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This course is designed to explore the diverse range of Asian literatures and cultures, with a transpacific focus on fiction and films written and produced mainly in China, Japan, and Taiwan. Appreciating and analyzing literature through... more
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      Performance StudiesTaiwan StudiesTaiwan Drama and Theatre
Engaging in the issues of trauma and memory, this paper focuses on how memory functions as a theatrical device in director, Stan Lai's play, A Dream Like a Dream (2001), and considers memory as a dynamic narrating experience in theatre. A... more
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      Performance StudiesTaiwan StudiesTaiwan Drama and Theatre
Deeply entangled with the storm of political transformation, modern theatre in Taiwan reached its peak late 1980s and early 1990s under the international label of the "little theatre movement." This paper revisits experimental director... more
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      Performance StudiesTaiwan StudiesTaiwan Drama and Theatre
二○一三至二○一四年間,臺灣歷經連番大型公民遊行抗爭,反映島上長期 累積堆疊的族群對立、政治創傷與認同想像。實驗劇團讀演劇人二○一三年於基 隆島嶼劇場推出之《玫瑰色的國》,以歷史事件與社會活動為褶,根莖編劇與複 調敘事為軸,跨越臺灣過去、當下與未來時空點,展演表演主體的能動與收編。 本文自朱蒂絲.巴特勒與雅典娜.阿塔納西歐的「受逐」論點出發,結合在地國 島族論述、酷兒哲學、表演學研究、政治與美學聯盟概念,細部分析本劇的戲劇... more
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      Theatre StudiesTaiwan StudiesTaiwanese Literature
Due to Taiwan’s colonial past, modern Taiwanese theatre has never been purely aesthetic, but is largely sociopolitical, providing an alternative space that indirectly transforms local people’s identity struggles on stage, where... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesEast Asian StudiesTaiwan Studies
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      HistoryCultural StudiesCommunication and media StudiesInter-Asia Cultural Studies
This paper presents the argument that the practice of modern theatre constitutes a crucial method for reorienting the particular traumas of the Chinese diaspora in contemporary Taiwan. In particular, it offers a close reading of Far Away... more
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      HistoryGlobalizationDiasporaTaiwan Studies
Given Taiwan’s colonial past, modern Taiwanese theatre has never been purely aesthetic. Instead, it is largely sociopolitical, providing an alternative space that indirectly transforms local people’s contestations of identity onstage,... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyArtNegotiationEast Asian Popular Culture
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    • Translation Studies
This edited collection uses German literature as an Ansatzpunkt to explore world literature as a (poly)system of intersections between a variety of languages and traditions.
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      Cultural StudiesLiterary studiesCommunication and media StudiesCLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture
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    • Law
s Amour bilangue (1983) mimes an eternalized moment of indecision between French and Arabic languages and cultures as it plays itself out in the mind of the Maghrebine protagonist/narrator. Of the several texts considered in this book,... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiterary studiesSubstance
Introductory chapter for the book with Oxford University Press
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This essay applies the concept homo sacer, as put forth by Giorgio Agamben, to the social perception of translators and interpreters when they intervene in situations of violent conflict. Examples are drawn from history, from contemporary... more
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You are invited to read through the CFPs for panels at this small, experimental conference sponsored by the ACLA and Penn State, to be held this Fall. Submit by 30 June if you are interested. Besides submitting for one of the panels... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratura Comparada
The Brazilian state of Bahia is roughly the size of France, while its climate and topography could not be more different from that of any European country. A thin, well-watered, heavily populated litoral zone contrasts with the arid,... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureBrazilian Studies
A review essay of 3 books on the ethics of reading/literature published in 1997-98, by Rey Chow, Thomas Keenan, and Colin McGinn.
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    • Ethics of Literature
A vida de Antônio Vicente Maciel, o "Conselheiro," como a história da construção e destruição de sua comunidade messiânica, Canudos (1893-1897), tem sido uma fonte inesgotável para a literatura e o imaginário brasileiros. Na literatura... more
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    • Brazilian Studies