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These experiments were designed to investigate the effect of noise, sleep, and gentamicin on the cochlear microphonic (CM) of the guinea pigs. Are the changes observed due to intrinsic cochlear phenomena or to efferent system actions? To... more
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      HearingNoiseSleepMedical Physiology
Assess the impact of a reduction of tinnitus intensity achieved through sound stimulation during sleep on the improvement in the patients' quality of life. Acoustic stimuli consisted of a highly customized sound that reproduced the... more
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      AudiologyClinical Sciences
A new strategy for idiopathic subjective tinnitus treatment – sound stimulation during sleep – has been applied. It was based on the knowledgement that the auditory system also works during sleep, processing the incoming information.... more
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      Sleep MedicineTinnitusAcoustic Stimulation
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Sleep MedicineTinnitusAcoustic Stimulation
These experiments were designed to investigate the effect of noise, sleep, and gentamicin on the cochlear microphonic (CM) of the guinea pigs. Are the changes observed due to intrinsic cochlear phenomena or to efferent system actions? To... more
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      Auditory NeuroscienceCochlear physiology
Objective: Assess the impact of a reduction of tinnitus intensity achieved through sound stimulation during sleep on the improvement in the patients’ quality of life. Design: Acoustic stimuli consisted of a highly customized sound that... more
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      Sleep MedicineTinnitusAcoustic Stimulation
Recent prior studies with argumentation systems have shown that, unfortunately, with larger learner groups using argumentation software over longer periods of time, argument maps inevitably increase greatly in size and complexity, often... more
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A new strategy for idiopathic subjective tinnitus treatment - sound stimulation during sleep - has been applied. It was based on the acknowledgement that the auditory system also works during sleep, processing the incoming information.... more
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      Auditory PerceptionTreatment OutcomeSleep MedicineMedicine
These experiments were designed to investigate the effect of noise, sleep, and gentamicin on the cochlear microphonic (CM) of the guinea pigs. Are the changes observed due to intrinsic cochlear phenomena or to efferent system actions? To... more
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      BiologyAuditory NeuroscienceCytotoxicityModulation