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Simple ads.txt


Generates an ads.txt with your ad partners specification. Provides a nice and easy place for adding the needed text.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. navigate to
  4. follow instructions on the page and save your ads.txt there

Perguntas frequentes

  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
  3. navigate to
  4. follow instructions on the page and save your ads.txt there


24 Fevereiro, 2022
Used it easily. No logins req’d (past the WP admin site). No accts req’d. Worked by adding a simple menu item to my settings menu. Creates and maintains a new ads.txt file. I did see a notification alert to copy over any text needed from the existing ads.txt file. It advised me to rename or delete the current ads.txt file, which I did. Then, it opened a blank, simple notepad-looking screen and I just pasted in my advertisers formatted list and ‘saved’. Closed it out and reopened to confirm the data was there and it was. The ads.txt file is now not publicly visible, which is good. I keep a text copy of its contents for safe-keeping just in case one day this plug-in doesn’t work. This makes it so easy to modify as new advertisers want to be added (or if I want to remove any). Now, I don’t have to go through c-panel, etc. This is a very simple functioning plug-in. It’s old and hasn’t been updated but it worked simply. Here are the other plug-ins I use and it doesn’t interfere with: SEOPress, DIVI, Updraft Plus Pro, WP-Optimize Premium, and a few others I’m not listing for security reasons. Anyway, I hope this info helps others.
23 Novembro, 2019
I needed a way to edit and make an ads.txt for my blog. This plugin does that, and it is easy to use. I recommend it.
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“Simple ads.txt” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:
