Micro Center - Loja de informática
@microcenter on WordPress.org
- Member Since: February 4th, 2025
- Location: Juazeiro Bahia Brasil
- Website: microcenter.net.br
- Job Title: Vendedor
Created a topic, Excelente!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
O plugin funcionou corretamente e é bonito!
Advanced Local Pickup for WooCommerce
Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce
AI Copilot – ChatGPT Chatbot & AI Engine for Post Automation
App Builder - Create Native Android & iOS Apps On The Flight
Brazilian Market on WooCommerce
Checkout Field Manager (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce
Cielo WooCommerce - Solução Webservice
Claudio Sanches - Correios for WooCommerce
Claudio Sanches - PagSeguro for WooCommerce
Correios Automático - Rastreio, Frete, Etiqueta, Declaração e Devolução
Country Based Restrictions for WooCommerce
Customer Email Verification for WooCommerce
Datadev - Jadlog for WooCommerce
Direct Checkout for WooCommerce
Email Customizer for WooCommerce | Drag and Drop Email Templates Builder
Email Marketing for WooCommerce by Omnisend
Frenet Shipping Gateway for WooCommerce - Correios, Etiquetas e Rastreio
Gutenverse – Ultimate Block Addons and Page Builder for Site Editor
Lifetime Subscriptions for WooCommerce
Newsletters, Email Marketing, SMS and Popups by Omnisend
PagBank / PagSeguro Connect para WooCommerce
ParcelPanel (Free to install) - Shipment Tracking, Tracking, and Order Tracking for WooCommerce
Payment forms, Buy now buttons, and Invoicing System | GetPaid
Perfecty Push Notifications
Push notification for Mobile and Web app
Push Notification for Post and BuddyPress
Push Notifications for WP - Self Hosted Web Push Notifications
Simple Sitemap - Create a Responsive HTML Sitemap
Transportadora Zapex for WooCommerce
VidSEO | Wordpress Video SEO embedder with transcripts (Youtube & Vimeo)