Laleh Behjat

Laleh Behjat

Ph.D., P.Eng., FCAE, FCSSE, FEC,
Pronouns: She/her/elle



Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering

NSERC Prairie Chair for Women in Science and Engineering

University of Calgary

I'm looking for...


I am the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering and am looking for organizations that are willing to promote diversity and inclusion and want to support my program. 


Educational Background

B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Teheran, 1996

Doctor of Philosophy Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2003

M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1999


Dr. Laleh Behjat is a professor at the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary and the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering - Prairies. Her research focuses on developing mathematical techniques and software tools for automating the design of digital integrated circuits. Dr. Behjat acted as an academic advisor for Google Technical Development Guide and was a member of Google’s Council on Computer Science Education. She is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on CAD, and ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems.

Dr. Behjat is passionate about increasing the status of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and removing systemic barriers. She was the recipient of the 2015 Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) Women in Engineering Champion Award, Association of Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group in Design Automation Service Award in 2014 and 2017 and 2017 Killam Graduate Student Supervision and Mentorship Award. Her team, Schulich Engineering Outreach Team, was also the recipient of the ASTech Leadership Excellence in Science and Technology Public Awareness Award in 2017. Currently, she is leading a change leadership program WISE planet with the mission to envision and build a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive society. 


Areas of Research

Electronic Design Automation

I use mathematical techniques and software tools to automate the design of digital integrated circuits. My focus is on the physical design of integrated circuits, where I develop algorithms for placement and routing of circuits. I am an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on CAD and ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. I have served as the associate editor for Optimization in Engineering Journal. My research team has won several awards for their work including first and second places in the ISPD contests. 

Sustainable Systems Engineering

I have been working on designing sustainable systems. Currently, I have transdisciplinary projects related to health and transportation systems, working with researchers from engineering, science and medicine. I presented the World Federation of Engineers as part of a side event at COP 28. 

Engineering education

I have been working on the scholarship of teaching and learning in engineering. My projects include working on gamification for engineering education, teaching creativity and innovation, assessment techniques, as well as changing engineering education culture. 


Course number Course title Semester
ENEL 641 LEC 01 01 Optimization for Engineers 2021
ENEL 300 Electrical and Computer Engineering Professional Skills Winter 2023


WISE planet

True equality and equity of opportunity are achieved when systemic barriers are identified and removed.   Existing systems and structures were not built to accommodate diversity, yet efforts to foster diversity often focus on championing women within the status quo. WISE Planet asks why women and other underrepresented groups are the ones asked to change to fit within the system while repositioning them as makers of new systems more reflective of the 21st century.

WISE Planet strives to create a diverse, inclusive, equitable and just society by training women and other underrepresented groups in STEM to be change leaders equipped to address the major, shared challenges our societies face. Our participants will learn to identify and disassemble barriers to success in their workplaces and in larger societal settings with a focus on innovative and sustainable solutions that will benefit everyone.

WISE Planet delivers one-year change leadership training to early career participants through:

  • Four Online Learning Modules
    • Personal Leadership
    • Systems and Cultures
    • Design for Disruptions
    • Regenerative Design
  • Experiential learning through self-defined Leadership Equity Action Plan (LEAP) Projects to advance recruitment, retention or innovation in industry or academia
  • Networking opportunities and project support through the WISE Planet network and Learning Communities

To learn more about WISE Planet, click here

Electronic Design Automation

Integrated circuits have seen exponential growth in the number of their components in the last four decades. To be able to make these circuits, all the components in them have to be placed and routed in an optimized fashion. My research involves developing mathematical optimization and machine learning techniques for automating the design of integrated circuits. My team's work has been published in several high-quality journals and conferences and won first and second places in international contests.   

Canadian Network on Information and Security

Canadian Network on Information and Security is a multidisciplinary initiative involving four faculties of the University of Calgary: Faculty of Arts, School of Public Policy, Schulich School of Engineering, and Faculty of Law. CANIS examines the impact of the domestic and international information environments (IE) on Canadian national defence and security with the primary objective to draw novel conclusions about the IE and its use as an operational domain. My work on CANIS is focused on developing data analytics tools for identifying information and misinformation. Click here to Learn More about CANIS. 

Integrated Infrastructures for Sustainable Cities

The Climate crisis is one of the biggest threats to our growth and survival as a species. The create-IISC program is primarily funded by the NSERC-CREATE funding envelope (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council – Collaborative Research and Training Experience). The key objective of CREATE IISC is to train students to consider the impact of disruptive forces and transformative technologies on urban infrastructure systems. Create- IISC is a unique program that provides multidisciplinary training in integrated infrastructure systems spanning transportation, building, water, and waste and energy systems, especially as they pertain to the introduction of disruptive technologies.

My work on CREATE IISC involves using data analytics and optimization techniques to improve the efficiency of the systems we use in cities.

Click here to learn more about CREATE IISC. 


  • The 2015 University of Calgary Great Supervisor Award., The University of Calgary. 2015
  • 1st place award in International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD) 2014 Detailed Routing Driven Placement Contest, 2014
  • American Computing Machinery - Special Interest Group in Design Automation (ACM-SIGDA) Service Award, 2014
  • American Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM SIGDA) 2014 Service Award, American Computing Machinery (ACM). 2014
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics of Engineering (IEEE) Canada 2014 - Appreciation Award, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Canada. 2014
  • 1st place in American Computing Machinery - International Symposium on Physical Design (ACM - ISPD) Detailed Routing Driven Placement Contest., American Computing Machinery (ACM) - International Symposium on Physical Design. 2014
  • Nomination for Student Union Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Calgary. 2006
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario's Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. 2003
  • Jim and Diane Ohi Memorial Award, University of Waterloo. 2000
  • Post Graduate Scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). 2002
  • Sandford Fleming Foundation Teaching Assistant Excellence Award, University of Waterloo. 2001
  • Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo. 2001
  • J. Alan George Student Leadership Award, University of Waterloo. 1999
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, OGSST. 2000
  • Faculty of Engineering Award, University of Waterloo. 2001
  • University of Calgary Teaching Award, Team Teaching, University of Calgary. 2021
  • University of Calgary Teaching Award, Curriculum Development, University of Calgary. 2022
  • Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Innovation Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2019
  • Minerva Mentoring Award, Alberta Women Science Network . 2018
  • Research Achievement Award , Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2018
  • University of Calgary Teaching Award, Team Teaching, University of Calgary. 2018
  • ASTech Leadership Excellence in Science and Technology Promotion, Alberta Science and Technology Foundation. 2017
  • Izaak Walton Killam Award for Graduate Supervision and Mentoring Laureate, Killam Awards Trust. 2017
  • Schulich School of Engineering Research Achievement Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2017
  • Schulich School of Engineering Graduate Educator Award, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. 2015


  • Optimization Methods for CAD Tools. L. Behjat. IEEE CASS. 1 - 68. (2019)
  • Against the Odds: Increasing the Visibility of Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. J. Hayley; J. Brown; S. Eaton; K. Baur; L. Behjat; A. Burns; M. Gavrilova; E. Marasco. Springer. (2019)
  • Development of a CDIO Framework for Elementary Computational Thinking. A. Nygren; L. Behjat; S. Hladik*. Springer. 1-40. (2019)
  • A game-based activity to support design thinking in entrepreneurship education. L. Behjat; B. Kim; E. Marasco; W. Gatti Junior. Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching. (2019)
  • A Multi-objective Framework for Co-optimization of Buffer and Wire Sizes in High Performance Clock Tress. Laleh Behjat; L Rakai; A* Farshidi; David Westwick. (2015)
  • Enhancing EDA Education Through Gamification. W. Rosehart; L. Behjat; E. A. Marasco. (2015)
  • High Performance Placement and Legalization Accounting for Fence Regions. David Westwick; Karimpour Darav N*; A Kennings; Laleh Behjat. (2015)
  • Studios and Sustainability: A Creative CDIO Approach to Computer Engineering Education. M. Moshirpour; L. Behjat; W. D. Rosehart; E. A. Marasco. (2016)
  • Impact of an Extra Curricular Funding Program in Engineering Education. M. P. Rodriguez; S. K. Hladik; R. Paul; L. Cowe-Falls; L. Behjat; E. A. Marasco. (2016)
  • Design, Implementation, and Outcomes of a Comprehensive Professional Development Program for Post-Graduate Studies in Engineering. K. A. Canon-Rubio; R. Paul; M. Trifkovic; S. K. Hladik; L. Behjat. (2016)
  • Routing Aware Incremental Timing Driven Placement. J. Monteiro; G. Flach; A. Kennings; L. Behjat; M. Johann; R. Reis; N. Karimpour Darav; M. Fogaca. (2016)
  • OpenDesign Flow Database: The Infrastructure forVLSI Design and Design Automation Research. L. Behjat; G-J Nam; Li Y-L; I. H. Jiang; J. Jung; V. N. Karvets. (2016)
  • A Fast, Robust Network Flow-based Standard-Cell Legalization Method for Minimizing Maximum Movement. L. Behjat; I. S. Bustany; N. Karimpour Darav*; A. Kennings. ACM - International Symposium on Physical Design. (2017)
  • Detailed Routing Violation Prediction During Placement Using Machine Learning. L. Behjat; L. Rakai; A. Kennings; A. Fakheri Tabrizi; N. Karimpour Darav. International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT). (2017)
  • An Efficient Optimal Clock Network Buffer Sizing with Slew Consideration. L. Rakai; A. Farshidi; L. Behjat. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. (2017)
  • Modified CDIO Framework for Elementary Teacher Training in Computational Thinking. A. Nygren; S. Hladik; L. Behjat. International CDIO Conference. (2017)
  • Exploring Electrical Engineering through Movement: Going with the Flow and Programming Puzzles. W. D. Rosehart; S. K. Hladik; L. Behjat; E. A. Marasco. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. (2017)
  • Using Gamification for Engagement and Learningin Electrical and Computer Engineering Classrooms. W. D. Rosehart; M. Moshirpour; L. Behjat; R. Hugo; M. Eggermont; E. A. Marasco. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. (2017)
  • A Reinforcement Learning-Based Framework for Solving Physical Design Routing Problem in the Absence of Large Test Sets. Upma Gandhi; William Swartz; Laleh Behjat; Ismail Bustany. ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD. (2019)
  • Curious Conversations: Using Game-Based Learning to Develop Creative Culture within Technical Courses. Emily Marasco; Marjan Eggermont; Beaumie Kim; Wilian Gatti Junior; Laleh Behjat. University of Calgary. 57--63. (2017)
  • Progressive Legalization During Global Placement. A Kennings; David Westwick; Karimpour Darav N*; Laleh Behjat. (2015)
  • Facing disengagement and social acceleration: A game-based learning approach to entrepreneurship education. Laleh Behjat; Wilian Gatti Junior; Beaumie Kim. The CSSE Annual Conference . (2018)
  • AlphaRouter - Detailed Routing Model Using Reinforcement Learning. L. Behjat; U. Gandhi; E. Aghaeekiasaraee; W. Swartz; I. Bustany. The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) Conference. (2019)
  • Implementing an Integrated Learning System for Second Year Engineering. M. Sullivan; K. Murari; L. Behjat; M. Potter; R. Mae Paul; G. Messier; Y. Jazayeri. Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference. (2019)
  • A Machine Learning Framework for Neighbourhood Safety Impact Prediction. Laleh Behjat; Sheng Lun Cao. The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) Conference. (2019)
  • Using Principles of Scrum Project Management in an Integrated Design Project. R. Paul; L. Behjat. International CDIO Conference. (2019)
  • An integrated learning system for second-year engineering. L. Behjat; M. Sullivan; Y. Jazayeri; M. Potter; G. Messier; R. Paul. Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching. (2019)
  • Graduate Student Professional Development: Course Design and Team Teaching Approach. M. Trifkovic; R. Paul; L. Behjat; E. Fear. Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching. (2019)
  • A Detailed Routing Aware Detailed Placement Technique. A Kennings; Laleh Behjat; W Swartz; Fakheri Tabrizi A*; L Rakai; Karimpour Darav N*. International Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (ISVLSI). (2015)
  • Development of a Female LeadershipProgram for Graduate Students in Engineering and Science. Alexander Miekleham; Leanne Dawson; Laleh Behjat; Qiao Sun; Karen Canon Rubio; Jo-Anne Brown. Gender Summit 11 North America. (2017)
  • Design Automation in Energy Systems. A* Farshidi; Laleh Behjat; Karimpour Darav N*; Fakheri Tabrizi A*; Ian Donald Gates. (2015)
  • The Impact of Industry Organized Contests on EDA Education. Fakheri Tabrizi A*; I Bustany; A Kennings; Laleh Behjat; Karimpour Darav N*; A* Farshidi; E* Marasco; A* Karbalaei. (2015)
  • Engineering Integrity: Using text-matching software in a graduate levelengineering course. Sarah Eaton; R Paul; Elise Fear; Laleh Behjat; Milana Trifkovic; Robin Yates; K Crossman. Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity. (2019)
  • A self-Tuning Multi-objectiveOptimization Framework for Geometric Programming with Gate SizingApplications. L* Rakai; Laleh Behjat; David Westwick; A* Farshidi. 305-310. (2013)
  • Variation-Aware Buffer Sizing forClock Networks Using Robust Geometric Programming. A* Farshidi; Laleh Behjat; David Westwick; L* Rakai. 154-161. (2013)
  • Analysis of Post-Placement Length Estimation. A* Farshidi; Laleh Behjat; W Swartz; Y* Li. (2012)
  • Application of Robust Optimization in Designing Digital Circuits. L* Rakai; Y* Li; Laleh Behjat; B* Samimi. (2012)
  • Parallel Clock Tree Synthesis. L* Rakai; Laleh Behjat. CD-ROM. (2012)
  • Robust Optimization Techniques for Global Routing. Laleh Behjat; B* Samimi; Y* LI. (2012)
  • Wire length and Congestion Estimation for Rout-ability Driven Placement. L* Rakai; Y* Li; Laleh Behjat; W Swartz. (2012)
  • Temperature-Based Routing for VLSI Circuits Using Robust Optimization. Laleh Behjat; Y* Li. (2011)
  • Clustering Algorithms for Circuit Partitioning andPlacement Problems. L* Rakai; J* Li; Laleh Behjat. 547-550. (2007)
  • A Multi-Grid Cluster Evaluation Technique for VLSI Layout. L* Rakai; Laleh Behjat; Steven Richard Martin; J Aguado. (2008)
  • An effective Congestion-Based IntegerProgramming Model for VLSI Global Routing. L* Rakai; J* Li; A* Chiang; Laleh Behjat. 547-550. (2008)
  • A Pre-Placement Net Length Estimation Techniquefor Mixed-Sized Circuits. L* Rakai; B* Fathi; Laleh Behjat. 45-52. (2009)
  • Integration of Gamification and Creativity in Engineering Design. Laleh Behjat; E* Marasco; W Rosehart. (2015)
  • Machine Learning Recommender System for Detailed Placement. Fakheri Tabrizi A*; L Rakai; Laleh Behjat. (2015)
  • Differences in First Year Gender Engagement Through Cross-Disciplinary Design Projects. Laleh Behjat; Marjan Jose Eggermont; E* Marasco. (2014)
  • A Multi-Grid Application for Placement and Routing Stages of VLSI Physical Design. Laleh Behjat; L* Rakai; J Aguado. (2009)
  • IntegratedDesign Engineering Education within Electrical and Computer Engineering. Hamidreza Zareipour; W Rosehart; Geoffrey Messier; S Magierowski; Laleh Behjat. CD-ROM. (2008)
  • Detailed Placement Accounting for Technology Constraints. Karimpour Darav N*; A Kennings; Laleh Behjat. (2014)
  • Engaging First Year Students Through Crossdisciplinary Design Projects. Marjan Jose Eggermont; E* Marasco; Laleh Behjat. (2014)
  • Changing Gender Perceptions in Elementary STEM Education. Laleh Behjat; E* Marasco. (2014)
  • A New Detailed Routing Based Detailed Placement Technique. A Kennings; L* Rakai; Laleh Behjat; Fakheri Tabrizi A*; A Swartz. (2014)
  • An Analog-Design AssistantTool and an Example of its Application. H Taghavi; Belototski; D* Shahhosseini; Laleh Behjat. (2013)
  • Integrating creativity into elementary electrical engineering education using CDIO and project-based learning. E* Marasco; Laleh Behjat. (2013)
  • A Force-Directed 3D IC Partitioning Algorithm. Fakheri Tabrizi A; Laleh Behjat; W Swartz. (2013)
  • Developing a Cross-Disciplinary Curriculum for theIntegration of Engineering and Design in Elementary Education. Laleh Behjat; E* Marasco. (2013)
  • Skew-Preserving Discretization Algorithm for Clock Networks with Continuously-Sized Buffers. Laleh Behjat; A* Farshidi; L Rakai; David Westwick. (2013)