@websima on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 15th, 2014
- Location: Iran, Tehran
- Website: websima.com
- Job Title: Web Developer and Creative Agency
- Employer: Websima Creative Agency
Contribution History
Websima’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, [Embed Google Photos album] Uncaught Error: Component already rendered, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Dear Pavex I’m getting this error in console:… -
Committed [1651034] to Plugins SVN:
retain 1.0 -
Committed [1591770] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixes -
Committed [1588825] to Plugins SVN:
Channeller 1.5.4 - Change file_get_contents to CURL -
Committed [1571026] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixes -
Committed [1570682] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.5.3 released -
Committed [1512848] to Plugins SVN:
1.5.2 Glass Button Fixed issue #next line problem -
Committed [1508639] to Plugins SVN:
glass button fixed -
Committed [1508280] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 1.5.1 added Glass Buttons and fixed send photo -
Committed [1434140] to Plugins SVN:
new version - bug fix -
Committed [1383154] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1383150] to Plugins SVN:
language update -
Committed [1383147] to Plugins SVN:
add 1.2 tag -
Committed [1383146] to Plugins SVN:
new changes -
Committed [1383142] to Plugins SVN:
language update -
Committed [1342881] to Plugins SVN:
channeller 1.3.4 -
Committed [1341140] to Plugins SVN:
some uodates -
Committed [1340465] to Plugins SVN:
Update to Channeller 1.3.3 -
Committed [1339913] to Plugins SVN:
deleted -
Committed [1339911] to Plugins SVN:
admin script function name -
Committed [1339458] to Plugins SVN:
Inliner Version Beta -
Committed [1337146] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Upload button an Menu position -
Committed [1336088] to Plugins SVN:
Update Tags and fix Menu Bug -
Committed [1335646] to Plugins SVN:
Channeller Updated to 1.3 -
Committed [1318497] to Plugins SVN:
Send Functions -
Committed [1314837] to Plugins SVN:
fix menu position bug -
Committed [1312260] to Plugins SVN:
Teletter 1.3 - supporting wordpress 4.4 -
Committed [1307162] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Menu Position Bug -
Committed [1303681] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1303676] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt file -
Committed [1301447] to Plugins SVN:
Contributer update in readme.txt -
Committed [1301100] to Plugins SVN:
Update Readme.txt file -
Released a new plugin, Channeller
Committed [1301004] to Plugins SVN:
First Release -
Committed [1267980] to Plugins SVN:
resolve css problem -
Committed [1253960] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Header Function error -
Committed [1253959] to Plugins SVN:
Fix error in header -
Committed [1252696] to Plugins SVN:
update language file -
Committed [1252695] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.2 - Massive Update -
Committed [1252693] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.2 svn -
Committed [1234444] to Plugins SVN:
fix css bugs in settings page -
Committed [1234403] to Plugins SVN:
update new subscriber -
Committed [1234402] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [1234401] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1234391] to Plugins SVN:
fix subscribe message -
Committed [1234073] to Plugins SVN:
tutorial link update -
Committed [1234058] to Plugins SVN:
new version - massive update -
Committed [1224793] to Plugins SVN:
showing errors when token is not set -
Committed [1223309] to Plugins SVN:
update readme file -
Committed [1223304] to Plugins SVN:
fixing welcome message
Channeller - Telegram Channel Administrator
Active Installs: 60+
Telegram Inliner
Active Installs: 10+
Teletter Telegram Newsletter
Active Installs: 10+