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Zelish Recipe Shopper


Enables effortless grocery shopping

Automatic grocery list creation from the Recipes directly, topped up with the flexibility to add or update the ingredients anytime, and getting them delivered through your preferred vendors.

Enjoy the complete convenience of seamless grocery delivery.


In WordPress:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New > search for Zelish Shop Recipe
  2. Press “Install Now” for the Zelish Shop Recipe plugin
  3. Press “Activate Plugin”


How can user shop?

User will visit a particular recipe on your blog, our plugin will add a shop ingredients button, which on clicking will redirect to the shopping cart on Zelish with the exact ingredients fetched from your recipe using our technology. The cart is automatically scaled to the order-able quantities available for each ingredient.


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Zelish Recipe Shopper” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


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Grocery shopping in 1 minute