Ingo Steinke (openmindculture)
@openmindculture on, @Ingo Steinke on Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: February 19th, 2018
- Location: Germany
- Website:
- GitHub: openmindculture
- Job Title: Creative Web Developer
Contribution History
Ingo Steinke (openmindculture)’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, This should be a Core Block!, on the site Forums:
This should be part of WordPress core blocks. Thanks f… -
Created a topic, XSS filter breaks custom HTML in result title, on the site Forums:
Since 4.12.4, the custom HTML that I add to the result… -
Created a topic, vendor lock-in for no reason, on the site Forums:
I'm not a fan of custom WordPress page builders in gen… -
Committed [3178878] to Plugins SVN:
WordPress 6.7 compatibility, Release 1.3.4 -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 6.7 Field Guide, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Will WordPress 6.7 still be compatible with PHP 8.0 ? I checked the handbook, but… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught TypeError: window[o] is not a function, on the site Forums:
The error happens again (erratically). Solution: switch to Matomo, increase privacy, don't waste any more… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught TypeError: window[o] is not a function, on the site Forums:
Thanks!I just checked again and can't reproduce the error anymore either. It seems that the… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught TypeError: window[o] is not a function, on the site Forums:
As this is still unanswered and unfixed 3 months later, I consider recommending my customers… -
Posted a reply to fr-CH missing in add language dropdown, on the site Forums:
Thanks, good to know! -
Created a topic, fr-CH missing in add language dropdown, on the site Forums:
We started developing a new WordPress theme for a Swis… -
Posted a reply to Search in custom post types does not find all results, on the site Forums:
Thanks Ernest, that solved our problem! For everyone who wants to change the setting programmatically,… -
Created a topic, Search in custom post types does not find all results, on the site Forums:
We are using Ajax Search Lite with Advanced Custom Fie… -
Posted a reply to Impreza: How to upgrade WPBakery to a working page builder, on the site Forums:
P.S. I was able to narrow down the errors. With Impreza + WPBakery, dragging rows… -
Posted a reply to Impreza: How to upgrade WPBakery to a working page builder, on the site Forums:
P.S. I was able to narrow down the errors. With Impreza + WPBakery, dragging rows… -
Posted a reply to Impreza: How to upgrade WPBakery to a working page builder, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I will have to evaluate possible solutions. -
Created a topic, Impreza: How to upgrade WPBakery to a working page builder, on the site Forums:
A customer hired me to edit their existing website tha… -
Created a topic, Very useful for managed instances, on the site Forums:
When working for customers using managed hosting, wher… -
Created a topic, Deprecation causes fatal error, on the site Forums:
Tested on localhost first: most options are only in pa… -
Committed [3116585] to Plugins SVN:
1.3.3 WordPress 6.6 compatibility -
Created a topic, slow and overcomplicated, on the site Forums:
I have been trying to use, understand, and extends Pod… -
Created a topic, Uncaught TypeError: window[o] is not a function, on the site Forums:
Dear all, WooCommerce Google Analytics integrations th… -
Posted a reply to requested on every admin page, on the site Forums:
Still unanswered, if/why/where Sift (fraud detection?) is needed or if it is safe to turn… -
Committed [3112203] to Plugins SVN:
WordPress 6.6 compatibility -
Posted a reply to Flamingo Spam Reports, on the site Forums:
Hi @gondia123, the plugin is not ready for production yet! DO NOT USE IT IN… -
Committed [3056171] to Plugins SVN:
WordPress 6.5 compatibility -
Created a topic, PayPal subscriptions vs. vaulting, on the site Forums:
Hi all, as you mentioned in several other posts, there… -
Posted a reply to Does not work for Block Checkout page?, on the site Forums:
After the latest updates to WooCommerce, Germanized, and WooCommerce PayPal payments, are all PayPal payments… -
Posted a reply to How to repair PayPal subscribers with missing token, on the site Forums:
What's the current status and planned updates for PayPal vaulting? If I understand the plugin's… -
Posted a reply to Prevent SQLSTATE[HY000] more than ‘max_user_connections’, on the site Forums:
Thanks! -
Created a topic, WooCommerce classic checkout shortcode unchanged, on the site Forums:
Using this plugin with WooCommerce 8.4.0 using classic… -
Posted a reply to How to repair PayPal subscribers with missing token, on the site Forums:
Thanks so far!Can the problem be caused by customers who do a single purchase with… -
Created a topic, Prevent SQLSTATE[HY000] more than ‘max_user_connections’, on the site Forums:
MailPoet threw a fatal exception due to too many datab… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
This is still not working. I will follow-up researching more details when I find time. -
Created a topic, How to repair PayPal subscribers with missing token, on the site Forums:
After the, supposedly fixed, issue of PayPal subscript… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
As nobody seems to be able to help, I will test alternative solutions: switch caching… -
Committed [2983617] to Plugins SVN:
WordPress 6.4 compatibility 1.3.1 -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
I added a schedule on the second page, emptied the cache, and did the same… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
I have installed the same plugin on another site which also uses W3 TC page… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
The situation is getting even more erratic.I didn't touch any settings and didn't explicitly clear… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
No more cron since I activated page cache. -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
I will reenable page cache now and see if it occurs again. -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
Can't reproduce the issue anymore. About 1 day after WordPress core update to 6.3.2 cron… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
Caching changed: 20231012-1944 Page cache disabled, frontend minify disabled, object cache stays enabled, browser cache… -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
you mean enable object cache but disable pache cache? I will try and tell you. -
Posted a reply to WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
No more scheduled mails after reactivating page cache. -
Created a topic, WP Cron Callbacks not executed, on the site Forums:
It seems that caching prevents my WordPress website fr… -
Posted a reply to Flamingo Spam Reports, on the site Forums:
Still unsure about the best practice to access message inbox items from a scheduled wp… -
Created a topic, Useful tool for cron schedule debugging, on the site Forums:
WP Crontrol helped me spot a mistake that I made in my… -
Posted a reply to Is it safe to hook into action asl_res_vertical_after_content?, on the site Forums:
It works! Thanks for your quick reply! -
Created a topic, Is it safe to hook into action asl_res_vertical_after_content?, on the site Forums:
Is it safe to hook into action asl_res_vertical_after_…
Incompatibility Status
Active Installs: 20+