telling at the end of the 20th century /
Narratives about a táltos child in Pereszlény /
Tale telling without audience: Data to the mnemonic techniques of tale tellers /
Eroticism in folk tales /
Kharon in folk tales /
Angels at work: contemporary narratives about miracles /
Contemporary legends: the blank spot of Hungarian legend research