Matt Robinson
@mattyrob on and Slack
- Member Since: August 12th, 2005
- Website:
Contribution History
Matt Robinson’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Translation Contributor
Mentioned in [59656] on Core SVN:
Administration: Modernize admin color scheme SASS files. -
Created ticket #62761 on Core Trac:
Database error logged on re-install with custom LOGGED_IN_COOKIE name -
Created ticket #62323 on Core Trac:
Sass Deprecation warnings during build process with v 1.80.x -
Mentioned in [59305] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59304] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59303] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59302] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59301] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59300] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59299] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59298] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59297] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Mentioned in [59293] on Core SVN:
Tests: Use better domain for HTTP API invalid hostname test. -
Created ticket #62307 on Core Trac:
HTTP unit test failing, URL is now resolving -
Mentioned in [58902] on Core SVN:
Script Loader: Remove redundant check in `wp_register_tinymce_scripts()`. -
Created ticket #61862 on Core Trac:
Redundant code and potential inaccurate check in script-loader.php -
Translated 1 string on
Created ticket #61245 on Core Trac:
Two QUnit Widget tests are skipped and one is broken -
Posted a reply to Array to String error in admin, on the site Forums:
Thanks @joedolson, it looks like the code is updated already in you GitHub repository, someone… -
Created a topic, Array to String error in admin, on the site Forums:
I am seeing a PHP error in the admin pages that report… -
Created a topic, Logic issue in wpt_needs_bearer_token((), on the site Forums:
Thanks for a great plugin, one I have used for several… -
Posted a reply to Syntax error in bundled theme, on the site Forums:
Another glitch, in core/menu.php there is a function wptouch_show_menu(). The closing tag should be </ul>… -
Posted a reply to Syntax error in bundled theme, on the site Forums:
I've also noticed that foundation_inline_styles() uses wp_kses() to escape and sanitise the CSS. While this… -
Created a topic, Syntax error in bundled theme, on the site Forums:
There is an HTML syntax error in the free bundled them… -
Posted a reply to Social Links HTML is excessively escaped, on the site Forums:
@wptouch Thanks for confirming. I had noticed I no longer needed to make my edits.… -
Created a topic, Social Links HTML is excessively escaped, on the site Forums:
Hi, and thanks for WPTouch.Since the last update with … -
Mentioned in [53900] on Core SVN:
Mail: Prevent the last character of names in “From” headers from being trimmed. -
Created ticket #55693 on Core Trac:
TinyMCE WordPress plugin contains unnecessary code -
Posted a reply to Emails to confirm subscription being sent to deleted addresses, on the site Forums:
See the "Contributors" section in the right column on this page: -
Posted a reply to Emails to confirm subscription being sent to deleted addresses, on the site Forums:
@elliekennard Subscribe2 is no longer my plugin, hasn't been since 2014. And I've move away… -
Posted a reply to Full HTML Emails, on the site Forums:
@craigluch I don't think this is possible with the free version of Subscribe2 but there… -
Posted a reply to Type Attributes, on the site Forums:
@wpmudev-support2 / Kasia That's good to know, thanks for the rapid reply. -
Created a topic, Type Attributes, on the site Forums:
Hi, and thanks for continuing to maintain such a great… -
Created ticket #53552 on Core Trac:
Inactive Widgets prevent placement of new widget if `multiple` is false -
Posted a reply to Roman numerals for ordered lists, on the site Forums:
@gvenditto Probably the easiest way is to add a custom list name to the list… -
Wrote a comment on the post Discussion: Dropping support for IE11, on the site Make WordPress Core:
The text above says 4 metrics have been used to assess IE11 usage, but only… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Custom Post Types after update, on the site Forums:
@duttoluca I think you need to go to All In One SEO -> General Settings… -
Closed ticket #51331 on Core Trac:
PHP Deprecated: Non-static method Wp2sv_Mailer::send() -
Posted a reply to How can I remove the “Register” link on the login page?, on the site Forums:
@twd In the WordPress admin area, go to Settings > General. In there you'll find… -
Posted a reply to Static page with link to posts?, on the site Forums:
@holyroller I suspect you'll find this helpful -
Posted a reply to Public Subscribers can not be Deleted or Unsubscribed, on the site Forums:
@ezonelai I am no longer involved in the development of this plugin. It has has… -
Posted a reply to Same name (slug and textdomain) for plugin and theme, on the site Forums:
@hosseinrafiei In theory it should work okay as the translations will be pulled from: WP_LANG_DIR… -
Posted a reply to Mail Not Sent, on the site Forums:
@counterggwp What you've posted above is just account information to assist in narrowing down the… -
Posted a reply to Italics are automatically in boldface, on the site Forums:
@bamster As far as I can tell this is because in some of your CSS… -
Posted a reply to Errors, on the site Forums:
@horatium No, the content on your site is stored in a database, not files. If… -
Posted a reply to Errors, on the site Forums:
@horatium It would seem that somehow your copy of the file at wp-includes/functions.php is corrupt.… -
Posted a reply to Automated Sound Cloud Integration, on the site Forums:
@beatmaker2112 WordPress supports many embed sites but is seems SoundCloud isn't one of them. It… -
Posted a reply to Content centered in block but not in actual published post, on the site Forums:
@sinergyinaction In your style sheet you have: .has-text-align-center { text-align: center; } But you also… -
Posted a reply to Can’t leave another person’s blog!, on the site Forums:
@floppixtoon It's not entirely clear from your question if this might be about a…
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