Videos by Sambit Roychowdhury
This presentation deals with the crisis within the larger Muslim community in India representing ... more This presentation deals with the crisis within the larger Muslim community in India representing the Sunnis, Shias (primarily Ismailis), and Ahmadiyas with specific case studies from Syed Wazir Hasan, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Aga Khan III, and Jawaharlal Nehru. 19 views
Papers by Sambit Roychowdhury
The paper deals with the aspect whether iconoclasm was the sole legitimate assertion of the Indo-... more The paper deals with the aspect whether iconoclasm was the sole legitimate assertion of the Indo-Islamic rulers to establish their rule in the subcontinent. The Islamic advent starts from Mahmud to the Mughals and also the Bahamanis in focus. Whether iconoclasm was a religious move or a politically motivated that aspect is focused on this paper.
Drafts by Sambit Roychowdhury

Situating the role of merchants and foreign companies in Surat: An account of trade in 18 th cent... more Situating the role of merchants and foreign companies in Surat: An account of trade in 18 th century India The European powers, especially in the matter of business, were in direct confrontation with each other since the fifteenth century. And, obviously any business enterprise's favourite chapter is profit. So, in search for profit, in 1600, a joint stock company was formed known as the English East India Company (EIC) by a royal charter with a primary aim of jettisoning the Dutch Verenigde Oost-Indische Campagnie (VOC). P.J. Marshall argued that until the Pitt's India Act was passed there was no 'plan' for turning India into a colony. 1 The Company and the British Crown were partner as well as client for each other. With the coming of Charles II, the Company's heydays started. "King and Company", according to John Keay, "understood one another well". 2 Though, in 1680, the Company earned the wrath of Aurangzeb but fortunately the Company was spared with an apologetic statement and a compensation only. Apart, from this blot, the Company's fortunes never swung, in India. It "became identified with a Stuart monarchy pursuing an equally bold and authoritarian imperial policy around the globe", with a cocktail of a "policy of aggression and state imperialism by proxy." 3 There were constant negotiations with ascendancy of a new monarch and this continued throughout the Company existed. The situation sometimes muddled up, sometimes swung in favour of the Company; it definitely affected the trading prospects in the subcontinent time to time. I have tried to give the larger scenario of the EIC in a nutshell, that being done let's move on to the scenario in the subcontinent. The prevailing dominant power was undoubtedly, the Mughals. The composition of the Mughal court was an interesting one, encompassing the
This is an assignment which focuses on how the word subaltern evolved eventually taken up by the ... more This is an assignment which focuses on how the word subaltern evolved eventually taken up by the Subaltern Studies collective.
Book Reviews by Sambit Roychowdhury
A short review of Badal Sircar's play, adapted by Anirban Bhattacharya into a film 'Ballabhpurer ... more A short review of Badal Sircar's play, adapted by Anirban Bhattacharya into a film 'Ballabhpurer Rupkatha'.
Videos by Sambit Roychowdhury
Papers by Sambit Roychowdhury
Drafts by Sambit Roychowdhury
Book Reviews by Sambit Roychowdhury