@hullcode on
- Member Since: April 23rd, 2021
Contribution History
hullcode’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to Shortcode for only one data, on the site Forums:
Hi!temperature only in celsius: [weather_pro cityid="12403" title="" city="Budakalász" units="c" today="on" now_icon="off" now_temp="on" now_humidity="off" now_pressure="off" now_cloudiness="off"… -
Posted a reply to no data again, on the site Forums:
Hello kengray, we finished the API server migration yesterday. Sorry for de inconvenience. -
Committed [3222674] to Plugins SVN:
Added new gas station icons -
Committed [3222673] to Plugins SVN:
Added new gas station icons -
Posted a reply to No settings?, on the site Forums:
Great! Thanks for the info! -
Posted a reply to No settings?, on the site Forums:
Hi, go to your dashboard > Appearence > Widgets Select a sidebar e.g. 'Primary'Press the… -
Posted a reply to no weather figures — no data being shown, on the site Forums:
Hi, we had a problem some hours ago, everything works ok now. Thanks. -
Posted a reply to City is not changing, stays on New York City, on the site Forums:
Could you give us more info about your set up? (wp version, theme, etc) Thanks -
Posted a reply to No settings?, on the site Forums:
Hi! You need to add the widget to any widget section like a sidebar. Then… -
Committed [3208355] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to WP 6.7 -
Translated 74 strings on
Committed [3127849] to Plugins SVN:
tested up 6.6 -
Committed [3127810] to Plugins SVN:
Escaped some html fields -
Committed [3127808] to Plugins SVN:
Some fields escaped -
Posted a reply to [Weather Widget Pro] critical error, on the site Forums:
Hi kengray20, thanks for the info. That issue is far to be important, you can… -
Posted a reply to temperature stopped updating, on the site Forums:
Hi kengray20, our plugin has two caches in order to improve speed and reduce API… -
Committed [3097743] to Plugins SVN:
Using transient instead of file storage to save cache -
Committed [3097742] to Plugins SVN:
Using transient instead of file storage to save cache -
Committed [3097419] to Plugins SVN:
API url updated -
Committed [3097418] to Plugins SVN:
API url updated -
Posted a reply to widget not showing data, on the site Forums:
Hello kengray20, we added a backup API call in version 1.1.35 triggered when cURL fails.… -
Committed [3097059] to Plugins SVN:
Added fallback when cURL fails -
Committed [3097057] to Plugins SVN:
Added fallback when cURL fails -
Posted a reply to widget not showing data, on the site Forums:
Hello kengray20, the problem is your server cURL configuration. You have the following error "cURL… -
Committed [3096796] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fixed -
Committed [3096793] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fixed -
Posted a reply to widget not showing data, on the site Forums:
Hi, we are trying to get that bug fixed. Thanks for the info. -
Committed [3096592] to Plugins SVN:
Added cache -
Committed [3096591] to Plugins SVN:
Added cache -
Translated 75 strings on
Committed [3095102] to Plugins SVN:
Tags updated -
Committed [3095101] to Plugins SVN:
Tags updated -
Posted a reply to Some cities’ data is not displayed in widgets, on the site Forums:
Hello nakobus, I tried to search "Georgetown, Demerara-Mahaica (Guyana)" and works everything ok. Could you… -
Committed [3063261] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to wp 6.5 -
Committed [3063260] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to wp 6.5 -
Committed [3063258] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to wp 6.5 -
Posted a reply to The wind forecast is incorrect, on the site Forums:
Hello jomas222, it is true! We just fixed it. Thanks a lot for the warning. -
Committed [3039229] to Plugins SVN:
Added alt text to images -
Committed [3039227] to Plugins SVN:
Added alt text to images -
Committed [3039209] to Plugins SVN:
Added 24h / 12h time format selector -
Committed [3039208] to Plugins SVN:
Added 24h / 12h time format -
Posted a reply to change sunset from military time, on the site Forums:
Hello bmsinc, That feature will be available in the next update. Thanks! -
Committed [3013379] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fixes -
Committed [3013378] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fixes -
Translated 1 string on
Translated 8 strings on
Suggested 22 strings on
Committed [3010459] to Plugins SVN:
Readme updated -
Posted a reply to Shortcodes???, on the site Forums:
Hello Daniel, if you want you can send us your web url to [email protected] and… -
Posted a reply to Zero intructions, on the site Forums:
Hello Nigel, we have added instructions to the readme. I hope it help you. Thanks.
Español de Chile (Spanish (Chile)) Plugins Translation Editor - #es_CL
Weather Widget Pro
Active Installs: 1,000+