Tag do plugin: meter
Search Meter
(29 avaliações totais)Search Meter tracks what your readers are searching for on your blog. View full details of recent searches or stats for the last day, week or month.
Dave’s Whizmatronic Widgulating Calibrational Scribometer
(3 avaliações totais)The Scribometer allows writers to track and display their writing progress in their sidebar.
Pretty Simple Progress meter
(1 avaliações totais)Pretty Simply Progress meter is a clean and fun way to share your tracked progress on everything!
Show Temperature for SwitchBot Meter
(0 avaliações totais)Don't you want to know temperature from remote? You can achieve with this plugin, Show Temprature for SwtichBot Meter.
Display Post Reading Time – Show Estimated Post Reading Time & Progress Bar
(0 avaliações totais)Post Reading Time calculate the time it would take to the user to read an article, including watching the images, and display the value in the post.