Princeton University
Is religious involvement positively associated with having influential friends or is religious involvement unrelated to this kind of social capital? Building on the distinction between the “bonding” and “bridging” aspects of social... more
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A nationally representative survey was conducted of adult Americans who were currently involved in prayer groups, Bible studies, or other religiously oriented small groups. The purpose of the study was to determine if these respondents... more
Data are analyzed from three national surveys conducted in 1984, 1989, and 1992, supplemented by other data from a 1991 and a 1992 survey, to examine the distribution of religious conservatives, moderates, and liberals, and to consider... more
This paper examines the set of musical, social, and technical practices that later became essential for producing techno. In particular, the focus is on how musicians kept time, drawing from examples of James Brown and Kraftwerk. Only at... more
This chapter probes the conditions under which we might expect an entrepreneurial middle class of independent shopkeepers, merchants, professionals, and small manufacturers to expand or decline with capitalist development. We highlight... more
the individual Justices on both courts, for assisting my research, answering my questions, and letting me see the daily life of constitutional justice. The staff at the Institute for Law and Public Policy, particulary director Olga... more
In Hungary's April 2010 general elections, former prime minister Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party won an overwhelming majority of the seats in parliament. The elections gave voters a choice among the discredited Socialist Party (MSzP),... more
Most women who have been sexually assaulted see at least some situations in the world as being more dangerous following their assault experiences. Based on in-depth interviews with 94 women who were either raped or avoided being raped... more
When the well-known paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, he was told by his doctor that he had eight months to live. But being a scientist who understood statistics, he realized that the doctor was... more
In the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail,' the unconvincinglooking but immensely self-confident King Arthur and his rag-tag band of knights gallop on their imaginary horses through the 'wild forest in search of the Holy Grail.... more
Version prepared for the Yale Legal Theory Workshop, 21 September 2006. This paper is actually a long abstract of a book I am writing by the same name. As a result, you will see many references to "the book" throughout-which is meant to... more
Law. A rough version of these ideas was presented at the symposium on Constitution Drafting in Post-Conflict States, William & Mary School of Law, February 2007, and the discussion and comments at that conference helped immeasurably in... more
I had hoped to join you all in beautiful downtown Baltimore, but I can't come next weekend. The reason why I can't is connected to the ticket I'm submitting anyhow. The Hungarian election is 6 April and I'm working flat out on things... more
Jack Balkin"s Living Originalism 1 is a major contribution to American constitutional theory. But it may be a contribution to American constitutional theory only because it is, well, so distinctively American. By exploring why Balkin"s... more
The discussion of John Rawls's work over the last twenty years has made contractarianism a familiar term in political theory.' But although Rawls's work was rooted in the familiar social contract theories of Locke, Rousseau and Kant and... more