Giustino Borzacchiello
@jubstuff on and Slack
- Member Since: May 29th, 2010
- Location: Milan, Italy
- Website:
- Job Title: PHP Developer
- Employer: MotorK
Contribution History
Giustino Borzacchiello’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meta Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Translated 1 string on
Wrote a new post, È online l’agenda! – The schedule is online! – WordCamp Milano 2017, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Dopo la selezione dei relatori e delle sessioni, siamo… -
Wrote a new post, Ecco il terzo ed ultimo gruppo di speaker!, on the site WordCamp Milano:
E dopo il primo ed il secondo gruppo di speaker, diamo un caldo benvenuto al… -
Wrote a new post, Ecco il terzo ed ultimo gruppo di speaker!, on the site WordCamp Milano:
E dopo il primo ed il secondo gruppo di speaker, diamo un caldo benvenuto al… -
Wrote a new post, Il secondo gruppo di speaker è online!, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Diamo un caldo benvenuto al secondo gruppo di speaker! Ok, ora conosci già dodici dei… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Europe 2018
Wrote a new post, Vuoi candidarti come speaker? Ecco cosa devi sapere – Speakers FAQ, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English La Call for Speakers per WordCamp Milano verrà chiusa… -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Milano 2016: il budget, on the site WordCamp Milano 2016:
Italian text is followed by English Sono già passati 8 mesi da WordCamp Milano 2016 e… -
Wrote a new post, I ticket sono in vendita – Tickets on sale, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Siamo molto emozionati di annunciare che i biglietti per… -
Wrote a new post, Call for speakers: share your “Practical tips”!, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English WordCamp Milano 2017 cerca speaker! Hai voglia di condividere… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Milano 2017, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Ormai ci abbiamo preso gusto e, dopo WordCamp Milano… -
Wrote a comment on the post Informazioni pratiche – WordCamp Milano, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Ciao Andrea, purtroppo i biglietti sono terminati e non c'è possibilità di assistere senza biglietto… -
Wrote a new post, WC e CD: come raggiungerci, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Ciao! Ci siamo quasi, manca una settimana al WordCamp… -
Wrote a new post, Grazie CSSIgniter, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile… -
Wrote a new post, WCMIL 2016 – La venue: L’Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English L’Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, fondata nel 1998, nasce con l’obiettivo… -
Wrote a new post, Dove dormire a Milano? – Where to stay in Milan?, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Ciao! Se stai leggendo questo post è perché hai scelto… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Milano 2016, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Italian text is followed by English Ricordo ancora quando abbiamo partecipato al WordCamp Europe 2014, a… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Milano, on the site WordCamp Milano:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Milano 2016
Committed [1502034] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0.1 -
Committed [1502033] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.1 -
Wrote a new post, Call for Sponsors, on the site WordCamp Milano 2016:
Italian text is followed by English WordCamp Milano è un evento gestito dalla community, organizzato dalla… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Milano 2016
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Milano 2016, on the site WordCamp Milano 2016:
Italian text is followed by English Ricordo ancora quando abbiamo partecipato al WordCamp Europe 2014, a… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Milano 2016
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Milan, on the site WordCamp Milan:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Torino 2016
Released a new plugin, Postats
Committed [1335026] to Plugins SVN:
Postats first version -
Mentioned in [35781] on Core SVN:
Customizer: Return added instances for panels, sections, controls, and settings when calling `WP_Customize_Manager::add_*()` methods. -
Mentioned in [34474] on Core SVN:
Date/Time: Add unit tests for `the_date()`. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi i’m Francesco i’m the organizer of Barletta…, on the site Translate WordPress:
As someone who has been following the community (in silence, my fault) for some time,… -
Committed [602095] to Plugins SVN:
upgraded version number in index.php -
Committed [602082] to Plugins SVN:
upgraded version number -
Committed [601764] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt in tag 1.5.2 -
Committed [601762] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt in trunk -
Committed [601475] to Plugins SVN:
fixed posts not showing. Default image is shown
Featured Post with thumbnail
Active Installs: 600+
Active Installs: Less than 10
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Featured Post with thumbnail
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