Friday, September 30th, 2005
| Wednesday, September 28th, 2005
| Sunday, September 18th, 2005
| Sunday, July 31st, 2005
10:55 am - WINDOWS

WINDOWS (T. Beechey)
From my window,I can see you lost in each other's gazes In the midst of the hazes brought on my passion's blazes From your window,can you see me before a shattered mirror Cause the image which appeared bore a figure that was clearer Long ago?
From my window,I can see you living out your story Basking in the glory of never needing to be sorry From your window,can you see me lost in a sea of doubt Wondering what life's about in a world now without Your glow?
Myself in the mirror has become so distorted And,through the scrawls and squiggles,I sifted and I sorted In a quest for who I am or who I used to be Or if,in fact,there ever was a me
From my window,I can see you in the arms of another Secure in the love for this moment you've discovered From your window,can you see me with head bent and kneeling In search of a healing from this overwhelming feeling Of shame?
From my window,I can see you dancing in the moonlight Silohuetted in the twilight and everything is all right From your window,can you see me as my spirit's slowly dulling With teardrops steadily falling and each one calling Out your name?
Myself in the mirror no longer bears reflection While the lines of your shadow point in each direction Yet I can't turn aside,ever hopeful for a glance Of the stemming of the tide of romance
From my window,I can see you having all you need Finding the path to lead to where you will succeed From your window,can you see me lost along the trail My whisper's now a wail,it's my destiny to fail Oh,my
From my window,I can see you happily ever after With smiles and laughter ringing down from the rafters From your window,can you see me? No,you can't,I pulled the shade The final card's been played,I've got nothing but a spade... Goodbye
| Saturday, July 30th, 2005
7:47 am - FOREVER

FOREVER (T. Beechey)
Forever exists until memories fade And the shades are drawn and even then When just a solitary thought In time is caught,it begins again
Forever is neither here nor there, It's everywhere and nowhere at all Yet,somewhere we fall in the middle And,little by little,we begin to dull
Till we all become part of forever Never changing,but seldom the same Name or circumstance doesn't divide us For they're inside us to feed the flame
There is no beginning,there is no end Only chance to mend what's fallen before As through the door we quickly pass Into the looking glass of nevermore
Forever exists in a dream selected From those reflected in sightless eyes And nothing dies for we're all as one Just as we've begun until spirits rise