? ?
Journal created:
on 20 May 2008 (#15643320)
on 20 November 2010
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Where writers gather to discuss, critique and support each other
Welcome to Prose Street! I wanted to create a space in the wide and daunting world of the internet where like-minded people, amateur authors, aspiring wordsmiths and anyone who loves to write could gather, post their work, and critique others. The idea behind Prose Street is to build a community of support for writers. So keeping that spirit of support in mind, please feel free to join, network with your fellow writers and offer constructive criticism.

1) Play nice! I really mean this. Be polite, friendly and civil. Sharing your work can be a daunting experience, and there's nothing worse than feeling like you can't express yourself.

2) Don't plagiarise! I think that's pretty self explanatory.

3) Have fun! Prose Street is all about finding other budding writers to relate to and share with, and of course, to support each other as we go through the labour of love that is a literary magnum opus.

If you need to contact me for any reason, feel free to email me: kaelee(dot)dean(at)gmail(dot)com
