WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events is a complete appointment booking e-commerce solution that allows business owners with or without service providers accept hourly or daily appointment reservations from front end and manage or manually create appointments from admin side.
It is easily extendable with addons and highly customizable with settings, shortcodes and filter/action hooks if required. Various free and premium extensions, including addons for integration with WooCommerce, Google Calendar, PayPal, Stripe, Twilio, WPML, BuddyPress, Appointments+ are available.
Visit our demo website for examples and learn more at WP
- Developer and user instructions can be found in our Knowledge Base
Unique Features
- Your clients can pick service, provider, time slot, fill booking form, modify any selection and confirm booking on the same page. During the whole booking process, everything is in your client’s viewport.
- Loads its css and javascript files only to the pages it is used. It does not pollute whole website.
- WP BASE can be used in post content, inserted to templates, sidebar widgets and even to popups.
- Unprecedented working hour setting procedure allows even irregular work schedules easy to set.
- Extremely sound software and database design allows hundreds of locations, services, providers each having own complex schedules to be used without having significant effect on page load speed.
- With optional addons, it can be used as a Multi Vendor Marketplace with GeoDirectory support, it can integrate with Woocommerce, Google Calendar, BuddyPress with BuddyBoss support, Easy Digital Downloads, Zoom and several other third party platforms.
- With addons it can use PayPal, Stripe, AIM as payment gateways, send SMS notifications with Twilio.
- As far as we know, there is no similar product in the market which can achieve all the above.
General Features
- Designed for maximum conversion rate: No steps, no page refreshes. Booking is as easy as 1 click. Also Flex Steps booking method is selectable for smaller footprint
- Uses ajax: Client stays on the same page even after changing service or date
- Intuitive: On page load, automatically shows your current availability for your popular service. Client can further browse through other dates and services.
- Responsive: Automatic adaption to different page and screen widths
- Mobile device support: Automatic detection of mobile phone connection and switching to appropriate display
- Easy Setup: With just one click and a single shortcode you can create a fully functional booking page and start accepting bookings immediately
- Flexible: Several booking methods (weekly, monthly, in table view) and themes to select from
- Multi site support: Automatic creation of database tables for existing and new subsites in Multi Site Installation
- Scalable: Can be extended to thousands of services and providers. Many addons to choose from.
- Unlimited number of services can be defined
- Service durations can be set from 5 minutes to 30 days
- Services can be custom sorted
- For each service description and featured image can be defined to be displayed in tooltip
- Services can be assigned to any unique member of the website
- Services can have any capacity with or without assigned providers allowing more than one booking/client per slot
Working Hours
- Working hours are configured using a unique, simple, intuitive graphical interface
- Any combination of working hours for each week day up from 5 minutes intervals can be easily entered
- Even irregular schedules can be set in just seconds
- Services can have own working hours making them usable without service providers
- No need to define break hours: If not picked as a working time, a slot is automatically assigned as a break time
- Multiple working hour tables for services, service providers can be opened, displayed and saved at the same time
- Copy/paste of working hours from one service to another or to several services
Listing of Bookings on the Front End
- Client can view own bookings, plus admin can view any other client’s or all bookings
- Display according to status, start and end dates
- Dynamic search, filtering and sorting of the booking list
- Selectable and custom sortable columns
- Different selectable columns for mobile devices to use screen efficiently
- Cancellation of bookings by the client using confirmation email or button on the website with adjustable limit time
Booking and Editing on the Admin Side
- Manual Booking by admin on behalf of a client, e.g. appointments accepted over phone or email
- Manual booking can be selected to respect the same availability conditions as the front end
- Fast manual booking for repeat customers by Rebook button with selecting first available time
- Filtering of bookings by month, service and balance (negative/positive)
- Search over booking ids, user names, emails, booking note and any of the client fields
- Selecting and editing multiple bookings by a single or multiple admins
- Bulk status change of selected bookings possible
- Automatic email sending with separate custom templates for confirmation, pending, cancellation, completion states
- Sending of test emails to check configuration
- Multiple email addresses can be defined for multiple admins
- Automatic and manual sending of notification emails for each appointment status
- Possibility to use all booking and user variables in the templates
- Possibility to use list of bookings shortcode in the email templates, i.e. inform user about their past, future or all bookings
Look and Feel
- Configurable confirmation and pending message popup with HTML support
- Configurable Terms & Conditions popup on front end. If enabled, client cannot apply without confirming terms
- Booking in list/table view or weekly or monthly calendars, selectable within the shortcode and auto switching for mobile devices
- Selection from 12 included jQuery UI standard themes to match your WordPress theme
- Custom jQuery UI theme or css file can be created to override existing styles and saved against being overwritten by plugin updates
Help System
- Setup Wizard with description of basic settings
- Inline settings help inside the plugin
- Further documentation available at WP
- Automatic adaptation to time and date formats, start day of the week settings of WordPress
- All front end messages and texts can be easily customized or translated on admin side without any additional tool
- Ready for translation for other (admin side) texts
- Support for RTL and calendars starting on Saturday, Sunday and Monday
- Integrated Native Object Caching
- Lazy Load function for fast page loading
- Compatible to major caching plugins
- Free from PHP sessions. No front end cookie writing (cookies are set with ajax). Thus graceful to server side caching
- Scalable to virtually unlimited bookings, services and providers
Developer Friendly
- Integrated Custom Functions tab which can be used to add own php codes without the need for modifying php files
- About 300 WordPress hooks for further customization (With addons more than 1200)
- Automatic recognition of shortcodes in page templates
- Functions to read/add/edit/delete bookings, services, providers
- Debug mode to help locate errors
Other Features
- Automatic removal of unconfirmed (pending) bookings after a preset time
- Client can cancel own bookings using link in email, or their account, if allowed so
- Client can confirm own booking using link in email, e.g. to verify their email address
- Admin side schedules display bookings in weekly and monthly views. Free slots are clickable to add a new booking
- Clients can be automatically registered as WordPress users upon submission and notified about their registration
- Account page that displays user submitted values and booking list is automatically created for clients
- Admin toolbar submenu to access plugin created pages
- JavaScript and css files are only loaded on plugin related pages both on front end and admin side, to reduce conflicts
- Compatible with major page builders and caching plugins
- Admin side graphical reports for bookings and revenue
With Advanced Features Premium Addon
- Advanced Features Addon is a must use for professional websites. It extends functionality and display of your website in several ways.
- Additional booking View “Flex View” which combines advantages of all other views into one
- Classic sidebar widgets can be used for booking
- GDPR compliance from WP 4.9.6 (Erase and export user data upon user request)
- Timezone support: Automatically dedect client timezone to let them display available time slots in their own timezones
- Possibility to define Trial Services for which clients can make booking for limited number of times
With Service Providers Premium Addon
- Service Providers Addon allows assigning members of your website as staff who will provide your services.
- Unlimited number of service providers can be defined
- Providers can be assigned to one or more services
- Providers can view their assignments on their account page
- Providers can be randomly assigned to an appointment if client does not have a preference
- Providers can create/edit/delete own services, confirm/edit own bookings, manage own working hours and holidays if set so
- First provider, then service can be picked on front end
Free Addons incorporated into the core from V4.0
- Easy Digital Downloads Integration: WP BASE services can be sold as digital products (downloads) of EDD alone, with other services or with other downloads.
- Export & Import: Allows export and import of WP BASE settings and database tables to/from another site/subsite. Includes import option from Appointments by WPMU DEV.
- Extended Service Features & Categories Addon allows several website settings to be applied per service. It also adds category support to services.
- Front End Edit: Allows client edit their bookings, reschedule appointments, modify user fields on the front end. Admins or any user with selected capability, e.g. editors, can also edit others’ bookings using the same interface.
- Front End Booking Management: Allows admin or any user with selected capability add and edit all bookings and submitted user fields on the front end.
- Limited Availability: Availability of each service can be easily set on a full calendar making them suitable for event or Airbnb type rental bookings.
- Manual Payments: Allows adding and editing records for offline (bank transfer, cheque, cash) payments.
- Shopping Cart: Allows clients book multiple appointments in a single checkout. Minimum and maximum number of appointments per booking is selectable. Can be used to book on different pages and make a single checkout on any page.
- Quotas: Different quotas (maximum number of future or completed bookings) can be set per service. Different quotas can be defined per week days, weekend days and holidays, per week and per month.
- Test Bookings: Given number of partly or fully random test bookings can be created for test purposes.
Premium Addons
- BuddyPress: Adds settings, list of bookings and calendars on BuddyPress front end user pages.
- Coupons: Applies discount over total payable amount upon submission of coupon code. Start and end dates, maximum usage, applicable services and/or providers can be selected.
- Custom Pricing: Payment and down payment amounts can be formulated depending on any variable, for example to apply special price for happy hours
- Credits: Adds a deposit system to your website that allows your clients to purchase credit points and then redeem it at a later point for your services.
- Extras: Allows adding unlimited number of “extras” which can be used to offer selectable additional service options to the client. Extras can be applied to locations, services and service providers.
- Event Bookings: Any post/page/custom post can be easily configured to be bookable as event
- Google Calendar: Integrates Google Calendar with WP BASE. Any new booking can be added to GCal as a new event and any new event entered in GCal can be added as a new booking in WP BASE. Updates in case of editing and cancellation are automatic.
- Group Bookings: Allows client book for more than one person with a single booking. Client can provide a list of participants who can also receive emails. Person Types are supported
- Locations: Services can be assigned to one or more location. This feature can also be used to group services and limit their availability depending on capacity, e.g. multiple doctors using a single examination room
- Multi Language: Allows booking selections and variables to be displayed in preferred language of the visitor
- Multi Vendor Marketplace: Providers can register to the website, sell their services and manage their bookings
- Online Meetings (Zoom & Jitsi & Agora): Allows integration with Zoom, Jitsi and Agora video/audio conferencing system
- Packages: Allows admin combine two or more services as jobs of a package and sell them as a single service. Time delays between service jobs can be set.
- Payment Gateways: 2checkout, AIM, Paymill, Paypal, Simplify by Mastercard, Stripe support available.
- PDF Attachments: Allows dynamically creating PDF files with booking details and attach them to emails
- Recurring Appointments: Allows clients select recurring appointments on the front end with selectable recurring frequencies daily, every other day, weekly, biweekly and monthly.
- Reminder & Follow-up emails: Sends automatic reminder emails to clients before appointment time and to clients whose bookings have negative balance and below a set amount
- Seasonal Working Hours: Allows weekly “alternative” schedules to be defined and assigned to services and service providers, making it possible to create working hour settings changing every week within the year, e.g. for shift work
- SMS: Sends SMS messages as confirmation, pending, cancellation, completion and reminder using Twilio service. Different message templates for different groups (client, provider, admin) can be used.
- User Defined Fields: Allows admin add unlimited number of fields in the confirmation form. Text, textarea, option/select and checkbox fields are supported. User defined select/option functions can be added.
- Variable Durations: Allows service durations to be variable based on date, time and/or provider. Also allows clients pick desired duration for configured services within set limits
- Waiting List: Allows clients to apply for a waiting list when desired time slot is full. When there is an opening in the service, clients in the waiting list are informed by email.
- Woocommerce Integration: Integrates WP BASE with WooCommerce and allows selling of services as Woocommerce products
- WP BASE Developer Package: includes all current and future addons usable in multiple client websites
Book Me tab in BuddyPress profile Weekly Calendar booking view with slider Setup Wizard Front End List of Bookings Admin Dashboard Admin Bookings Service settings Working Hour settings showing copy/paste feature Holiday settings with multiple days selection Edit service Custom Functions feature to add own PHP codes Custom Texts feature to localize front end messages and texts email settings and template editor Edit client Account page Shortcode help page Monthly Calendar booking view Weekly Calendar booking view Book in Table view Admin Dashboard Flex Steps booking method Book in Table view with slider
How to start using it?
Either insert [app_book] shortcode to any WordPress post/page or use Setup Wizard on admin menu.
Is WP BASE responsive?
Yes. It will automatically adapt to any screen size. Additionally you may set special views for mobile devices.
Is WP BASE multi site compatible?
Yes. WP BASE will run independently on each subsite of a WordPress network.
Does this plugin work with any theme?
Yes. WP BASE will work on any properly coded theme including page builders like Divi, WP Bakery, Elementor, etc. For a list of tested page builder plugins please see our Knowledge Base.
Does this plugin work with caching plugins?
Yes. It will work with all popular caching plugins, without disabling their caching capability. For a list of compatible plugins please see our Knowledge Base.
How many services and bookings can I have?
Unlimited. WP BASE is exceptionally scalable. It can be used for a single service, as well as thousands of services without significant impact on page speed.
How many calendars can I have?
Unlimited. WP BASE can create dynamic calendars that have service selection menu and update with service selection, and it can also create those with a fixed service. In both cases there is no limit.
Are there any considerations for uninstall?
If you installed WP BASE on a single site WordPress and you do not have any bookings, WP BASE will completely delete all its tables and settings during uninstall. If you have bookings or installed the plugin on a multi site, please see our Knowledge Base.
Is this Demo of a Pro version?
With unlimited services, unrestricted bookings, email sending feature, WP BASE Core is a fully functional booking system which is sufficient for most of individual booking needs. However, if your business requires more, we do have Premium addons. WP BASE Core which you can download from, will always stay free.
Contributors & Developers
“WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
V5.3.0 March 6, 2025
- Fix: PHP to moment time format conversion does not take care of escaped characters
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: WooCommerce product name can be set in Digital Wallet
- Fix: Schedules do not show reserved bookings for providers
- Fix: Conflict about Stripe API library with Paid Member Subscriptions plugin
V5.2.0 February 16, 2025
- Tweak: Caching in Schedules
- Tweak: Better randomness among services and times in Test Bookings
- Tweak: Service description pages can be from different CPTs
- Change: By default [app_list] shows all bookings for admin now
- Change: Setup now sets working hours of first service instead of business rep
- Fix: During export CSV, if only one of email and phone fields is selected, column title does not match the columns
- Fix: Some bookings may be marked as completed earlier than they are supposed to be
- Fix: PHP to moment time format conversion does not take care of escaped characters
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: Client Approval for Multi Vendor Marketplace
- Tweak: Guest names and guest emails can be exported in CSV file
- Fix: Variable Durations cannot select 14, 21, 28,… days with regular working hours (was still possible with Limited Availability)
- Fix: For services longer than 1 day and Group Bookings enabled, future availability may be less than it is supposed to be
V5.1.0 January 24, 2025
- New: Completely new Schedules system based on Event Calendar JavaScript library
- New: Background color setting in services
- New: Providers can register user when entering manual booking
- Tweak: PHP8.4 compliance
- Tweak: Client email and phone can also be exported with CSV file in Export/Import
- Change: At checkout form, “continue shopping” and “empty cart” button HTML elements are changed with link element
- Change: Default select element menu height is 8 now (was 4)
- Change: On front end default qtip mode is now “solo” (only one qtip can be open at a time)
V5.0.0 December 18, 2024
- New: Register and Login at checkout
- New: Calendar Time Slot Display selection option “Fixed start/end”
- New: Register new client when manually entering a booking
- Change: Table Start and Table End values do not accept “all day” values now and they also affect displaying time slots at front end
- Tweak: Better handling of login after returning non logged in registered client
- Tweak: Improvement in how tooltips are displayed at the front end calendars
- Fix: Hardening of codes for malicious attempts
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: Selling expirable service packages using Digital Wallet addon (Formerly Credits addon)
- Change: Packages addon renamed as Service Bundles, Credits addon renamed as Digital Wallet to reflect current functionality
- Change: Social Login of Advanced Features has been rewritten. support added, Twitter support removed
- Fix: Better Messages button does not show in BP list of bookings
V4.9.2 December 14, 2024
- Fix: Get More link has wrong styling
- Fix: Code strengthening
V4.9.1 October 27, 2024
- Tweak: Improvements in Setup Wizard
- Tweak: Better support for themes having pages with narrow container width
- Fix: PHP warning in front.ajax when updating calendars
V4.9.0 October 23, 2024
- New: Setup Wizard
- New: Calendar Time Slot Display setting allows time slot display selection globally. Default display mode is “with_break” now
- New: “Default” time slot color set
- Tweak: Working Hour setting UI improvements
- Tweak: Now more than one service can point the same CPT as description page
- Change: When there are multiple calendars on the same page, only one of the forms is displayed now
- Fix: In PHP8.3, warning message in admin dashboard when there are no providers
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Tweak: Geodirectory listing price and vendor price sync’ed
- Change: When UDF values are changed on admin bookings, Google Calendar Event is also updated
- Fix: Seasonal Working Hours schedule is not applied for the last week of the year
V4.8.0 September 26, 2024
- New: Services fee per hour, day, week, month, booking
- Tweak: Flexslider is not refreshed at first load, thus preventing flickering of images
- Fix: When service duration is 1 day and Selectable Durations not configured, JavaScript error prevents opening of the checkout form
- Fix: Single Click Booking summary info shows updated service instead of service of the selected slot after calendar updated
- Fix: Contrary to the description, Limited Availability requires service working hours to be set
- Dev: Refactoring of front.php
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Change: Even when Credits is the only active payment method, Payment Method box at checkout is displayed to be able to show credit balance of the customer
- Tweak: When recurring bookings are created on admin side, client and UDF info are also copied from parent to children
- Tweak: Admin emails are slighly different for pending and confirmed bookings
- Fix: Uploaded video may not be displayed in Multi Vendor Marketplace Geodirectory integration
- Fix: Extras addon is pulling the wrong description or not pulling at all at checkout
- Fix: WooCommerce does not respect minimum and maximum time slot settings
- Fix: Event attendees print does not function correctly
- Fix: User fields in Account Settings tab are repeated
- Fix: If post content is not empty and [app_book] is on a template or Geodir tab, calendar is not updated on the first load
- Fix: If service is zero priced, Extra selection with price does not open payment method selection at checkout
- Fix: Recurring Appointments checks far further dates and may not allow booking at checkout
- Fix: If some items of a recurring appointment package is removed at checkout, booking is not allowed with too less error
- Fix: Participant fields in Front End Edit dialog are misaligned
- Fix: Editing booking record with Front End Edit gives PHP error if PDF addon is active
- Fix: Changes in Front End Edit for UDF fields are not saved
V4.7.0 August 23, 2024
- Fix: Limited availability dates do not always work for services with duration 2+ days
- Fix: At account page, calendars are updated at first load
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: 1 month to 12 months booking duration can be selected in Selectable Durations
- Tweak/Fix: Old confirmation form is not working for Event Bookings. Replaced with the new Checkout form
- Fix: When editing an admin booking record, checking/unchecking send email check box affects other UDF check boxes
- Fix: PHP8 error when a non logged in user makes a booking and UDF addon enabled
- Fix: Event Bookings selected guest number drops down to 1 when payment method selected
V4.6.0 August 04, 2024
- New: Confirmation Form now uses the same markup and styling of Flex Steps Checkout
- Change: Remember Me field retired
- Change: Several settings about confirmation form layout and css retired
- Change: Theme Builder Compatibility setting retired. Now compatibility is always on
- Change: Lazy Load, Use Cache settings retired
- Fix: When service duration is exactly 7 days, service availabilities are incorrect
- Fix: Deprecated messages in PHP8.3.9
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Fix: Wrong escaping of paginate links in Coupons, Custom Pricing, Extras, Locations, Seasonal Working Hours, UDF
V4.5.0 June 29, 2024
- New: Booking lasting longer than 24 hours are displayed on a monthly calendar on admin schedules and provider/owner account
- Tweak: WordPress V6.6 tested for compatibility
- Tweak: Flex Steps now support Shopping Cart
- Fix: Permanently Delete Selected Records button is not working
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Fix: Provider Free bookings should show in service owner’s account under manage bookings and should be counted in the dashboard
- Fix: PM button should show for Provider Free bookings
- Fix: WooCommerce Order ID is not displayed in admin bookings in HPOS if compatibility mode deactivated
V4.4.0 June 04, 2024
- New: “Flex Steps” booking process
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Tweak: Admin can upload provider and vendor avatar
- Tweak: Admin can enter description for provider
- Fix: Only one of Location, Service or Worker (top prior one) is allowed to use slider
- Fix: Provider display name cannot be changed on admin Providers page
- Fix: When Multi Language is activated, after payment with Credits client is redirected to a non-existing page
- Fix: When Recurring Appointments + Selectable Durations are used at the same time, booking end times are not correct
- Fix: Editing Recurring Appointments children gives unexpected results
V4.3.0 April 10, 2024
- Tweak: When a non logged in user enters email of an existing member during checkout, now login is handled better
- Fix: When slide count is entered as zero, slide should have fixed width
- Fix: If service image file is deleted, it is not possible to replace image with another one on Services page
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: Integration with Better Messages: Now vendors and clients can write each other at meeting and waiting room pages. Users can send message to vendor at their bio pages
- New: Each service can be selected to have Online Meeting or not
- New: New shortcode [app_vendor_meta] which prints vendor info on bio page
- New: Trial services can be set to be free of charge
- New: UsersWP forms or lightboxes can be used as login and register methods
- Tweak: Clearer hints for adding a slot to waiting list
- Change: When Multi Vendor addon is active and there are vendors defined, [app_book] is regarded as [app_book worker=auto]
- Fix: When Zoom API token is expired, it may not be possible to regenerate it
- Fix: Services in vendor pages does not obey default sort order
V4.2.0 February 26, 2024
- New: List of Bookings can be printed
- Tweak: WP6.5 compatibility
- Fix: Flexslider conflicts with WooCommerce default theme Storefront
- Fix: When slider is active, category opt_group should not be on
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: Credit history and Commissions list can be printed
V4.1.0 February 6, 2024
- Change: On user profile settings, only vendors can set WP fields (name, email, first name, last name ), for the rest users these fields are readonly
- Tweak: Better sync with WP fields in Vendors, Clients and user profile
- Fix: Flexslider height can be excessive if slider image aspect ratio > 1
- Fix: Flexslider does not load correctly in Astra theme
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- New: “Provider Free” services in Multi Vendor
- Tweak: Service lock: When vendor/provider is editing a service, record is locked and admin can know who is editing. He can then take over
- Fix: BuddyPress group “Book Us” page always chooses services for Group 1
- Fix: Not possible to use Jitsi and Agora at the same website
- Fix: After vendors edit a service, they lose ownership
- Fix: Preferred Language selection at profile is not reflected to displayed language
- Fix: Services owned, but not provided by vendor cannot be displayed at the front end
- Fix: When BuddyPress Groups/Locations connected, locations aren’t supposed to be selected by menu
- Fix: Registration form cannot be submitted
- Fix: Previously declined or suspended vendors should not apply to be vendor again
V4.0.1 January 12, 2024
- Change: For daily services, if Limited Availability is enabled service working hours are no more needed
- Fix: If a price is not entered as download price previously, EDD bookings become free downloads
- Changes and fixes related to premium addons:
- Tweak: Credit records can be individually deleted
- Tweak: Note can be written when adding a credit record
- Tweak: PERSON_TYPES placeholder can be used in email templates
- Tweak: Multi Language support for person type labels and template
- Change: For daily services, if Limited Availability is enabled service working hours are no more needed
- Fix: When Group Bookings is used for a Package service, person types are not displayed on the front end
V4.0.0 December 23, 2023
- New: Free addons are now delivered with WP BASE Core
- New: “Limited Availability” addon
- New: New setting “Show End Date Based on Venue Bookings” at Display Settings
- Change: Front End Edit and Front End Booking Management are now free addons
- Change: Sidebar widgets are no more loaded by default
- Changes and fixes related to addons:
- New: Person Types in Group Bookings
- New: Ultimate Member and UsersWP support in Multi Vendor
- New: “Flexible Price” feature for services in Multi Vendor Marketplace
- New: Support for WooCommerce checkout page that is created with WooCommerce Blocks
- Tweak: JWT settings in Online Meetings – Zoom have been completely removed
- Fix: PHP8.1+ error at time slot selection from Multi Vendor Marketplace when “Vendor can Set Own Price” is set as fixed, and min/max prices are set as zero and vendor did not enter any price yet
- Fix: In WP BASE DEV, repeated “FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility … is not a known WordPress plugin” WooCommerce log messages
- Fix: PHP error in BuddyPress when Group component is deactivated and WooCommerce cart is selected as payment method
- Fix: Vendors cannot make booking in BuddyPress + WooCommerce configuration due to change in V3.9.7.2