@marlinka on
- Member Since: November 19th, 2017
Contribution History
marlinka’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Its absolutely not working!, on the site Forums:
I uninstalled your plugin and installed the WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click… -
Created a topic, critical error, on the site Forums:
When deleted from the admin panel, it creates a critic… -
Created a topic, Its absolutely not working!, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have all the default settings enabled + I hav… -
Posted a reply to Bugs I find, on the site Forums:
Из трех регистраций разных пользователей только у одного открылось окно с шагами для запуска магазина… -
Posted a reply to Bugs I find, on the site Forums:
Я удалила предыдущего вендора и попробовала зарегистрировать нового. В настройках пользователи при смене клиент на… -
Posted a reply to Bugs I find, on the site Forums:
Я зарегистрировала аккаунт продавца через форму регистрации на сайте. Ссылка на магазин этого вендора выглядит… -
Created a topic, Bugs I find, on the site Forums:
Здравствуйте. Пожалуйста в аккаунте вендора забло… -
Posted a reply to A few very important moments, on the site Forums:
9. Пустые категории и атрибуты должны скрываться. -
Created a topic, A few very important moments, on the site Forums:
Привет! У меня работает фильтрация товаров по атриб… -
Posted a reply to Minimum does not work, on the site Forums:
Ограничение по минимому товара заработало, когда я установила его у двух из трёх вариаций. Сделайте… -
Created a topic, Minimum does not work, on the site Forums:
Здравствуйте! У меня не работает ограничение по мин… -
Posted a reply to css font color not work, on the site Forums:
After a while the font became black again. I didn't make any more changes to… -
Posted a reply to css font color not work, on the site Forums:
Somehow I solved this problem even though I didn't do anything else. even earned a… -
Posted a reply to sight width problem, on the site Forums:
Somehow I solved this problem even though I didn't do anything else. -
Posted a reply to css font color not work, on the site Forums:
As a result, the fonts became black again. It became impossible to change their color… -
Created a topic, css font color not work, on the site Forums:
Hello! I wanted to make the link color when hovere… -
Created a topic, update, on the site Forums:
Hello! Please update your plugin. Thank you very much -
Created a topic, very bad, on the site Forums:
Easy Google Fonts with same logo work perfectly. But t… -
Posted a reply to sight width problem, on the site Forums:
Also -
Created a topic, sight width problem, on the site Forums:
Hello. I have a problem with the width of the site.… -
Posted a reply to Update your plugin, because its not work, on the site Forums:
Олег, это не работает. Когда я настраиваю метку и добавляю туда товары из вукоммерс-тэг, метки… -
Created a topic, Update your plugin, because its not work, on the site Forums:
I create labels – and absolutely all my items have all… -
Created a topic, Update your plugin, because its not work, on the site Forums:
1. I create labels - and absolutely all my items have … -
Created a topic, container does not fit the width, on the site Forums:
09.07.24 In the latest version of Elementor, the conta… -
Created a topic, Gtranslate bugs and display problem, on the site Forums:
Hello. When setting the globe on the top left - i… -
Posted a reply to AIOS impossible admin login page, on the site Forums:
Так же при первой попытке откатить версию AIOS до обновления плагинов я столкнулась с такой… -
Created a topic, AIOS impossible admin login page, on the site Forums:
Привет! Невозможно войти в админ панель сайта и отк… -
Posted a reply to Problem after update WordPress 6.1, on the site Forums:
I have same problem if up php 7.4 on 8.0 or 8.1 wp version 6.1.1 .… -
Created a topic, bug fixed, on the site Forums:
Hello! I give you 5 * because your plugin one of the b… -
Created a topic, long download site, on the site Forums:
Hello dear developer! Your plugin is very cool. I cre… -
Posted a reply to long download site, on the site Forums:
Dear decveloper! Sorry Sorry!!!! Its about this plugin - Premium Addons for Elementor Please remove… -
Created a topic, long download site, on the site Forums:
Hello dear developer! Your plugin is very cool. I crea… -
Posted a reply to Critical php Error after last renew, on the site Forums:
But actually now, it some php problem -
Posted a reply to Critical php Error after last renew, on the site Forums:
en Hello! You know, it's not about woocommerce. I think this issue is related to… -
Created a topic, Невозможно найти ссылку настроек плагина, on the site Forums:
Я пишу это, потому что вообще не вижу ссылку на плагин… -
Posted a reply to Warning: A non-numeric value encountered class-wc-cart.php on line 2032, on the site Forums:
Не вижу смысла начинать новое обсуждение той же самой проблемы, особенно, если автор не получил… -
Posted a reply to Warning: A non-numeric value encountered class-wc-cart.php on line 2032, on the site Forums:
This decision woocommerce/includes/class-wc-cart.php on line 2032 find this file in way and change * (or… -
Posted a reply to Warning: A non-numeric value encountered class-wc-cart.php on line 2032, on the site Forums:
Have same problem too in plugin Side Cart WooCommerce debug false not resolve a problem,… -
Created a topic, Not work and no display, on the site Forums:
Hello! Its not display and no work in last elementor a… -
Created a topic, Critical php Error after last renew, on the site Forums:
Hello! After last update In site health Critical erro… -
Posted a reply to Претензия WordPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Yui - тема не такая уж старая, и не трехлетней давности, учитывая, что в интернете… -
Posted a reply to Претензия WordPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Хотя, хотя, вордпрессу стоило бы обратить внимание на конкретных лиц, и возможно глобально запретить использование… -
Posted a reply to Претензия WordPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Потому что к вордпрессу обращаться по данной проблеме как к заводу производителю автомобилей и запчастей,… -
Posted a reply to Претензия WordPress, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Вы не по адресу обратились. Кто вам ответил это? "Можем пойти вам навстречу и предложить… -
Posted a reply to Impossible to add weight, on the site Forums:
Unfortunnally its impossible rollback, I have latest version + latest wp. Now its absolutle inusable,… -
Created a topic, Impossible to add weight, on the site Forums:
Hello! Thanks for plugin, I used it 1-2 year, but in l… -
Created a topic, The best!!, on the site Forums:
The best theme and my favourite! Its Perfectly!! Tha… -
Created a topic, Админка- плагины-детали — белое окно. iframe?, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Здравствуйте! когда в админке в Плагинах - нажимаешь… -
Created a topic, Решение Warning a non numeric value encountered php, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Эта проблема связана с миграцией после версии php 7. … -
Posted a reply to Плагины — детали — ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE, on the site Форумы поддержки:
Это оказались две разные проблемы Проблема со строкой $fileupload_maxk = KB_IN_BYTES * get_site_option( ‘fileupload_maxk’, 1500…