Brian Haas
@masteradhoc on, @Brian on Slack
- Member Since: December 16th, 2015
- Location: Liechtenstein
- GitHub: masteradhoc
Contribution History
Brian Haas’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Core Performance Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to i cant find the VAT enable settings on the new UI., on the site Forums:
@dangoodman we're looking for a way to turn off the tax calculation as we always… -
Mentioned in [59902] on Core SVN:
Media: Allow uploading images from URLs without extensions. -
Mentioned in [59883] on Core SVN:
Embeds: Add support for domain. -
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Mentioned in [59718] on Core SVN:
REST API: Introduce filter for controlling menu read access. -
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Suggested 22 strings on
Wrote a comment on the post Let’s reconsider adopting the WP Consent API, on the site Make WordPress Core:
A big +1 from my side. It would be great to give plugins and themes… -
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Suggested 8 strings on
Wrote a comment on the post Merge Proposal: Preferred Languages, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Thank you @swissspidy for the great feature plugin and bringing this important feature to core.… -
Mentioned in [57985] on Core SVN:
General: Increase the minimum supported version of PHP to 7.2.24. -
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Suggested 42 strings on
Wrote a comment on the post Dev Chat agenda, November 22, 2023, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Hey @webcommsat Would be great if you could raise in devchat and ask if… -
Pull request #55429 merged into WordPress/gutenberg:
Navigation block: Fix Inaccurate description of the Show icon button setting -
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Created a topic, Great Plugin & great Support, on the site Forums:
Great Plugin that does exactly what it advertises. We … -
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Submitted pull request #55429 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Navigation block: Fix Inaccurate description of the Show icon button setting -
Received props from @JeffPaul in Slack:
Props to all the folks who helped during the 6.3.2 release party: @joemcgill @jorbin @audrasjb… -
Mentioned in [56776] on Core SVN:
Editor: Fix loading of assets in blocks in child themes where the directory name starts with the parent theme's directory name. -
Pull request #54358 merged into WordPress/gutenberg:
Change dialogdescription for renaming group block -
Submitted pull request #54358 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Change dialogdescription for renaming group block -
Mentioned in [56527] on Core SVN:
Editor: Fix loading of assets in blocks in child themes where the directory name starts with the parent theme's directory name. -
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Closed ticket #59012 on Core Trac:
Option to change Twitter Bird to Twitter X logo -
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Wrote a comment on the post Dropping support for PHP 5, on the site Make WordPress Core:
A big +1 from my side. Great to hear WordPress soon only supports PHP 7… -
Mentioned in [56141] on Core SVN:
General: Increase the minimum supported version of PHP to 7.0.0. -
Created a topic, PHP 8.2 Compatibility, on the site Forums:
Dear André We found a small deprecated message whic… -
Suggested 2 strings on
Posted a reply to How temporarly hide a row or column in Site Editor, on the site Forums:
@sundstedt try this one: Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Control for the Block Editor –… -
Pull request #49540 merged into WordPress/gutenberg:
Adjust copy of Site Logo Block -
Created issue #49694 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Time To Read Block - Translations are ignored -
Created issue #49692 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Time To Read Block - Add Color Options -
Submitted pull request #49540 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Adjust copy of Site Logo Block -
Created a topic, Amazing Plugin, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for this amazing Plugin that serve… -
Created issue #47392 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Accessibility Issue - Snapchat Social Icon -
Created issue #46976 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Custom Thumbnail for Youtube, Vimeo,.. embedded Videos
Active Installs: 3,000+