Nikolay Nikolov
@nnikolov on
- Member Since: May 28th, 2015
- Location: Bulgaria
- Website:
Contribution History
Nikolay Nikolov’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Изпращане на кредитно известие, on the site Forums:
Благодаря -
Posted a reply to Изпращане на кредитно известие, on the site Forums:
@autopolisbg Аз съм с най-новата версия 3.3.3, но няма прикачен файл в писмото за възстановена… -
Created a topic, Изпращане на кредитно известие, on the site Forums:
Здравейте. Едно предложение, ако прецените, че е до… -
Posted a reply to Incorrect display of variable product prices, on the site Forums:
@mialewp I still don't get it, but thanks anyway. I will just leave it like… -
Posted a reply to Incorrect display of variable product prices, on the site Forums:
Hi, I also had the same issue with variable prices and the option next tier… -
Posted a reply to Incorrect price in checkout in your demo, on the site Forums:
Anyway, I guess there is nothing we can do about that then. I will probably… -
Posted a reply to Incorrect price in checkout in your demo, on the site Forums:
But the way it is displayed, if we sum the subtotals of the items, it… -
Created a topic, Благодаря за плъгина и поддръжката, on the site Forums:
Благодаря за полезният плъгин и за съдействието с няко… -
Posted a reply to Валидиране на празен ДДС номер, on the site Forums:
Видях, че сега е оправено в новата версия. Благодаря! -
Posted a reply to Incorrect price in checkout in your demo, on the site Forums:
I see that currently it is working in a different way, so I assume you… -
Created a topic, Incorrect price in checkout in your demo, on the site Forums:
Hi. If we add this product to the cart in your demo… -
Posted a reply to Fabulous!, on the site Forums:
That's the goal :). Thanks. -
Posted a reply to Excellent plugin!, on the site Forums:
Great, thanks :) -
Posted a reply to Валидиране на празен ДДС номер, on the site Forums:
Здравейте. Само да попитам, понеже видях, че е маркирано като поправено, това означава ли че… -
Created a topic, Валидиране на празен ДДС номер, on the site Forums:
Здравейте. Когато включа VIES валидацията, а опцият… -
Posted a reply to Фирмени данни при редакция на поръчка, on the site Forums:
ОК, благодаря -
Created a topic, Фирмени данни при редакция на поръчка, on the site Forums:
Здравейте. Когато се редактира поръчката в админ па… -
Posted a reply to Двойно BG пред ДДС номер и формат на дата, on the site Forums:
Супер, благодаря! Ако за някой е полезно, използвах следния снипет за да променя формата на… -
Created a topic, Двойно BG пред ДДС номер и формат на дата, on the site Forums:
Здравейте. Благодаря за полезният плъгин. Сега го р… -
Posted a reply to Add working on Gutenberg in description, on the site Forums:
Great, thanks :) -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments, on the site Forums:
Hi. I am getting this error with the latest plugin … -
Posted a reply to Just what I need, on the site Forums:
Great to hear, thanks :) -
Committed [3190731] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 6.7 -
Committed [3190730] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 6.7 -
Posted a reply to Not applying to some tables on the site, on the site Forums:
You are welcome :). -
Posted a reply to Not applying to some tables on the site, on the site Forums:
Ah, now I see what you are doing. You are echoing the HTML code of… -
Posted a reply to Not applying to some tables on the site, on the site Forums:
I have to see the code inside the php file that loads the post content.… -
Posted a reply to Not applying to some tables on the site, on the site Forums:
I tried now on generatepress theme on a category archive page with showing full post… -
Posted a reply to Not applying to some tables on the site, on the site Forums:
Hi. I am happy to hear the plugin is helpful for you :). The HTML… -
Posted a reply to table attribution mistmatch, on the site Forums:
Thanks -
Posted a reply to table attribution mistmatch, on the site Forums:
Hello. I am the plugin author of Deactivate Plugins Per Page. I see that your… -
Created a topic, Useful to find security issues, on the site Forums:
Thanks, it is useful to find security issues like miss… -
Posted a reply to Excellent!, on the site Forums:
Hi, thanks -
Posted a reply to Generate product description from product image, on the site Forums:
thanks -
Created a topic, Generate product description from product image, on the site Forums:
Hi. Is there any way to generate product descriptio… -
Committed [3122033] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 6.6 -
Committed [3122028] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 6.6 -
Posted a reply to Not Working in Some Places/Forms, on the site Forums:
This plugin is made specifically for the login form, and is made to be as… -
Posted a reply to Not Working in Some Places/Forms, on the site Forums:
Hi. It is only for the login form. Not lost password or register forms. -
Posted a reply to Register Captcha, on the site Forums:
Hi. Unfortunately I haven't worked on that idea. It is possible that I never do. -
Posted a reply to Beauty in simplicity, on the site Forums:
Great, thanks for the review. -
Committed [3061970] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 6.5. -
Committed [3061968] to Plugins SVN:
Uploading version 1.8.0. -
Posted a reply to Disable for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
Hi. Use this code to disable it on any page that contains a certain string… -
Posted a reply to Excellent, on the site Forums:
Great, thanks :) -
Posted a reply to Too easy to use, on the site Forums:
Thank you, great to hear it. -
Posted a reply to Not working if logged out of FB and console error, on the site Forums:
Ah, OK, thanks. -
Created a topic, Not working if logged out of FB and console error, on the site Forums:
Hi. I noticed that it does not display the form if … -
Posted a reply to This plugin is very dangerous, on the site Forums:
@yourbttclubWhich lines of code in which file of this plugin do you think is the… -
Committed [3016070] to Plugins SVN:
Uploading version 1.3.6.
Make Tables Responsive
Active Installs: 5,000+
Simple Login Captcha
Active Installs: 10,000+