[14 Dec 2011|10:47pm] |
*K-Celebs(Kim Bum)|01-10| *K-Dramas(Boys Before Flowers, Playful Kiss, Personal Taste)|11-30| *J-Celebs(Yamashita Tomohisa,Smap, News)|31-45| *Oth (LP, Hilarie&JDM,Dean&Peyton)|46-58| *Lost(serie final)|59-65|
[03 Jul 2010|02:09pm] |
 the vampire diaries, taylor swift, hilarie burton, justin timberlake, chace crawford, rachel hurd wood the rest here
|80 multi-fandom icons + wallpapers| |
[08 May 2010|11:48am] |
icons :
*J-Celebs(Kimura Takuya,Yamashita Tomohisa,Miura Haruma,Ikuta Toma,Smap,Tomapi)|01-25| *J-dramas(Pride,Liar Game,Sunao Ni Narenakute,Kurosagi,Nobuta wo Produce & Buzzer Beat)|26-45| *Kristen Stewart |46-50| *Oth (LP, Hilarie&JDM)|51-60|
*Lost(Jack&Kate, Matthew&Eve)|61-65| *Supernatural(cast& season 5)|66-75| *House MD(jennifer morrison,house&cameron)|76-80| Wallpapers : *J-Celebs(News, Yamapi, Smap)
Teasers:   public for 3 days so Join / Watch ( MORE ... )
|65 multi-fandom icons + wallpapers| |
[31 Mar 2010|08:38pm] |
icons : *J-Celebs(News, Tomapi, Arashi)|01-20| *J-dramas(Mr Brain, Code Blue 2 & Buzzer Beat)|21-30| *Kristen Stewart |31-35|
*Oth (LP, Hilarie)|36-45| *Lost(Jack&Kate, Matthew&Eve)|46-50|*Supernatural(request & season 5)|51-60|*House MD(jennifer morrison,house&cameron)|61-65| Wallpapers : *J-Celebs(News, Yamapi)
|65 multi-fandom icons| |
[28 Feb 2010|09:40pm] |
icons : *J-Dramas (Liar Game cast, Buzzer Beat, Kurosagi)|01-20| *NewS|21-25|*Oth (LP, Hilarie)|26-35| *Lost(Jack&Kate, Matthew&Eve)|36-45| *Supernatural(season 5 & Danneel&Jensen)|46-55| *House MD(jennifer morrison,house&cameron)|56-65|Teasers:   
|60 Multi-Fandoms icons| |
[31 Jan 2010|09:30pm] |
icons :
*Johnny's countdown (Yamapi,Arashi,Jin,Toma,Jun,NEWS)|01-15| *J-Dramas (Buzzer Beat, Code Blue 2, Liar Game 2+movie trailer)|16-35|*Oth (LP)|36-45|*Twilight cast(Kristen&Robert)|46-55| *House MD(jennifer morison,house&cameron)|56-60|Teasers:   
Multi-Fandom stuff |55 icons & arts| |
[10 Jan 2010|11:58pm] |
icons :
*Yamashita Tomohisa|01-10|
*Buzzer Beat |11-15| *Twilight (edward&bella,Kristen&Robert)|16-25| *Oth(+Hilarie Burton,LP|26-40|
*House MD(jennifer morison,house&cameron)|41-50| *Lost(Jake&Kate)|51-55|
Arts : (wallpapers)
*Celebrities(Kristen Stewart,Yamashita Tomohisa) *TV Shows Couples : (Lucas&Peyton) Teasers:    (More) public for 3 days so if you like what you see please Join this community or Watch this community
[28 Sep 2009|07:56pm] |
[65; nature and flowers] [28; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince promotional photos] [15; Megan Fox] [47; Willa Holland] [20: Gossip girl 3x01, mostly C&B] [46; various season OTH, a lot of L/P] WALLPAPER&TAG [1; Willa Holland] [3; Guns'n'Roses] [1; Albus Dumbledore] [1; Marissa and Volchok]  here the rest
[01 Jul 2009|11:03pm] |
It's my crush girl's birthday today so I work a lot in this (please don't steal it and credit me if you post it anywhere + thanks to HBO for those pics)because I really love admire her !! Hope she had an amazing day. For her for my beauty's 27th birthday !!!
( because she is Hilarie Ross Burton *thud*... )
[14 Apr 2009|02:48pm] |
ICONS [01-17; Harry Potter] [18-56; Blake Lively] [57-67; Leightoon Meester] [68-81; Jensen Ackles&Jared Padalecki] [82-97; Romeo+Juliet] WALL [01-07; The Host] [08; Kate Winslet] [09; Sophia Bush] [10; Peyton& Ellie, One Tree Hill]
[11 Apr 2009|04:57pm] |
30 OTH icons (only Leyton, Lucas and Peyton) Teaser:
 Credit and comment if use it ;) More in here