How to Get Referrer URLs in PHP

Ever wondered how visitors are finding your website? Knowing where your traffic comes from is a game-changer for fine-tuning your marketing strategy and ad campaigns. And guess what? PHP referrer tracking makes it super easy!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to grab referrer URLs in PHP—one of the simplest ways to see which sites are sending visitors your way.

We’ll also break down why PHP referrer URLs matter, especially if you’re running a WordPress site. Plus, we’ll walk you through using the http referrer variable to capture the previous page’s URL, so you can track your traffic sources like a pro!

Understanding Referrer URLs

A PHP referrer URL is the web address of the page a user visited just before landing on your site. It’s like a digital breadcrumb trail that helps you see how visitors are finding you. By tracking referrer URLs, you can gain insights into user behavior, traffic sources, and ways to enhance your website’s experience.

Knowing where your traffic comes from—whether it’s Google, social media, or another website—is incredibly useful. For marketers and developers, PHP referrer tracking reveals which sources bring the most visitors and even what keywords they might be using to discover your site.

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Beyond just numbers, referrer URLs also tell you if your content is making an impact. When users click through from another page, it’s a sign that your content is valuable and relevant. That means better engagement, more traffic, and a stronger website overall!

How Important Are Referrer URLs and Traffic Sources to Your Site?

A PHP referrer URL is a hyperlink that, when clicked, directs users to another webpage. These URLs play a crucial role in driving traffic to your site and building its credibility. The more referrer links pointing to your website, the greater your chances of attracting visitors. Imagine someone browsing the web and finding your link within an article or a fact they’re interested in—they’re likely to click through for more information!

Beyond just bringing in traffic, referrer URLs also influence SEO rankings. When reputable websites link to your content, search engines recognize your site as a valuable and authoritative resource. This can boost your chances of being indexed and appearing on the first page of search results, making your content easier to discover.

Since PHP referrer tracking is so beneficial, let’s dive into how to retrieve referrer URLs in PHP.

Tracking referrer URLs in PHP helps you understand where your traffic is coming from, allowing you to fine-tune your marketing strategy. It also lets you identify which keywords visitors are using in search engines to reach your site.

Luckily, getting referrer URLs in PHP is simple! PHP provides a built-in global variable called $_SERVER, which includes an element called HTTP_REFERER. This variable stores the URL of the page that directed a user to your site.

By using $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’], you can easily retrieve and display referrer URLs. Here’s a quick snippet to check if a referrer URL exists and output it on your webpage:

// Check if Referral URL exists
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
  // Store Referral URL in a variable
  // Display the Referral URL on web page
  echo $refURL;
} else {
  echo "No referer URL";

In the codes above, the “$_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]” variable will show you the referrer page’s URL if:

  • The link to your webpage appears on other webpages.
  • Visitors click on those links to access your site.

In case users visit your pages by using bookmarks or manually typing the URLs, “HTTP_REFERER” will be empty. Therefore, you’ll see a message of “No referer URL” pop up.

Getting the Referrer URL in PHP

Retrieving the PHP referrer URL is super simple using PHP’s $_SERVER superglobal variable. The HTTP_REFERER field within this variable stores the URL of the page that directed a user to your site—if it’s available. Here’s how you can grab it:

// Check if a referrer URL exists  
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {  
    // Store the referrer URL in a variable  
    $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];  
    // Display the referrer URL  
    echo "Referrer URL: " . $referrer;  
} else {  
    echo "No referrer URL detected.";  

However, keep in mind that HTTP_REFERER isn’t always set. If a user types your website URL directly into their browser or accesses it via a bookmark, the referrer URL will be empty.

Despite this limitation, tracking PHP referrer URLs is a powerful way to analyze user behavior. By understanding where visitors are coming from, you can optimize your traffic sources, marketing strategy, and content engagement.

Preventing Direct Access with Referrer URLs

PHP referrer URLs aren’t just great for tracking traffic—they can also help you prevent direct access to certain pages or files on your website. By checking the referrer URL, you can ensure that visitors are coming from an authorized page before granting access, adding an extra layer of security to your site.

For example, you might want to restrict access to protected files, making them available only if the visitor clicks a specific link. A tool like Prevent Direct Access Gold makes this easy by allowing you to control access based on referrer URLs, ensuring only legitimate users can view your content.

Beyond security, referrer URLs also provide valuable insights into traffic sources, helping you refine your marketing strategy. By requiring users to come from a relevant page before accessing exclusive content, you can maintain both site integrity and security while optimizing engagement.

Implementing Referrer URL Security Measures

PHP referrer URLs can play a key role in strengthening your website’s security. One major use case is blocking referrer spam, which can flood your site with unwanted traffic. Plugins like Bad Behavior help filter out malicious requests, ensuring that only legitimate visitors can access your content.

Another security measure involves using no-cache headers to prevent browsers from storing sensitive information. This ensures that users always receive the latest content while minimizing security risks.

You can also leverage PHP referrer tracking to detect and block users who manually type in URLs to access restricted content. By analyzing referrer data, you can restrict unauthorized access and protect private pages or files.

By implementing these referrer-based security measures, you enhance both the safety and reliability of your site, providing a better user experience while keeping unwanted visitors out.

Disadvantages of Referrer Links and Traffic Sources

While PHP referrer URLs offer valuable insights and security benefits, they also come with some downsides. One major issue is referrer spam, where spammers leave unwanted links on your site to manipulate search engine rankings—without contributing any real value.

To combat this, you’ll need a referrer spam blocker. While WordPress offers many third-party plugins, finding the right one can be tricky. We recommend Bad Behavior for blocking spam referrer links

Another useful tool is Prevent Direct Access Gold that can grant access to protected files based on referrer links. Touch on our blog Block Referrer Spam in WordPress on how to use these plugins.


In this article, you’ve explored PHP referrer URLs, their benefits, and how to retrieve them in PHP. When used effectively, referrer URLs can boost your site’s traffic, enhance security, and improve SEO, helping your website climb to the top of search engine results.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our Support team—we’re always happy to help!