Papers by Andrés Buschiazzo

IAIP Online Conference "Meet the Sections”, 2022
All psychologists believed that it would be the end of in-person therapy and the emergence of Tel... more All psychologists believed that it would be the end of in-person therapy and the emergence of Teletherapy. But it wasn’t, rather that uncertainty, anxiety and distress traits emerged as a result of the pandemic. The face-to-face therapy is not ending, but we have to investigate psychotherapy in general and its effects on people's mental health. We well know that psychotherapy is better than doing nothing or doing anything that has no therapeutic purpose, but we still don´t know if its effects are specific or general, despite the theoretical framework.
Adler always taught us Adlerian Psychology in comparison, without losing sight of ensemble and integration that the psychotherapeutic science must have. Also, an ethic and human attitude to bring peace, joy and happiness to the community. In the previous meetings for this congress section counselling: “Blended Counseling y Gemeinschaftsgefühl: opportunities and boundaries.” our moderator and friend Giovanni De Santis (Italy) helped us to collectively think how this topic could be approached and asked the following question: what would Adler say in the present days?

Current Psychology
This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms ... more This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β = .29, p < .01) and well-being (β =-.32, p < .01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square = .098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square = .084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study.

Frontiers in Psychology
Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the dis... more Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the disease and threaten to prolong the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting people’s willingness of receiving a life-saving vaccine. In this context, this study aimed to explore the variation of conspiracy beliefs regarding COVID-19 and the vaccine against it in 5779 people living in 13 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) according to sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, educational level and source of information about COVID-19. The study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic between September 15 and October 25, 2021. The Spanish-language COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (ECCV-COVID) and a sociodemographic survey were used. The results indicate that, in most countries, women, people with a lower educational level and those who receive inform...
Cada artículo es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor Every article is the sole responsability o... more Cada artículo es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor Every article is the sole responsability of the author
Newsletter del Centro de Estudios Adlerianos
5 Orientación adleriana a jóvenes en situación de fracaso educativo Andrés Buschiazzo Figares Pen... more 5 Orientación adleriana a jóvenes en situación de fracaso educativo Andrés Buschiazzo Figares Pensar en clave adleriana la situación de la enseñanza secundaria en el Uruguay es pensar ante todo en su situación política, social y económica. En el Uruguay, según datos ...

Frontiers in Public Health
AimsOver the past 2 years, the vaccine conspiracy beliefs construct has been used in a number of ... more AimsOver the past 2 years, the vaccine conspiracy beliefs construct has been used in a number of different studies. These publications have assessed the determinants and outcomes of vaccine conspiracy beliefs using, in some cases, pooled data from different countries, and compared the results across these contexts. However, studies often do not consider measurement invariance as a necessary requirement for comparative analyses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the cross-cultural MI of the COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale (COVID-VCBS) in 12 Latin American countries.MethodsConfirmatory factor analysis, item response theory analysis and alignment method were applied to test measurement invariance in a large number of groups.ResultsThe COVID-VCBS showed robust psychometric properties and measurement invariance for both factor loadings and crosstabs. Also, a higher level of acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about vaccines is necessary to respond to hig...

Current Psychology, 2022
This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms ... more This study assesses the relationship between COVID-19 anxiety and subjective well-being in terms of the mediating role of COVID-19 preventive behaviors. Additionally, the contribution of sociodemographic factors (sex and age) and risk perception on COVID-19 anxiety and its potential measurement invariance was tested in 5655 participants from 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. A mixture of both latent and observable variables were analyzed using a system of structural equations. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) and single-item measures were used to assess the perceived probability of death, perceived severity and concern about transmitting COVID-19. The results indicated that there is a significant and relevant direct effect of COVID-19 anxiety on participants' well-being. Furthermore, COVID-19 anxiety significantly predicted both preventive behavior (β = .29, p < .01) and well-being (β =-.32, p < .01). The effects of COVID anxiety and preventive behavior explained 9.8% of the variance in well-being (R-square = .098); whereas, 8.4% of the variance in preventive behavior was associated with COVID anxiety (R-square = .084). Likewise, perceived likelihood of death from COVID, perceived severity of COVID, and concerns about COVID transmission were positively related to anxiety. Age was negatively related to anxiety, with men being less anxious than women. The results are invariant by country, i.e., the broad relationships found in the combined sample are also present in each individual country. The findings indicate that, although the exact relationships between variables may vary between countries, there are enough similarities to provide useful information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in each of the countries included in the study.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
Caycho-Rodríguez et al. COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale Results: The COVID-VCBS showed ... more Caycho-Rodríguez et al. COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Beliefs Scale Results: The COVID-VCBS showed robust psychometric properties and measurement invariance for both factor loadings and crosstabs. Also, a higher level of acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about vaccines is necessary to respond to higher response categories. Similarly, greater acceptance of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines was related to a lower intention to be vaccinated. Conclusion: The results allow for improved understanding of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines in the countries assessed; furthermore, they provide researchers and practitioners with an invariant measure that they can use in cross-cultural studies in Latin America. However, further studies are needed to test invariance in other countries, with the goal of developing a truly international measure of conspiracy beliefs about COVID-19 vaccines.

Trends in Psychology
The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negativel... more The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negatively impact efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study sought to determine the prevalence of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and associated sociodemographic and psychosocial factors in thirteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). A total of 5510 people from 13 LAC countries participated. Frequencies, percentages, bivariate analyses using chi-square tests, and Poisson regression analysis with robust variance were used. The countries with the highest prevalence of intention to be vaccinated were Brazil (96.94%), Cuba (89.59%), Chile (84.59%), and Mexico (78.33%). On the other hand, the countries with the lowest prevalence were El Salvador (54.01%), Paraguay (55.87%), and Uruguay (56.40%). Prevalence is also reported according to some sociodemographic and health variables. It was found that country, male sex, hours exposed to information about COVID-19, university education, living in an urban area, belief in the animal origin of the virus, perceived likelihood of contracting COVID-19, perceived severity of COVID-19, and concern about infecting others significantly predicted intention to be vaccinated in the 13 LAC countries. While most countries had a high prevalence of intention to be vaccinated, there are still subgroups that have levels of intention that may be insufficient to predict the presence of community immunity. In this sense, knowing the estimates of vaccination intention rates, as well as the associated sociodemographic and psychological factors, can be used to plan actions and interventions that will inform about the safety and benefits of vaccines, as well as strengthen trust in health authorities.
Current Psychology, 2022
The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety relate... more The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety related to COVID-19. Although different studies reported that the CAS is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether it is invariant across countries. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS in twelve Latin American countries (
OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 2021
The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Pandemic Gri... more The present study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Pandemic Grief Scale (PGS) in ten Latin American countries. A total of 2,321 people who had lost a family member or other loved one due to COVID-19 participated, with a mean age of 34.22 years old (SD = 11.99). In addition to the PGS, a single item of suicidal ideation was applied. The unidimensional model of the PGS had adequate fit in most countries and good reliability estimates. There was evidence of measurement invariance by country and gender. Also, a one-point increase in the PGS was associated with an almost twofold increase in the odds of suicidal ideation. Scores greater than or equal to 4 on the PGS are proposed as a cut off to identify individuals with suicidal ideation. Strong evidence of the cross-cultural validity of the PGS is provided.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The invariance of the Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) was evaluated in 12 L... more The invariance of the Preventive COVID-19 Infection Behaviors Scale (PCIBS) was evaluated in 12 Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay). A total of 5183 people from the aforementioned countries participated, selected using the snowball sampling method. Measurement invariance was assessed by multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MG-CFA) and Multi-Group Factor Analysis Alignment (CFA-MIAL). In addition, item characteristics were assessed based on Item Response Theory. The results indicate that the original five-item version of the PCIBS is not adequate; whereas a four-item version of the PCIBS (PCIBS-4) showed a good fit in all countries. Thus, using the MG-CFA method, the PCIBS-4 achieved metric invariance, while the CFA-MIAL method indicated that the PCIBS-4 shows metric and scalar invariance. Likewise, the four items present increasing difficulties and high values in the discrimina...
Death Studies, 2021
The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 S... more The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in 7 Latin American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay). The participants were 2944 people, selected through non-probability sampling for convenience, where the majority were women. Data collection occurred between 12 June and 14 September 2020. The results indicated that the model with two related factors presents a better fit to the data and has partial scalar invariance among the 7 countries. Differences in emotional and physiological reactions were observed between the countries.

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the c... more The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the contribution of socio-demographic factors and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety and depression in samples of residents in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and El Salvador). A total of 4,881 individuals, selected by convenience sampling, participated in the study. Moderate and severe levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety were identified, as well as a moderate average level of fear of COVID-19. In addition, it was observed that about a quarter of the participants presented symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a major depressive episode. Fear of COVID-19 significantly and positively predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, whereas the effects of socio-demographic variables are generally low [χ2(287) = 5936.96, p < 0.001; RMSEA = 0.064 [0.062, 0.065]; CFI = 0.947; and SRMR = 0.050]. This suggests the need for the implementatio...
Front. Psychol., 2022
Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the dis... more Conspiracy theories about COVID-19 began to emerge immediately after the first news about the disease and threaten to prolong the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting people's willingness of receiving a life-saving vaccine. In this context, this study aimed to explore the variation of conspiracy beliefs regarding COVID-19 and the vaccine against it in 5779 people living in 13 Latin American countries (
Death Studies, 2021
The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 S... more The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in 7 Latin American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay). The participants were 2944 people, selected through non-probability sampling for convenience, where the majority were women. Data collection occurred between 12 June and 14 September 2020. The results indicated that the model with two related factors presents a better fit to the data and has partial scalar invariance among the 7 countries. Differences in emotional and physiological reactions were observed between the countries.

Trends in Psychology, 2022
The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negativel... more The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negatively impact efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study sought to determine the prevalence of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and associated sociodemographic and psychosocial factors in thirteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). A total of 5510 people from 13 LAC countries participated. Frequencies, percentages, bivariate analyses using chi-square tests, and Poisson regression analysis with robust variance were used. The countries with the highest prevalence of intention to be vaccinated were Brazil (96.94%), Cuba (89.59%), Chile (84.59%), and Mexico (78.33%). On the other hand, the countries with the lowest prevalence were El Salvador (54.01%), Paraguay (55.87%), and Uruguay (56.40%). Prevalence is also reported according to some sociodemographic and health variables. It was found that country, male sex, hours exposed to information about COVID-19, university education, living in an urban area, belief in the animal origin of the virus, perceived likelihood of contracting COVID-19, perceived severity of COVID-19, and concern about infecting others significantly predicted intention to be vaccinated in the 13 LAC countries. While most countries had a high prevalence of intention to be vaccinated, there are still subgroups that have levels of intention that may be insufficient to predict the presence of community immunity. In this sense, knowing the estimates of vaccination intention rates, as well as the associated sociodemographic and psychological factors, can be used to plan actions and interventions that will inform about the safety and benefits of vaccines, as well as strengthen trust in health authorities.

Trends in Psychology, 2022
The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negativel... more The presence of a significant number of people who do not intend to be vaccinated could negatively impact efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this study sought to determine the prevalence of intention to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and associated sociodemographic and psychosocial factors in thirteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). A total of 5510 people from 13 LAC countries participated. Frequencies, percentages, bivariate analyses using chi-square tests, and Poisson regression analysis with robust variance were used. The countries with the highest prevalence of intention to be vaccinated were Brazil (96.94%), Cuba (89.59%), Chile (84.59%), and Mexico (78.33%). On the other hand, the countries with the lowest prevalence were El Salvador (54.01%), Paraguay (55.87%), and Uruguay (56.40%). Prevalence is also reported according to some sociodemographic and health variables. It was found that country, male sex, hours exposed to information about COVID-19, university education, living in an urban area, belief in the animal origin of the virus, perceived likelihood of contracting COVID-19, perceived severity of COVID-19, and concern about infecting others significantly predicted intention to be vaccinated in the 13 LAC countries. While most countries had a high prevalence of intention to be vaccinated, there are still subgroups that have levels of intention that may be insufficient to predict the presence of community immunity. In this sense, knowing the estimates of vaccination intention rates, as well as the associated sociodemographic and psychological factors, can be used to plan actions and interventions that will inform about the safety and benefits of vaccines, as well as strengthen trust in health authorities.

INTERVIEW WITH ANDRÉS BUSCHIAZZO. Andrés Buschiazzo is interviewed with a series of ques... more Abstract
INTERVIEW WITH ANDRÉS BUSCHIAZZO. Andrés Buschiazzo is interviewed with a series of questions and his answers make us understand how the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler was able to spread in Latin America and especially in Uruguay, thanks to the constant work of a group of scholars who daily enrich Adlerian thought with studies and researches. Andrés Buschiazzo discusses the basic concepts of Individual Psychology, the areas of applicability, the concept of “mental disease”, the phases of an Adlerian psychotherapy, the importan- ce of Professional Ethics. Finally he describes the development and the aims of “Centro de Estudios Adlerianos” in Montevideo, Uruguay. By. Giuseppe Ferrigno
Current Psychology, 2022
The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety relate... more The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) was recently developed to assess dysfunctional anxiety related to COVID-19. Although different studies reported that the CAS is psychometrically sound, it is unclear whether it is invariant across countries. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the measurement invariance of the CAS in twelve Latin American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay).
Papers by Andrés Buschiazzo
Adler always taught us Adlerian Psychology in comparison, without losing sight of ensemble and integration that the psychotherapeutic science must have. Also, an ethic and human attitude to bring peace, joy and happiness to the community. In the previous meetings for this congress section counselling: “Blended Counseling y Gemeinschaftsgefühl: opportunities and boundaries.” our moderator and friend Giovanni De Santis (Italy) helped us to collectively think how this topic could be approached and asked the following question: what would Adler say in the present days?
INTERVIEW WITH ANDRÉS BUSCHIAZZO. Andrés Buschiazzo is interviewed with a series of questions and his answers make us understand how the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler was able to spread in Latin America and especially in Uruguay, thanks to the constant work of a group of scholars who daily enrich Adlerian thought with studies and researches. Andrés Buschiazzo discusses the basic concepts of Individual Psychology, the areas of applicability, the concept of “mental disease”, the phases of an Adlerian psychotherapy, the importan- ce of Professional Ethics. Finally he describes the development and the aims of “Centro de Estudios Adlerianos” in Montevideo, Uruguay. By. Giuseppe Ferrigno
Adler always taught us Adlerian Psychology in comparison, without losing sight of ensemble and integration that the psychotherapeutic science must have. Also, an ethic and human attitude to bring peace, joy and happiness to the community. In the previous meetings for this congress section counselling: “Blended Counseling y Gemeinschaftsgefühl: opportunities and boundaries.” our moderator and friend Giovanni De Santis (Italy) helped us to collectively think how this topic could be approached and asked the following question: what would Adler say in the present days?
INTERVIEW WITH ANDRÉS BUSCHIAZZO. Andrés Buschiazzo is interviewed with a series of questions and his answers make us understand how the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler was able to spread in Latin America and especially in Uruguay, thanks to the constant work of a group of scholars who daily enrich Adlerian thought with studies and researches. Andrés Buschiazzo discusses the basic concepts of Individual Psychology, the areas of applicability, the concept of “mental disease”, the phases of an Adlerian psychotherapy, the importan- ce of Professional Ethics. Finally he describes the development and the aims of “Centro de Estudios Adlerianos” in Montevideo, Uruguay. By. Giuseppe Ferrigno