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It is often argued that globalization fosters "hybridity," as some cultural imports are accepted, while others are "localized," and others still are rejected outright. Yet we know relatively little about the social processes and... more
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amously analyzed by Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish, the restructuring of the socio-symbolic economy of illegalities was a crucial element in the rise of the middle classes in eighteenth-century France (1979). In this essay I... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtSocial ClassFrance
This essay analyzes a shift in racialized regimes of visual signification in French metropolitan culture during the long eighteenth century. The author explores two symbolically central figures-the dismembered black slave and the black... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
Eighteenth-century France experienced a major shift in the position of women, with new value placed on domestic virtue. Analysis of seven representative eighteenth-century French paintings and prints suggests how cultural myths of female... more
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      Political ScienceVisual Art
has recently been published.1 Long needed, this is the first translation to appear in English; it is a superb translation accurate, lit eral, and highly readable. There are three (or perhaps four) complete manuscripts of Rousseau, Judge... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
Montesquieu. The analysis shows how the differences between the two authors reflect their different understanding of the value of Christianity. Insofar as Rousseau's attack is directed largely at Montesquieu's prescription for stimulating... more
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      Political SciencePolity
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Jean-Jacques Rousseau was deeply impressed by Defoe's 1719 story of Robinson Crusoe-indeed, he was charmed, captivated and, at the same time, troubled by the novel. Rousseau's correspondence of the early 1760s contains the intriguing... more
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Apparent antagonists, assumed to be ideological opposites, Rousseau and Dostoevsky actually share profoundly similar moral outlooks . 1 Each attempts to demonstrate the inadequacy of the rationalism, individualism, scientism and optimism... more
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    • Philosophy
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical ScienceUnited States HistoryHistorical Studies
This essay analyzes a shift in racialized regimes of visual signification in French metropolitan culture during the long eighteenth century. The author explores two symbolically central figures-the dismembered black slave and the black... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPolitical TheoryVisual Culture
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      Middle East StudiesHeritage StudiesOttoman StudiesTurkey
Emergent social assistance programmes in developing countries are either considered to possibly signal the transition to a post-neoliberal era, or are taken to constitute a move towards neoliberal welfare governance. By examining the... more
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      Social PolicyPovertyGovernmentalityTurkey
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      Islamic StudiesNeoliberalismEgyptCharity
In this article, I argue that shifting development discourses have shaped the meaning and function of vakıfs (religious endowments) in Turkey since the establishment of the republic in 1923. I identify three periods defined by their... more
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      Islamic EconomicsPolitical EconomyMiddle East StudiesIslamic Contemporary Studies
Middle Eastern Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
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    • Gender and Politics
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeyNeoliberalismIslam in Turkey
This article contributes to the social history of neoliberalism by analyzing the emotions , feelings, and sentiments through which Turkish people experienced the structural adjustment program of the 1980s. I argue that market reforms were... more
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      Political cartoonsAffect (Cultural Theory)Structural adjustment policies