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Redirect Old Links


Changing your link structure in WordPress can lead to all of your old links breaking and returning a “404”. But no more! If someone goes to an old link for your site, I’ll find the new link and redirect them there automatically.

No configuration. No one-by-one setting of the new link structures. No wrestling with complicated regex patterns. Just install me and relax.

Redirect 404s works with posts, pages, and custom post types (like ecommerce products).

  • Note – the plugin only works for permalink structures where the last “chunk” of the URL is the post name (also called the slug).


  1. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu
  3. Done!

Perguntas frequentes

How do I configure the plugin?

No configuration necessary! I automatically tests all 404 links to see if they might resolve to an existing post. If I find a post that matches, I’ll just redirect the visitor to that post.

How do you know when a post matches?

I take the last “chunk” of the URL and assume it’s a post name. Then I search for any posts with that name. If I find one, I redirect the user to the post I found. Since I use this method, I won’t work for all permalink structures. But the vast majority end in the post name, so I’ll work just fine on most sites.

* /2017/02/this-is-the-last-chunk/
* /announcements/this-is-the-last-chunk/

Do you work with custom post types like ecommerce products?

Sure do! I’ll search all public post types for the post name to see if I find one.


26 Março, 2017
I was looking for about 3 hours for a plugin, which can redirect all sites if you change the permalinks structure in WordPress. After 5 plugins I almost gave up, because none of them worked if you have another direction of your WordPress installation or if you have a multi lingual blog (permalinks with /de/ or /en/). But with this plugin everything works! And I haven’t configured anything… just installed it and it worked! It’s just amazing!
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Contribuidores e programadores

“Redirect Old Links” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

  • 1.0.0 Initial release to repository
  • 0.2 Update the query to search for all post names, instead of just matching off of get_page_by_path()
  • 0.1 Initial release