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Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers

Posted By Darren Rowse 2nd of December 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

The Hottest Post on ProBlogger right now is I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours – a post asking people to share their favorite WordPress Plugins.

I am a little overwhelmed by the response. Last time I checked there were 41 comments – each with suggested plugins.

Many of the plugins listed came up again and again and the majority had no URLs with them so I thought I’d attempt to collate your suggestions into a list that might be helpful for some.

The URLs are the best I could find and there may be better ones – but the list took me a couple of hours to collate so I’ll leave it as is. The numbers next to the first few are the amount of people who mentioned these plugins.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to update the list much/any more – but if you’d like to leave your continued suggestions (with a URL if possible) I’m sure other readers will find it useful.

Google Sitemaps 9
Spam Karma 2 – Reloaded 5
Related Posts 3
WP-ContactForm 6

Adsense Deluxe
Akismet 4
Ultimate Tag Warrier 3
Feedburner Feed Replacement 3
WP-Amazon 3
Auto hyperlink URLs 2
Email Notification Plugin 2
Page Navigation 2
Angsuman’s Feed Copyrighter 2
WordPress Database Backup 2
IImage Browser 2
Paged Comments 2
Viper’s Plugins Used 2
Popularity Contest 2
WP-Googlestats 2
Subscribe to Comments
AJAX Spell Checker
Recent Comments
Audio Play
Rate My Stuff
PHP Exec
Most Wanted
WP Adsense
No Duplicate Comments
CSS Compress
Del.icio.us Bookmark This
Flickr Gallery

Heavyweight Categories
Live Comment Preview
Relative Dates
Extract Terms
Force Word Wrapping
WordPress From/Where
WP Hardened Trackback
WordPress Hashcash
Adsense Logger
Bad Behavior
Cat 2 Tag
CA Chitika
Chitika eMiniMalls
Code AutoEscape
Paged Comment Editing
Optimal Title
Better Feed
Click Counter
IP 2 Nation
Random Words
Transpose e-mail
Batch Categories
Enhanced View
PXS Mail Form
Search Meter
Search Pages
Search Reloaded
Smart Update Pinger
CG Powerpack
Subscribe Me
Secure Image
Blogs of the Day
Get RSS (couldn’t find URL)

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I use Wp-Cron and Wp-Cron Future Pings for holding back pings on future posts.

    I also use a different related posts plugin – Terong Related Links – I couldn’t get the wasabi plugin to work ;/

    WP-Shortstat for stats.

    Also use, adsense deluxe, google sitemaps, feed burner replacement.

    Darren – your links for Email Notification/StatTraq link to the Adsense plugin…


  2. I created the one that I find useful for wordpress actually. It’s the WP image transloader found at:


    Basically it allows you to directly upload images to your own server by putting in the URL of the image on a remote server into a form field and it downloads to your server and gives you the correct URL. Very simple but a big time saver for me :)

  3. This is very helpful — I’m just moving things over from MovableType / Blogger to the new site with WordPress and was wondering which plugins to install. So far I’m using Google Sitemaps, WP-Amazon, Adsense-Deluxe, and Textile1. Looking over this list there’s at least a few more I’ll want to review…

  4. I gave you the URL for blogsoftheday.com but your silly Spam Karma put my post in moderation, where it probably still languishes. :)

  5. Thanks for this Darren, I was finding it a bit daunting tracking down the URL-less suggestions.

    Also you might want to double check those links, I found the “Email Notification” “Plugin StatTraq 2” “Adsense Deluxe 5” links pointing in the wrong locations… I didn’t check them all so there could be more.

  6. Blogs of the day URL – HERE

  7. I was just about to add more plugins in addition to my first comment but was overwhelmed by the amount of plugins the others have posted. Looks like I’m not that bad an addict. I’ve just got one more that hasn’t been mentioned … I think. WYSI-Wordpress – I use this to get better visual feel of my post. Just a word of warning though. If your post has got more than just the normal HTML tags, this plugin will strip off those tags.

  8. Here’s some URL’s for two plugins I wrote that are listed here.

    Taggerati main URL
    WP Hardened Trackback main URL

  9. I saw a reference to AJAX spellchecker plugins there. I actually use the spellcheck feature built into the Google toolbar in both IE and FireFox. I’m extremely picky about the number of plugins I add to my WP installation.

  10. […] Ved at f�lge et link fra en blog til en anden faldt jeg over dette sp�ndende blogindl�g med links til ufatteligt mange gode plugins til WordPress. […]

  11. I wrote two plugins for folding page and catagory lists. Links to both are to be found on this page:

    Webspace Works fold_page_list and fold_category_list plugins

    Preliminary testing shows them both to work as intended under WP2beta2

    Enjoy…. Rob

  12. […] 1. To Martin Chlupáč for creating the IImage Browser plugin. 2. To Darrin for posting a great useful blog on ProBlogger.net. […]

  13. Thats a very nice compilation of plugins

    I love the idea!

  14. […] Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers: Blog Tips at ProBlogger Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers (tags: wordpress plugins blogging problogger plugin blogs blog wp lazysheep) […]

  15. […] Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers: Blog Tips at ProBlogger […]

  16. thanks for the information, have found a number of plugins to help improve my blog and hopefuly also seo aspect :)

  17. Hello, stubled over your post with plugins. Was unable to comment the old post so here we go. Check out this plugin you might find useful if you’re interested in blog SEO:

    Backlinks WordPress plugin

    What it does is count your backlinks and draw a graph over them.

    Take care

  18. Hi Darren.
    Congratulations for ProBlogger!
    Can you tell me please why google sitemap generator does not include in the site map the pages domain/page/2/ domain/page/3/ domain/page/4/ domain/page/5/ etc etc ? Because of this i think they are not indexed by google…
    Thank you so much.

  19. […] Our favorite site for professional blogging also received a lot of feedback recommending Adsense-Deluxe. […]

  20. […] I’ll keep my rant concise. One: Some of the best WordPress plugins are the result of long term incremental development. Two: A “really revolutionary” plugin isn’t necessary when you can combine multiple so-called “so-so” plugins together to achieve the same effect. Three: How “revolutionary” individual plugins are depends on how you use it. You’d be surprised at how creativity can bring out the power of underrated plugins. Four: Tiny “so-so” plugins ensure that we have something for every problem we face. We don’t always need “great” plugins – but we always need solutions to our problems. […]

  21. […] Review and install some of the WordPress plugins on ProBlogger.net’s list of must-haves. I always install wp-cache, Spam Karma, Google Sitemaps, an email form of some kind, and a couple others when I start a blog, they’re mandatory. Some of the plugins come standard so double check your plugins folder. […]

  22. […] ***Some must haveWP Plugins For ProBlogger —————— HyperVRE Adsense Builder Software to create quality adsense websites ! […]

  23. […] 4. The fourth hat is the plugin hat. If you blog on a hosted solution, you may already feel a shortage here. But if you host your own solution – and wordpress is one of the most popular – you must take care of your plugins. They are the extra-power under the hood. Imagine if your content could be featured in a more-appealing and user-friendly way, that will make people feel more comfortable and relaxed while reading you. Have a way to show your most popular articles, a calendar for upcoming events, make your posts socializable (meaning people cand easily save your posts on popular social sites), learn to use feed burners, and so on. The plugins are the force used when you act, your muscles. If your muscles will be spread all over the site and shout every second some piece of action, the users will become confused, you will look like a muscle-packet on the beach that quickly become intimidant. But if your plugins are cleverly integrated into your site, you will be several times faster than your competitors, still good-looking, and you’ll be wherever you want to be earlier than anyone else. And, along the way, you can even blog about your plugins, seems to be a very productive and enjoyable subject. Your forth hat is your fitness hat, so keep yourself worked out. […]

  24. Thanks friend for compiling the list and yes for your effort. It has helped people like us who are not so much techno savvy. Thanks again. I have implemented some of them after getting links from this page. Great help!

  25. Great list of top plugins – here is another one you might want to consider: cforms an extremely flexible and powerful contact form plugin (personally, I think it’s the best).
    Anyone has a good recommendation for an access control plugin, we need to stop certain IPs from accessing our clients’ sites?

  26. hi darren, thanks for this awesome list of needful things! cheers, mic

  27. […] WordPress is great out of the box, but to make the most out of it you’ll want to install many of the free plugins that further extend what it can do. Some of these have become so popular that many consider them mandatory. For our blog we’re going to install ALL of the following plugins. Note, that we generated this list through a combination of friend’s recommendations, those mentioned on Jim’s Blueprint for Financial Prosperity Blog (from yesterday) and another link from this post that directs us to ProBlogger.net’s list of must-haves. […]

  28. […] if you have the time for it, go through the full list. I was lost somewhere at plugins no 10. LOL! This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 […]

  29. is there a plug in to list sponsors’ ads like you have at the top of your right-hand sidebar? or did you just do it on your own with HTML?


  30. Luke, you are right, that sponsor-ads plugin looks really interesting. And it would be great to know how to make the footer and integrate the ad in the header…. I am kind of blog-rookie, so I am impressed easily. Where do I have to look for those tweaks?

  31. Darren,
    I’m having an incredibly difficult time getting my post footer to display What’s Next and Related Articles… could you give me an idea of the code you are using and plugins for that? Right now I’m using Add Post Footer plugin and then instructions from here: http://www.eblogtemplates.com/how-to-create-a-whats-next-post-footer-section/

    Also using Sociable for what you seem to be using Share This…
    Any help would be appreciated :)

  32. Christoper,
    I use “humanized history” to enable continuous main page scrolling. http://projects.radgeek.com/humanized-history-for-wordpress/ Charles is brilliant, and this plugin woks beautifully. This is MUCH more user-friendly than next and previous paging.

    For related posts and similar posts, I use Rob Marsh’s plugins. http://rmarsh.com/plugins/similar-posts/ He’s an extraordinarily talented developer and provides outstanding support.
    Hope this helps!

  33. Hi Darren,

    Thanks for putting up this list. Its very helpful but I have also note that some links are no more valid as the site own has either removed the page or it no more exists. I was trying to follow the link for WP-ContactForm given in this post but I displayed 404 page not found. I thought to let you know in case you want to update dead links.


  34. Hi Darren,

    Thanks for putting up this list. Its very helpful but I have also noted that some links are no more valid as the site owner has either removed the page or it no more exists. I was trying to follow the link for WP-ContactForm given in this post but it displayed 404 page not found. I thought to let you know in case you want to update these links.


  35. Very nice list Thx! :)

  36. Excellent plug ins here thank you.

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