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I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins)

Posted By Darren Rowse 1st of December 2005 Blogging Tools and Services 0 Comments

Here’s a little survey/question for WordPress users out there. What are your favorite plugins? I’m regularly asked how I do certian aspects of this site and the answers are usually pointing at a plugin of one kind or another – so I thought I’d let you know what I’m using – but only on the condition that you show me yours (I feel a little dirty saying that). Here are my active plugins:

Now I’ve shown you mine – time to show me yours.

Update – I’ve collated the list so far here.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. […] Richard has been asking me for a while what WordPress plugins I use on this site. As Darren Rowse of has recently put up a list of his active plugins in a post called I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins). I thought it was time to share my list of “Must Have” WordPress plugins. So here is my list of must have WordPress plugins: For their added functionality: […]

  2. […] Der ProBlogger hat vor einiger Zeit seine Leser gefragt, was denn aus ihrer Sicht die besten WordPress-Plugins seien. Nachdem die Antworten sehr umfangreich, doch sehr ungeordnet waren, hat er nun einen neuen Beitrag mit einer langen Liste an empfohlenen WP-Plugins veröffentlicht. […]

  3. I wrote a post that keeps a continually running output of the plugins I run. For those that prefer not to go look, here’s the list of my must haves:

    angusman’s feed copyrighter: Places a copyright notice on every post, on your feed only.
    dashboard options: Removes the RSS feeds from the dashboard, and lets you specify your own, including PHP
    follow url: Removes rel=”nofollow” from comment links
    incoming links: Lists incoming links, via technorati, on sidebar
    monthchunks: Archives, by month, listed nicely
    related posts: Major traffic increase, lists related posts
    runPHP: Allows me to run PHP on posts and pages. Comes in very handy
    search meter: Keeps tabs on searches on my blog
    blogpulse link, cosmos link, del.icio.us – Bookmark this!: Places appropriate links on each post
    subscribe me: Shows all of those wonderful RSS subscription buttons for various services
    google sitemaps: Keeps my xml sitemap file updated
    Subscribe to Comments: Allows readers to get notifications of future comments

    I run several more, but those are in my “Blog Deployment” .zip file.

  4. I gotta say, I was having a ton of problems with crappy comment spam for the past month. It started taking a lot of time out of my day dealing with it. I found Spam Karma through here and it’s done a fantastic job so far.

    I also run Optimal Title, Adsense Deluxe and Popularity Contest.

  5. I have created 2 plugin for WordPress.

    1. Bidvertiser-Plus 0.1 at http://xblog.x-sysonline.com/2005/12/06/bidvertiser-plugin-for-wordpress.html – for Bidvertiser Member that want to put anywhere in their post.

    2. Clicksor-Plus 0.1 at http://xblog.x-sysonline.com/2005/11/23/clicksor-plugin-for-wordpress.html – same as what Bidvertiser-plus can do.

    I’ve created both so that i can easyly assign the sponsored ads anywhere in the post.

  6. […] I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins): Blog Tips at ProBlogger (tags: wordpress blog howto) […]

  7. Use a few of the plugins already mentioned here. Just installed Optimal after seeing it mentioned here. One plugin not mentioned so far that I like to use is…

    rssFeedList : allows you to insert rss feeds into your blog using the Post method.

  8. Himalian says: 01/09/2006 at 4:02 am


    you forgot to put the Delicious plugin on your list. I find it quit useful.
    Del.icio.us – Bookmark this! WordPress Plugin

    Kind regards,


  9. Thanks for the links.

  10. […] 2) Promotion. We honestly could not buy the amount of promotion we receive from people all around the globe. (A few examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]) Roughly half of all our traffic comes from sites like these plus through the major search engines for people searching for WordPress. This in turn gets our name “out there” and leads to projects. Thus that is extremely valuable to us because it does lead to helping us pay the bills. […]

  11. I can’t find the rssFeedlist plugin. Can anyone give me an address to download it from?

    thanks in advance!

  12. A regular set of plugins deployed at most of my blogs are:

    – Ultimate Tag Warrior
    – Post Teaser
    – Add Excerpt
    – Fuzzy Recent Posts
    – Recent Comments
    – RSS Link Fetcher
    – Simple Tags (Technorati)
    – WP-ShortStats

  13. Wow – what a list from everyone! Will have to bookmark and come back when i have more time….

    Darren – the address you have for ‘Related Posts’ doesn’t actually go to the right place on the wasabi site. I couldn’t find the correct page earlier but I see now in the last comment Chris posted the correct address.

  14. Very old plugins! :(
    Support ru pr wordpress.

  15. Just a quick note:

    I left the first response on this post and I just wanted to let everyone know that the plugins I mentioned can cause some seriously high CPU usage.

    StatTraq: (stat tracking system)
    Most Wanted: (most popular posts on homepage – by unique visits)

  16. Footnotes 0.2
    Get Recent Comments 1.2
    inTouch 1.2
    King_Framework 0.68
    WP-Polls 2.11
    RS Event 0.6.3
    SpellingChecker 1.18
    Sidebar Widgets 1.0.20060711
    King_Links_Widget 0.65

    Footnotes, simple but very useful. Get recent comments works well for my site, I don’t have that many comments on a day to day basis.

    I think all of them are availible at wp-plugins.net

  17. Any one using hit tail and how hard is it to set up. I thought there might be a plug in for it.

  18. […] כלומר, לפעמים אני מרגישה שפתאום בטעות אני מגלה על תוסף, וכולם יודעים עליו או להפך. כיוון שכך – החלטתי להעתיק את הרעיון של דארן מ-ProBlogger ולומר “אני אראה לכם את שלי, אם תראו לי את שלכם“. […]

  19. “Show me your’s and i’ll show me mine” is really a nice hit. Every body wants to know what a big guy like Problogger uses and so we all turn-up and write. Nice Blog. I use just a few Plugins including Kabatology spam.. a good anti-spam(but its not yet available to the public). Also use Askimet, Subscribe-to-comments, Subscribe Me, and Google-Deluxe amongst others.

  20. […] my WP ones are listed here […]

  21. I have a modified version of adrotator allowing you to use ads with multi-line codes without having to convert them to single-line codes. Read about it here

  22. I am using:
    Configurable Tag Cloud 1.0
    Ajax Comment Preview 1.2
    Ajax Post Save 1.1
    All in One SEO Pack 1.2
    Audio Player 1.0
    Bookmarker 0.4
    Easy Gravators 1.0
    Google Sitemaps 2.7
    Highlight Author Comments
    Most Commented 1.4
    Random Post Widget 1.5
    Share This 1.4
    Tiny Emotions
    Tiny Style
    Tiny XHTML
    WP-Pagenavi (navigation) 2.2
    WP-Polls (with WP-Polls Widget)
    Wp-Useronline 2.2
    WP 2.3 related posts
    WP 2.3 statistics

  23. j.s. kumar says: 11/30/2007 at 2:53 pm

    Gone through the website i could understand 50% only if anybody brief me it will be useful to continue further.

  24. j.s. kumar says: 11/30/2007 at 2:56 pm

    As far as i am concern blogging means expressing our point of views or opinions or ideas what ever it may be about the particular topic listed in website

  25. Anyone use All in One SEO?
    I also use Adsense Deluxe

  26. Anyone know of a plugin that allows you to export/download all of the registered users and their info? We use a plugin that asks for and creates custom fields upon registration, but cannot find a plugin that will allow us to download this information into a format we can use. Thanks!

  27. I forgot to add: we use the wp-user-manager plugin to collect this data upon registration. Thanks again!

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