Protect Pages & Posts Settings

Under your WordPress admin dashboard, click on the “Content Protection” menu in the left sidebar to configure its settings.


(1) Post Type Protection

This option allows you to protect not only WordPress pages and posts but also other custom post types, such as “Products” created by WooCommerce plugin.

(2) Set Referrer Links

This option enables you to grant your protected content based on referrer links.

There are 3 options for you to choose from:

  • Disable referrer links

By default, this feature is disabled. Only certain user roles set under “Access Permission” can access your protected content.

  • Allow all referrer links

When this option is selected, users have to access your page through a web page’s content (that’s linked to yours).

  • Allow specific referrer links

You can specify the referrer links from which you want to give access to your private content

(3) Set Access Permission

Allow you to choose who can access your protected files by default. User roles options include:

  • Admin users (by default)
  • The file’s author
  • Logged-in users
  • No one (means no person is allowed to access your private files)
  • Anyone (means our plugin only blocks search indexing)
  • Custom Roles

When you “choose custom roles”, a new “Grant access to these user roles only” option will appear, which allows you to select multiple user roles such as authors, subscribers, and contributors. Only these user roles will be able to access your private files.

As a side note, all protected content is accessible to its author when you select the “Admin users” option.

(4) Customize “No Access” Page

Allow you to select which page, post, or even a custom link to display when users have no access to your protected content or when they click on expired Private Access Links. In other words, unauthorized users will be redirected to this “No Access” page.

The default “No Access” page is your website’s 404 error page.

(5) Hide protected content

This option enables you to control your protected content’s visibility. In other words, you can hide and decide where to display your protected content for unauthorized users.

(6) Prevent Printing Protected Content

You can stop people including authorized users from printing protected content by simply enabling this option.

(1) Change Access Link Prefix

By default, your access links will look something like this (“privatepup” is the prefix). You can change this prefix on demand under our plugin’s settings page.

Please note that a valid prefix contains lowercase English letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dash (-), and underscore (_) only.

You can use [post_slug] shortcode if you want to add the post’s slug after the link prefix.

If you enable this option, when a page/post is protected, our plugin will automatically create a new private access link for it. This applies to new content uploads only. Our plugin won’t auto-generate a new access link for existing protected content.

(3) Shortcode

The [ppp_private_link] shortcode allows you to create private access links from anywhere on your site.


(1) Content Protection Control

Enable you to select user roles that can protect or unprotect your private content. Users without permission will still be able to see the content protection status, but there is no way to change it. By default, administrators, editors, and authors are allowed to protect or unprotect your content.

According to WordPress roles and capabilities, Authors are only allowed to publish and manage their own posts by default, and so, protect or unprotect their own files

(2) Remove Data Upon Uninstall

By default, we will remove all our plugin’s database tables upon deletion of our plugin. If this option is enabled, your license and ALL related data will also be removed from the database upon uninstall. Your license may NOT be used on this website again or elsewhere any more.

Remember to click “Save changes” to update your settings preferences.

Lasted updated on December 19, 2021