@sudiptomahato on, @Sudipto Pratap Mahato on Slack
- Member Since: April 7th, 2011
- Location:
- Website:
Contribution History
sudipto’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to How to redirect to blog page instead of homepage?, on the site Forums:
you need to edit the template that you have added to your blogger blog. Find… -
Posted a reply to How to redirect to blog page instead of homepage?, on the site Forums:
Do you want to redirect the blogger blog homepage to your blog page on wordpress?… -
Committed [2313200] to Plugins SVN:
banner changed -
Committed [2305510] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated -
Committed [2305508] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated. -
Committed [2305502] to Plugins SVN:
readme updated. -
Committed [2305328] to Plugins SVN:
icon added -
Committed [2305316] to Plugins SVN:
Bugs Fixed. Updated social share codes. Disabled Google +1. -
Posted a reply to all posts are redirected to the new hompage, on the site Forums:
Can you post your wordpess and blogger URL -
Posted a reply to Blogger 301 Redirect Not Working on Mobile Devices, on the site Forums:
It seems like you have not selected to show desktop theme for mobile devices on… -
Committed [2122711] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug Fixed. Check compatibility with the WordPress version 5.2.2 -
Committed [1334394] to Plugins SVN:
files added -
Committed [1334386] to Plugins SVN:
minor bug fix for better stability -
Committed [1253438] to Plugins SVN:
Support for language translation added -
Committed [1237467] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix -
Committed [968232] to Plugins SVN:
fixed compatibility issues with SSL enabled websites. -
Committed [967249] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix -
Committed [933954] to Plugins SVN:
Added per post settings -
Committed [897153] to Plugins SVN:
modified stable tested upto tag -
Committed [891799] to Plugins SVN:
quick error update -
Committed [891797] to Plugins SVN:
Minor Blogger template update -
Committed [796716] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix -
Committed [782467] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix. Added option to add custom scripts. -
Committed [778840] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix. -
Committed [773530] to Plugins SVN:
minor bug fix -
Committed [766157] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix related to import from localhost -
Committed [764735] to Plugins SVN:
Quick bug fix related to fixed scroll. Initially released as v1.7 -
Committed [764629] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix related to the Fixed style scrolling -
Committed [764495] to Plugins SVN:
Invalid guid causing invalid redirects - rectified Added support for any ... -
Committed [739784] to Plugins SVN:
Added more options to vertical scrolling sidebar -
Committed [730126] to Plugins SVN:
Added option to display vertical sharebar. One new tag added for custom ... -
Committed [727633] to Plugins SVN:
added option to remove parameters from URL -
Committed [719088] to Plugins SVN:
banner added -
Committed [719083] to Plugins SVN:
minor bug fix related to CSS for long urls -
Committed [671454] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bugs fixed. -
Committed [670887] to Plugins SVN:
Added 2 new tags (%%ETITLE%% and %%EDESC%%) for custom buttons -
Committed [670639] to Plugins SVN:
Facebook like not getting displayed on IE 8 and below. Like button code ... -
Committed [668833] to Plugins SVN:
Added disable on mobile option. Add custom button options included. -
Committed [659005] to Plugins SVN:
added option to set different margin value for the sharebar displayed on ... -
Committed [657585] to Plugins SVN:
Added option to display on Homepage -
Committed [654496] to Plugins SVN:
bug fix -
Committed [653433] to Plugins SVN:
added banner-772x250.jpg -
Committed [653428] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix -
Committed [650426] to Plugins SVN:
updated facebook share button -
Committed [645868] to Plugins SVN:
Updated template.. added page redirection.. -
Committed [528081] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [528077] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [523082] to Plugins SVN:
changed the scripts link from to -
Committed [507116] to Plugins SVN:
Option to remove the Facebook Open Graph tags and Facebook javascript, ... -
Committed [469801] to Plugins SVN:
Added remove og tag, disable on post and categories
Google plus stream Widget
Active Installs: 10+
Google related post links
Active Installs: 10+
Scrolling Social Sharebar (Twitter Like Google +1 Linkedin and Stumbleupon)
Active Installs: 50+
Scrolling Twitter Like Google +1 Linkedin and Stumbleupon
Active Installs: 10+
Ultimate Thesis Theme Options
Active Installs: 50+