Kev Provance
@kprovance on and Slack
- Member Since: March 19th, 2011
- Location: Summerville, South Carolina
- Website:
- Job Title: Head bug stomper and/or lead dev
- Employer: SVL Studios and TPA Software...among others.
Contribution History
Kev Provance’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Framework not applying after migration, on the site Forums:
@sarahsas - You are using v2.1.0 of that theme from 2018. There was no Redux… -
Posted a reply to Framework not applying after migration, on the site Forums:
The differences between v3 and v4 are night and day. It was a complete rewrite.… -
Posted a reply to Framework not applying after migration, on the site Forums:
Honestly, I have none. I'm confidently sure all this renaming of folders and shortcut mapping… -
Posted a reply to Framework not applying after migration, on the site Forums:
I looked at the HTML of both sites. The original one has the "options-output" CSS… -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in Redux, on the site Forums:
Sounds like your options did not migrate properly. That's not something I can help with… -
Posted a reply to Issue compatibility with Elementor, on the site Forums:
Based on the little information provided there isn't much I can tell you. Redux out… -
Posted a reply to The Redux option name: options, was not found in this WP site, on the site Forums:
You already contact our support email with this issue. As I explained there, this is… -
Posted a reply to Hi There. My website is very, very slow when I activate REDUX FRAMEWORK, on the site Forums:
Hi, As shown here, Redux in and of itself is not a resource hog:… -
Posted a reply to Dieses Plugin konnte nicht richtig geladen werden und wird im Wiederherstellungs, on the site Forums:
I'm glad to hear the Redux issue is solved. Elementor is a different company. We… -
Posted a reply to Dieses Plugin konnte nicht richtig geladen werden und wird im Wiederherstellungs, on the site Forums:
First, I can read German, but I can barely write it, so I must reply… -
Posted a reply to E_ERROR – This plugin failed to load properly and is stopped in recovery mode., on the site Forums:
This is a duplicate post. Closing. -
Posted a reply to Recent Update – Regex Warning Error, on the site Forums:
Hi, Since I am not able to reproduce this error, and you've included no information… -
Posted a reply to Critical error when activating, on the site Forums:
Updated to the new version. It fixes several issues. -
Committed [3225760] to Plugins SVN:
Fix readme.txt -
Posted a reply to Critical error when activating, on the site Forums:
HI, "Critical error" doesn't tell me anything. It's similar to telling a telling a mechanic… -
Posted a reply to CSS performance improvement, on the site Forums:
I would think so. The guy who write this close to a decade ago had… -
Posted a reply to Redux framework causes a 503 Service Unavailable error on home page, on the site Forums:
Oh, I read you correctly. I get this all the time. It's always Redux's fault… -
Posted a reply to Redux framework causes a 503 Service Unavailable error on home page, on the site Forums:
I'm sorry, but you have been misled. No evidence has been provided or error data… -
Posted a reply to technical error, on the site Forums:
/homepages/12/d940031549/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ ReduxFramework->_validate_values() This is likely a big part of the problem. This is a deprecated… -
Posted a reply to technical error, on the site Forums:
I am unable to recreate this. Have you notified the theme author? Since Redux is… -
Posted a reply to Redux_Extension_Tabbed::$version must be strings, on the site Forums:
@spoonthemes, @rajabjutt -NO! Do NOT do that. I really wish developers would stop embedded. It… -
Posted a reply to Redux_Extension_Tabbed::$version must be strings, on the site Forums:
As I said in another post, try to beta. I'm not sure what Redux and… -
Posted a reply to Redux framework Plugin Created an issue on the website, on the site Forums:
Please don't piggy back tickets. See: -
Posted a reply to Redux framework Plugin Created an issue on the website, on the site Forums:
@rajabjutt - "Crashing again," that tells me nothing. It's like the car's check engine light… -
Posted a reply to Redux framework Plugin Created an issue on the website, on the site Forums:
@rajabjutt - v4.5.5 here: Undid all the crap that was messing everything up. Please… -
Posted a reply to Redux framework Plugin Created an issue on the website, on the site Forums:
Honestly, I have no idea and I can't waste anymore time chasing all this issues… -
Posted a reply to Tips for Getting Help, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the post. Ultimately, no one will read it. The never, ever do. I'm… -
Posted a reply to Automatic update of redux-framework Plugin Created an issue on the website, on the site Forums:
I'm guessing y'all didn't read the other ten or more posts about this? Okay, here… -
Posted a reply to Error in Redux_Filesystem, on the site Forums:
Okay, firsts, I really need everyone to stop piggybacking eveyone else's tickets. It makes my… -
Posted a reply to Error in Redux_Filesystem, on the site Forums:
@jbjordin - Please download, install and activate this v4.5.4.1 beta version and let me know… -
Posted a reply to Error in Redux_Filesystem, on the site Forums:
Right now, I don't know. It's not happening on my end. I'll look into it. -
Posted a reply to After Update Plugin My profile is not working properly, on the site Forums:
@caoba - You're piggybacking someone else's ticket and I don't know what you are referring… -
Posted a reply to After Update Plugin My profile is not working properly, on the site Forums:
I'm still not understanding how this is Redux's fault. This sounds like a theme issue.… -
Posted a reply to After Update Plugin My profile is not working properly, on the site Forums:
I'm sorry. I don't know what this means. You included no error message and system… -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
For reasons we do not understand or can explain, the process in which the WordPress… -
Posted a reply to 4.5.4 Breaks Site – Redux_Extension_Search, on the site Forums:
Folks, I am no longer replying to anyone in the thread BUT the original poster.… -
Posted a reply to 4.5.4 Breaks Site – Redux_Extension_Search, on the site Forums:
I guess my policy of not piggy backing other tickets is going to fall of… -
Posted a reply to 4.5.4 Breaks Site – Redux_Extension_Search, on the site Forums:
@ikhwanmaftuh - What would that be? Correcting an error in a file that's not even… -
Posted a reply to 4.5.4 Breaks Site – Redux_Extension_Search, on the site Forums:
The search extension was removed from Redux a couple of versions ago. It and its… -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
Also, if you are not a theme developer, try deactivating the sample config. You don't… -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
I'll take a look at it. However, and this seems to be a big issue… -
Posted a reply to How to get the fields by the specific section instead of opt_name., on the site Forums:
Perhaps this is what you are looking for: If there are not helper functions… -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
Install the beta guys. It's fixed in that version. -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
Well, this puts us at an impasse. I have to have that information. You can… -
Posted a reply to Update to 4.5.3 breaks my site, on the site Forums:
You're going to have to post the actual error and then we'll see if the… -
Posted a reply to When updating the plugins, a critical error was generated on the page., on the site Forums:
To do what, exactly? is just newer. It'll be fine. -
Posted a reply to Plugin conflicts after update, on the site Forums:
The theme author's 'core' plugin is using an outdated extension for the accordion control that… -
Posted a reply to When updating the plugins, a critical error was generated on the page., on the site Forums:
Please download, install and activate this beta, which addresses this issue. I don't know… -
Posted a reply to Plugin conflicts after update, on the site Forums:
I will need to you provide a more detail message than "critical error." That's like… -
Posted a reply to Unable to update to the latest version, on the site Forums:
Honestly, I don't know. Unless there is an error, this sounds more like a WordPress…
Redux Framework
Active Installs: 1+ million