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Blog ID in Site Admin Menu


Adds the ID of the current blog/site to the Edit Site menu item. Available only to super-admins.

Imagens de tela

  • ID added to Edit Site menu item


  1. Standard installation. Disables itself on non-multisite. Works per-site, network-activated, or in mu-plugins.

  2. Upload blog-id-in-side-admin-menu.php to the /plugins/ directory

  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. Network activation recommended, but not required


12 de Março, 2017
With the current Blog’s ID Blog ID in Site Admin Menu adds a tiny bit of very useful information to the Network Admin menu. What’s even more useful, though, is the readily accessible link to the Site Info screen! Thanks!
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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Blog ID in Site Admin Menu” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Dropping support for old versions of WordPress
  • Rewritten for l10n, simplicity, namespacing


  • make sure “Site ID” isn’t clickable for regular admins


  • 3.3 compatibility, ID under Site Name menu


  • In 3.2, ID appears in “Howdy” dropdown, or under Dashboard in the sidebar
  • Fixed broken network admin links
  • Notice appears if not running multisite


  • 3.1 compatibility (about time!)


  • works for wpmu 2.9 and wp 3.0 (for the sake of my sanity…)


  • WP 3.0 upgrades (not compatible with WPmu)


  • Blog ID links to Edit Blog Screen


  • Initial Release.