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Plum Code Box


Do you ever have a really hard getting your code formatted correctly in a post? Or do you ever have issues preserving tabs?

Plum Code Box makes it easy to insert and manage code blocks using the Chili javascript syntax highlighter. The plugin adds option boxes to post and page
editors. There are also other WordPress Plugins available from Code Plum.

Twitter: @codeplum



You may make donations at


  • This is what the box on the post and pages


  1. Upload plugin directory to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory on your web server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Use the box at the bottom of posts and pages to insert code.

Perguntas frequentes

I’ve installed the plugin. Now what?

Edit a page or a post. You should see a meta box below your content area labeled “Plum Code Box”. This should have the number of boxes set to one,
with the first box showing by default. Paste your code into the box and paste the short code displayed above the box to the right into your page or post.
You may set the number of boxes to any number between 1 and 10. The specified number of boxes will be shown with corresponding shortcodes.

How do I get support?

Email [email protected] or find me on Twitter at @codeplum.

Is this plugin free?



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Contribuidores e programadores

“Plum Code Box” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


The initial version of the plugin is ready for the masses.


-Increased the overall efficiency of the code and database storage.
-Removed inline styles and added a style class for the main code box on the front end.