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Croatian membership in the EU is subject to the fulfilment of the legal and political obligations laid down in, among other places, the SAA, the Stability and Association Agreement. The implementation of the SAA depends on the definition... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational Law
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Polazeći od Feyerabendova razlikovanja vođene i slobodne razmjene, autor iznosi tezu da je pristupanje postkomunističkih država Europskoj Uniji provedeno u obliku vođene razmjene, tj. u obliku komunikacije gdje svi sudionici dobrovoljno... more
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Sie dürfen das Werk bzw. den Inhalt vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen sowie Abwandlungen und Bearbeitungen des Werkes bzw. Inhaltes anfertigen, solange Sie den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm... more
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Auror u najluaćim enama izoosi mogući pravac razvoja cvropsk:ih institucija koji bi se remeJjio na lradicfpma postoje6h federativnib dr'lBva i građansKe predstavničke demokracije.:. l'rerposta..Mi da ć: Zajednial uspjeli integrirati... more
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Emerging constitutionalism and its inherent concept of "higher law" brought about a fundamental change of the institutional setting of many states in 19th and 20th century. It has significantly increased powers of the judicial branch and... more
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Izvornt mamtwm rati UDK ~2A (497.13) Ustav Republike Hrvalske i nadnacionalne organizacije: suverenilel, međunarodni odnosi i temeljna ljudska prava SIN IŠA RODIN Prumi falm/11'1 11 Zugrrhrt Raspr.Nlja sc o gJ;r.nim problemima koji su... more
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Evropska ~jednica, od svog nastanka do danas. susreće se s jednim te islim problemom-nacionalizmom podip1Utim na razinu državnog interesa. Taj problem ooemogučio J(! uspostavljanje političkog. ugrollo djelotvornosT pravnog. te umanjio... more
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Glavna je teza ovoga članka da hrvatsko pravno uređenje visokog obrazovanja ne zadovoljava kriterije unutarnjeg tržišta Europske unije. U prvom dijelu autor izlaže osnovu za razlikovanje obrazovanja kao tržišne usluge od obrazovanja kao... more
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At first glance, the CJEU does not appear to make much use of history in its daily work. History is debated neither in the courtroom or chambers, and even less so in the cabinets or corridors. When searched in Eur-lex, word 'history'... more
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Croatian membership in the EU is subject to the fulfilment of the legal and political obligations laid down in, among other places, the SAA, the Stability and Association Agreement. The implementation of the SAA depends on the definition... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational Law
Based on Paul Feyerabend's distinction between guided and free exchange, the author argues that the accession of the post-communist states to the European Union took the form of the former kind, i.e. the form of communication where all... more
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