Papers by Małgorzata Koszewska

The objective of the paper is to compare teaching approaches and practices that are used on maste... more The objective of the paper is to compare teaching approaches and practices that are used on master programs within industrial engineering and related fields. The comparison is made on selected Polish and Thai universities that provided students and graduates for the research survey. Students and graduates from four Polish and six Thai universities have participated in the survey in academic year of 2018/2019. The programs of their studies were master level programs with direct relation to industrial engineering. The teaching methods within the study are structured and classified within the<br> framework of the LOVE model – a learning experience-based model that serves for the assessment and classification of teaching methods. The comparison is based on the students' assessment of their experiences related to the specific teaching methods used within the course of their studies. The comparative analysis criteria come from the classification of teaching methods to one of the...

Autex Research Journal, 2018
The circular economy model has recently gained a lot of attention worldwide from scientists, busi... more The circular economy model has recently gained a lot of attention worldwide from scientists, business people and authorities. The importance of the transition towards a more circular economy has also been noticed in the European Union. The new regulations provide the enabling framework for the circular economy to flourish. At the same time, although there is no standardized approach to creating a circular economy, while defining appropriate policies, care must be taken that they are suitable for particular industries. The limits of the present linear economy model (take-make-waste) are extremely apparent when examining the textile and clothing industry. The transition to a circular economy requires significant changes in both production and consumption models. This article uses a literature review and industry examples to identify and evaluate challenges faced by the clothing and textile industry in adapting to the circular economy model.

Green Fashion, 2015
The main purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge of consumer behavior in the market for ... more The main purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge of consumer behavior in the market for sustainable clothing and to build a theoretical model of this behavior based on the review of the relevant literature and the author’s own research. The model is to provide a wider perspective on consumer behavior with respect to textile and clothing products with ecological and social characteristics, as well as describing the relationship between the consumer and the manufacturer of textiles and clothing pursuing a strategy founded on the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The selected elements of the theoretical model are verified empirically by means of structural equation modeling (SEM) using a representative sample of 981 Polish customers. The research findings show that consumers’ attitudes towards apparel shopping have a significant and positive influence on their willingness to pay a premium for sustainable products, on the recognizability of ecological and social labels, and, finally, on the actual purchase of sustainable clothing. These results give additional evidence pointing to a prominent role of the recognizability of ecological and social labels in purchasing sustainable apparel. The results of the study allow better understanding of factors determining consumer behavior towards sustainable clothing and suggest practical solutions to their producers.

Handbook of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Textiles and Clothing, 2015
Abstract There has been a period of rising interest during the last decade or so in issues relate... more Abstract There has been a period of rising interest during the last decade or so in issues related to the certification and labelling of sustainable products. One of the objectives labelling systems seek to achieve is to make sustainable textile and clothing products more recognisable but also easily and widely available. The present trend in labelling stresses a possibly comprehensive assessment of textile and clothing products. Thus more and more recognition is given to labels based on a certification process that assesses the entire life cycle of a product as well as the social and environmental aspects of its production. In this chapter, 17 popular environmental and social labels applied to textile and clothing products are compared with respect to life cycle assessment, the range of issues addressed in the producer evaluation process, and the forms of verification. This chapter examines environmental and social labels, their types and classifications, barriers and challenges to their development, as well as discusses the likely future trends in ecological and social labelling.

Most studies exploring various aspects of consumers’ opinions on the comfort properties of textil... more Most studies exploring various aspects of consumers’ opinions on the comfort properties of textiles and clothing products focus on the latter. Studies on home textiles are relatively few. There is also observable insufficiency of analyses undertaken to determine how the ecological properties of home textiles relate to the perception of their comfort and quality, even though the end-use properties of a product, including comfort, are among the main factors attracting consumers to more ecological textile and clothing products. The purpose of this research was therefore to establish the importance of the environmental performance of fabrics for customers making subjective evaluations of their comfort. To this end, qualitative and quantitative investigations of consumers buying home textiles were conducted. The qualitative investigation has showed that: • Most consumers operate simple, visual criteria, clearly focused on the product’s benefits for the consumer. • Aspects of products suc...
Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2007
Innovativeness is believed to be a basic prerequisite for firms to gain and maintain sustainable ... more Innovativeness is believed to be a basic prerequisite for firms to gain and maintain sustainable competitiveness on the global market. Based on a questionnaire survey, the innovativeness-related needs of Polish protective clothing manufacturers were analysed. By identifying their major needs and the level of firms' competence in individual areas, gaps could be determined, that is, areas where competence and skills fell short of the needs. A very important component of the survey was demonstrating the extremely positive influence of firms' innovativeness on their competitiveness.

Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2010
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained special importance in recent years. As well as b... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained special importance in recent years. As well as being widely discussed by researchers, the business community is increasingly recognising it as a factor affecting the competitiveness of companies, which, if absent, can practically disable their long-term functioning. Although CSR is a challenge for all industries today, only a few sectors feel the pressure exerted by consumers, the media and NGOs to implement socially responsible business standards as strongly as the textile and clothing industry does. In order to identify the significance of standardisation and labelling for textile and clothing goods differentiation in the globalising and increasingly saturated markets, this article reviews and analyses major international, national and Community initiatives in this area, as well as investigations of buyers’ behaviour.
Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Journal of Consumer, 2021
Przemysl odziezowy w ostatnich latach doświadczyl duzej zmiany. Na skutek procesow globalizacyjny... more Przemysl odziezowy w ostatnich latach doświadczyl duzej zmiany. Na skutek procesow globalizacyjnych mozliwe bylo rozwijanie rynku niezaleznie od granic panstw i poszukiwanie nowych dostawcow oraz miejsc produkcji. Wiele organizacji zdecydowalo sie na zlecenie produkcji lub przeniesienie swoich fabryk do krajow o niskich kosztach produkcji i pracy. Spowodowalo to wzrost mozliwości wytworczych, ktore klienci odczuli jako zatarcie sie sezonowości, a co za tym idzie ‒ ciągly naplyw nowych kolekcji. W rezultacie otrzymaliśmy tanią i latwo dostepną mode, ktorej koszty ponoszą przede wszystkim pracownice i pracownicy fabryk. Nadmierna konsumpcja przyczynila sie rowniez do powaznych problemow środowiskowych. Obecnie branza odziezowa to drugi w kolejności przemysl w najwiekszym stopniu obciązający środowisko

Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2011
Department of Material and Commodity Sciences, and Textile Metrology Centre of Market Analyses of... more Department of Material and Commodity Sciences, and Textile Metrology Centre of Market Analyses of Product Innovations Technical University of Lodz ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łodź, Poland E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The certification and labelling of ’socially responsible products’ has been clearly attracting more and more interest in recent years. The systems and practical solutions developed in this field aim to make “ethical products” recognisable and generally available. This trend arises from growing consumer appreciation of not only the technical advantages, price, quality, delivery times and environmental safety of the products they buy but also of their social and ethical aspects. This article evaluates the importance of socioand ecocertification and labelling for meeting buyers’ expectations of textile and clothing products. It also discusses consumers’ opinions on this matter.

ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to assess the role of ecological and social labels in consumer... more ABSTRACT The aim of the article is to assess the role of ecological and social labels in consumer evaluation of textile and clothing products. The research performed on a representative sample of Polish consumers allowed to assess the level of recognition and understanding of the information conveyed with the help of eco- and social labels placed on textile and clothing products. The research showed that this level is relatively low, however in a significant degree it is dependent on the sensibility of the consumers to issues connected with ecology and ethics. It can therefore be predicted that the role of ecological and social signs in consumer evaluation of textile-clothing products in Poland will increase, together with the increase of ecological awareness and sensibility of Polish consumers. The research showed also, that despite recognized weaknesses and imperfections of currently functioning systems of ecological and social certification and labelling, labels are one of the most effective means of communication that producers can use to reach customers
Rynek farb i lakierow jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających sie na świecie, glownie ze wzgledu ... more Rynek farb i lakierow jest jednym z najszybciej rozwijających sie na świecie, glownie ze wzgledu na ogromne zapotrzebowanie w branzy budowlanej. Biorąc pod uwage zastosowanie koncowe farb i lakierow rynek ten mozna podzielic na architektoniczne powloki dekoracyjne, przemyslowe i specjalne. Najwiekszy segment z najwiekszą liczbą producentow stanowi segment dekoracyjny. Rozwoj surowcow do segmentu farb i lakierow dekoracyjnych musi spelniac potrzeby dzisiejszych i przyszlych uzytkownikow jak i wyzwan regulacyjnych oraz wyzwan ekonomicznych. Nie stanie sie to bez wplywu na obecnie stosowane surowce i przyszly rozwoj. Celem artykulu jest przedstawienie krotkiej historii przemyslu lakierniczego na świecie i w Polsce, wskazanie czynnikow napedzających obecnie ten rynek jak rowniez wskazanie trendow istotnych w przyszlości.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
The transition towards a circular economy has become one of the biggest challenges faced by enter... more The transition towards a circular economy has become one of the biggest challenges faced by enterprises in the second decade of the 21st century. It is also perceived as one of the key levers for achieving sustainable development goals. However, the peculiar features of individual industries require individual approaches and careful analyses. The paper focuses on the furniture industry, which in Europe faces a variety of economic, environmental and regulatory challenges. To meet those challenges and truly close the loop a more strategic approach from the industry is needed. There is also a huge demand for practical options that would be immediately accessible for business organisations that need not necessarily be based on breakthrough technological solutions as these may still be economically not viable. The article aims to fill this gap and to meet these challenges. Different models implying varied engagement of consumers, furniture manufacturers/retailers, and external contractors in closing the loop and making the industry more sustainable are proposed and recommendations for the most promising ones are made. The most preferable model requires not only that business organisations take a strategic approach involving a high level of component standardisation but also active consumer engagement in used/unwanted furniture sourcing and disassembly. The primary research allowed us to assess the level of standardisation defined as the level of repeatability of assembly parts used in ready-to-assemble furniture. The analysis was made for the selected product group (sofas) of a global leading furniture producer and retailer (IKEA). It was found that within the specific product series, standardisation is evident, whereas it varies significantly across series of different products leaving some room for improvement.
Papers by Małgorzata Koszewska