Conference Presentations by Ranny Rastati
Tulisan dari Ranny Rastati tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan Film Thriller Jerman La... more Tulisan dari Ranny Rastati tidak mewakili pandangan dari redaksi kumparan Film Thriller Jerman Lansia generasi muda Karma
IBTimes.ID-Rujukan Muslim Modern. Media Islam yang membawa risalah pencerahan untuk masyarakat mo... more IBTimes.ID-Rujukan Muslim Modern. Media Islam yang membawa risalah pencerahan untuk masyarakat modern.
IBTimes.ID-Rujukan Muslim Modern. Media Islam yang membawa risalah pencerahan untuk masyarakat mo... more IBTimes.ID-Rujukan Muslim Modern. Media Islam yang membawa risalah pencerahan untuk masyarakat modern.
conference, 2016
Islamic manga
conference, 2016
Defining Media literacy for Indonesian digital immigrants and digital natives
conference, 2016
Islamic otaku community and hijab cosplay
Wisata berkonsep halal merupakan tren terbaru dari industri pariwisata dunia mengingat saat ini s... more Wisata berkonsep halal merupakan tren terbaru dari industri pariwisata dunia mengingat saat ini sudah ada 106 juta muslim yang melakukan perjalanan liburan (Husain, 2015). Pangsa pasar senilai 145 milyar dollar Amerika ini mencakup 10% dari seluruh bisnis wisata dunia. Sebuah jumlah yang patut diberikan perhatian lebih lanjut.
Di Indonesia sendiri fenomena perluasan definisi cosplay pun semakin kental dalam beberapa tahun ... more Di Indonesia sendiri fenomena perluasan definisi cosplay pun semakin kental dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ketika cosplay tidak melulu soal budaya pop Jepang. Karakter-karakter dari Amerika dan Cina seperti Iron Man, Elsa, dan Kera Sakti mulai banyak ditampilkan oleh penggemar cosplay. Belakangan ini, cosplayer Indonesia bahkan mulai mengcosplaykan sesuatu yang bukan karakter budaya pop seperti Satpam dan Pak Lurah yang dicosplaykan menggunakan peci, baju batik, dan membawa map. Bahkan, ada pula yang mengcosplaykan tokoh manusia seperti Sandiaga Uno dan Indro Warkop DKI. Sesuatu yang tidak lazim ditemukan dalam cosplay di Jepang. Karakter yang dapat ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari itu kemudian dimasukkan dalam kategori cosplay original.

A few years back, the hijab fashion has a significant development both in Indonesia and the world... more A few years back, the hijab fashion has a significant development both in Indonesia and the world, including Japan. The emergence of various young designers such as Dian Pelangi, Jenahara, and Hana Tajima has a high contribution to introduced hijab fashion to audiences. Japan itself held the first fashion show for Muslim women in 2016. In line with hijab fashion progress, in the cosplay world also has the same phenomenon in several years back which known as Hijab cosplay. The problem is, whether hijab cosplay can evolve into a part of hijab fashion industry. The study was conducted with in-depth interviews and observation in informants’ social media accounts; Facebook and Instagram. The result showed that hijab cosplay industry is still a household industry. Generally, has not become the main source of income and consider as a freelance job. Nevertheless, there is a great opportunity for hijab cosplay hijab to thrive into hijab fashion industry both national and international scale.
Keywords: hijab cosplay, hijab fashion industry, Indonesian hijabi, Japan pop culture,

Manga, or Japanese comics, is one of the most popular Japanese pop cultures. Some major works suc... more Manga, or Japanese comics, is one of the most popular Japanese pop cultures. Some major works such as Doraemon, Sailormoon and Dragon Ball get a special place not only in Indonesian society but also in the world. A few years back, emerged Islamic community that uses manga as a medium of da'wah (preaching of Islam) called Islamic manga. Some of them are Islamic Mangaka Indonesia (IMI) and Muslim Manga. These communities use manga to create a more accurate and positive image of Islam. This is interesting because there are some opinions in Islam about the law of drawing, some prohibit and the other allow depends on requirement such as not drawing a living creature and for education purposes. The problem is the provisions in making Islamic mangaaccording to IMI and Muslim Manga. The research was done with interview and observation through IMI and Muslim Manga's social media accounts; Facebook, Instagram, DeviantArt and website. The result showed that there are specific provisions in making Islamic manga such as (i) no pornographic, (ii) do not show awrah (body parts that are not allowed to show in Islam), (iii) characters can be a role model for those who read and (iv) the story has Islamic values that bring the readers to goodness and positivity.
Papers by Ranny Rastati
Tweet WhatsApp Telegram LABEL jepang dan piala dunia jepang dan tradisi bersih-bersih piala dunia... more Tweet WhatsApp Telegram LABEL jepang dan piala dunia jepang dan tradisi bersih-bersih piala dunia piala dunia 2022 pmb brin tradisi bersih-bersih Berita sebelumya
Conference Presentations by Ranny Rastati
Keywords: hijab cosplay, hijab fashion industry, Indonesian hijabi, Japan pop culture,
Papers by Ranny Rastati
Keywords: hijab cosplay, hijab fashion industry, Indonesian hijabi, Japan pop culture,
At present, the old-fashioned style of dawah, which is traditionally delivered at mosques and formal institutions, does not have sufficient appeal to attract youth. To adapt to the modern era, dawah’s style has undergone several adjustments. Consequently, it has begun to penetrate informal communication media, including social media and pop culture products such as animation and cosplay.
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