Papers by Mohammad Shihab

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Aug 7, 2016
Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an exa... more Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an example of successful personal branding on the internet through her blog "Hot Chocolate and Mint" ( Diana was the first fashion blogger in Indonesia and she has brought the fashion blogger trend to Indonesia. Hence, the researchers are interested in analyzing how personal branding done by Diana Rikasari through her blog at the beginning of her career based on the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of strong personal branding. This is a qualitative study that uses secondary data froP WKH SXEOLVKHG ZULWLQJV RQ 'LDQD ¶V blog ( and other publications that contain media interviews with Diana. To analyze the results of the study, the research team did the coding process and categorization in order to describe the information obtained and analyze the results of the research with the literature review. Based on the study results, it is found that personal branding of Diana Rikasari through her blog has fulfilled the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of a strong personal brand.

Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Aug 7, 2016
Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an exa... more Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an example of successful personal branding on the internet through her blog "Hot Chocolate and Mint" ( Diana was the first fashion blogger in Indonesia and she has brought the fashion blogger trend to Indonesia. Hence, the researchers are interested in analyzing how personal branding done by Diana Rikasari through her blog at the beginning of her career based on the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of strong personal branding. This is a qualitative study that uses secondary data froP WKH SXEOLVKHG ZULWLQJV RQ 'LDQD ¶V blog ( and other publications that contain media interviews with Diana. To analyze the results of the study, the research team did the coding process and categorization in order to describe the information obtained and analyze the results of the research with the literature review. Based on the study results, it is found that personal branding of Diana Rikasari through her blog has fulfilled the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of a strong personal brand.

Abstrak Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang meningkatkan perekonomian negara. Bant... more Abstrak Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang meningkatkan perekonomian negara. Banten merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang berpotensi untuk mengembangkan sektor pariwisata karena Banten memiliki Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Tanjung Lesung. PT Banten West Java Tourism Development (BWJTD) sebagai pengelola harus melakukan berbagai macam strategi untuk meningkatkan jumlah wisatawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan bagaimana strategi public relations yang digunakan oleh PT BWJTD untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Tanjung Lesung. Penelitian ini mengacu pada model perencanaan dari Ronald D. Smith yakni The Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations sebagai alat analisis. Adapun langkah yang dilakukan dimulai dengan riset formatif, strategi, taktik dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan wawancara bersama tiga informan kunci yang terlibat dalam perancangan strategi, observasi taktik dan studi dokumen yang berkaitan dengan Tanjung Lesung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi public relations yang digunakan oleh PT BWJTD adalah strategi proaktif.
Abstract The tourism sector is one of the sectors to increase the economy of the state. Banten is one of the province in Indonesia that has the potential to develop the tourism sector since Banten has Tanjung Lesung as Special Economic Zone. PT Banten West Java Tourism Development (BWJTD) as a developer of Tanjung Lesung has to manage various strategies to increase the number of tourists. This study explained the public relation strategies of PT BWJTD to increase the number of tourists to Tanjung Lesung. It used a model of strategic planning for public relations from Ronald D. Smith for analysis, known as The Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations. The model includes research formative, strategy, tactics, and evaluation. The data were collected using in-depth interviews with three key informants, observation on tactics, and documentation related to Tanjung Lesung. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the public relation strategies used by PT BWJTD are the proactive strategies.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional "Komunikasi Publik Dan Dinamika Masyarakat Lokal", Nov 2016
ABSTRAK Pemberitaan kasus vaksin palsu di media massa telah menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat. Hal... more ABSTRAK Pemberitaan kasus vaksin palsu di media massa telah menimbulkan keresahan masyarakat. Hal ini pun berpotensi menyebabkan krisis citra dan menurunkan kepercayaan pasien kepada berbagai fasilitas kesehatan terduga pengguna vaksin palsu. Berbagai media massa menempatkan RS Karya Medika II Tambun, Bekasi dalam daftar fasilitas kesehatan yang diduga menggunakan vaksin palsu. Meskipun Kementerian Kesehatan menyatakan bahwa vaksin palsu tidak mengandung bahan yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan, terpapar vaksin palsu masih menjadi kekhawatiran para pengguna jasa rumah sakit tersebut.Hal ini mengharuskan rumah-rumah sakit terduga untuk segera mengembangkan komunikasi untuk menjaga kepercayaan konsumen.Studi ini merupakan rangkaian penelitian komunikasi pasca krisis di RS Karya Medika II Tambun yang dikembangkan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif.Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, studi dokumen dan literatur.Studi pendahuluan ini menyimpulkan rumah sakit ini mendapatkan vaksin palsu dari pemasok, namun tidak terpakai karena tidak adanya kejadian yang membutuhkan penanganan dengan menggunakan vaksin tersebut.Oleh karenanya pasca krisis, strategi komunikasi perlu dijalankan agar pengguna jasa yakin dengan pelayanan prima dari RS Karya Medika II Tambun. Kata Kunci: kesehatan, komunikasi, krisis, public relations, rumah sakit, vaksin palsu PENDAHULUAN Tidak ada satu pihak pun yang kebal dari krisis. Industri, organisasi, dan tokoh publik juga dapat mengalami krisis. Krisis dapat dilihat sebagai sebuah situasi atau kejadian yang berdampak negatif pada organisasi (Luhukay, 2008). Namun di balik dampak negatif sebuah krisis, ada " berkah " tersembunyi yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para praktisi kehumasan (public relations). Situasi krisis menjadi peluang bagi organisasi untuk lebih dikenal oleh publik. Situasi ini akan menempatkan organisasi di bawah " lampu sorot " pencitraan yang menjadi magnet bagi liputan media serta diperbincangkan oleh masyarakat luas (Wasesa & Macnamara, 2010). Oleh karenanya, krisis perlu dikelola dengan maksimal sehingga mampu mendatangkan " berkah " pencitraan. Eksistensi humas menjadi vital bagi setiap bisnis, termasuk bisnis pelayanan kesehatan. Sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan, sebuah rumah sakit wajib memberikan

Corporate communications hold a vital function to maintain the company’s positive
image and reput... more Corporate communications hold a vital function to maintain the company’s positive
image and reputation in front of stakeholders. A corporate communications practitioner must be
able to handle a variety of communication processes in an organization, including determining
the right strategy to reach its communications goal. The purpose of this research is to analyse the corporate communications strategy of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group to creates its corporate branding and reflect it with public relations strategic planning process. The researchers gathered the primary data from in-depth interview with key informant and combine it with secondary data from other relevant data. Afterwards, triangulation is used to strengthen the credibility of data and continue with analysis process. This research has concluded that Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group implements its corporate branding strategy according to public relations strategic planning process. Some of the targets have been achieved in one year period; however there have been suggestions to improve the future corporate branding strategy formation.

Pencak silat is a facet of Indonesian culture. It has been emerging in Indonesia in recent years ... more Pencak silat is a facet of Indonesian culture. It has been emerging in Indonesia in recent years because of some issues. The primary issue is that traditional pencak silat is dying in its homeland, Indonesia. The number of people who learn traditional pencak silat is decreasing. Meanwhile, some countries have claimed that pencak silat originated from their lands. To prevent traditional pencak silat from vanishing, public relations efforts may be an option. How does public relations become helpful to put the public back to pencak silat? A literature study has been performed. In-depth interviews were organized to gain insights from an organization focused on traditional pencak silat. The study offered both online and offline PR approaches. The community may take the advantages of community relations to build engagement with the public. The spirit of pencak silat may also be shared through direct communication with audiences. Finally, all activities must be published on online media to strengthen online presence and to increase internet publicity. Abstrak-Pencak silat merupakan salah satu bentuk kebudayaan khas Indonesia. Pencak silat telah menjadi perhatian dalam beberapa waktu terakhir karena pencak silat tradisional terancam punah di negeri asalnya sendiri. Di saat jumlah pewaris pencak silat menurun, negara-negara lain berebut klaim bahwa aliran pencak silat miliknyalah yang lebih asli dibanding Indonesia. Untuk mencegah kepunahan pencak silat, pendekatan hubungan kemasyarakatan (public relations) bisa menjadi andalan. Bagaimana strategi public relations dapat membantu komunitas pencak silat tradisional untuk menarik hati masyarakat? Studi literatur dan wawancara mendalam telah dilakukan untuk menggali informasi dari komunitas pencak silat tradisional. Penelitian ini menjelaskan bagaimana strategi public relations membantu komunitas pencak silat secara daring maupun luring. Komunitas pencak silat dapat menggunakan pendekatan ini untuk membangun partisipasi (engagement) dengan publik. Berbagi semangat pencak silat pun dapat dilakukan dengan berkomunikasi secara langsung maupun daring. Seluruh kegiatan komunitas penting untuk dipublikasikan pada media daring agar kehadiran komunitas di dunia maya semakin kuat dan publisitas semakin meningkat.

Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an exa... more Personal branding is a way for people to build a brand about themselves. Diana Rikasari is an example of successful personal branding on the internet through her blog "Hot Chocolate and Mint" ( Diana was the first fashion blogger in Indonesia and she has brought the fashion blogger trend to Indonesia. Hence, the researchers are interested in analyzing how personal branding done by Diana Rikasari through her blog at the beginning of her career based on the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of strong personal branding. This is a qualitative study that uses secondary data from the published writings on Diana’s blog ( and other publications that contain media interviews with Diana. To analyze the results of the study, the research team did the coding process and categorization in order to describe the information obtained and analyze the results of the research with the literature review. Based on the study results, it is found that personal branding of Diana Rikasari through her blog has fulfilled the eight laws of personal branding and the characteristics of a strong personal brand.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politik dan Kebudayaan, Oct 25, 2016
Pencak silat is a facet of Indonesian culture. It has been emerging in Indonesia in recent years ... more Pencak silat is a facet of Indonesian culture. It has been emerging in Indonesia in recent years because of some issues. The primary issue is that traditional pencak silat is dying in its homeland, Indonesia. The number of people who learn traditional pencak silat is decreasing. Meanwhile, some countries have claimed that pencak silat originated from their lands. To prevent traditional pencak silat from vanishing, public relations efforts may be an option. How does public relations become helpful to put the public back to pencak silat? A literature study has been performed. In-depth interviews were organized to gain insights from an organization focused on traditional pencak silat. The study offered both online and offline PR approaches. The community may take the advantages of community relations to build engagement with the public. The spirit of pencak silat may also be shared through direct communication with audiences. Finally, all activities must be published on online media to strengthen online presence and to increase internet publicity.
Keywords: culture, pencak silat, public relations, internet, social media

Proceeding - The 10th Biennial Convention of The Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Jun 26, 2014
The aircraft of Malaysia Airlines flight code MH370 had lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Cont... more The aircraft of Malaysia Airlines flight code MH370 had lost contact with Subang Air Traffic Control, 8th of March 2014 at 2.40 AM. MH370 took off at 12.41 AM and was expected to arrive in Beijing at 6.30 AM at the same day. According to Malaysia Airlines’ media statement released on 8th of March 2014, 7.24 AM, the flight was carrying a total number of 227 passengers (including 2 infants) and 12 crew members. The lost of MH370 had caught the attention of the industry, government, media, and publics, and Malaysia Airlines is currently working with search and rescue teams from neighbor countries to locate the aircraft last position. Crisis provides a big opportunity for a company to increase its image and reputation. During a crisis, the company becomes the central of attention where media comes freely and public will talk about it all the time. As a leader in airlines industry, Malaysia Airlines works very hard to overcome the crisis. Malaysia Airlines keeps media and its publics updated with the latest news and the latest Malaysia Airlines response.This paper discusses the crisis management of Malaysia Airlines. This paper is developed with qualitative approach using literature study. The stages of crisis and how Malaysia Airlines handles the crisis are categorized and described based on the media statements released by Malaysia Airlines.
Paul, Baker & Cochram (2012) have argued that the Online Social Networks (OSNs) have permeated al... more Paul, Baker & Cochram (2012) have argued that the Online Social Networks (OSNs) have permeated all generations of Internet users, becoming a prominent communications tool, particularly in the student community. This has led to a rise in questions about the impact of OSN on academic performance and the possibility of using it as an effective teaching tool. There is a little have been studied for Indonesian context regarding the role of OSN, especially in qualitative studies. This study aimed to investigate the same phenomenon qualitatively by using the virtual ethnography research approach. The sample of the research will be taken using purposive sampling method from undergraduate students living in Bekasi, Indonesia.
Teaching Documents by Mohammad Shihab
Assignments by Mohammad Shihab

A. Pendahuluan Komunikasi korporat (Corporate communication) berperan penting dalam dinamika bisn... more A. Pendahuluan Komunikasi korporat (Corporate communication) berperan penting dalam dinamika bisnis saat ini. Menurut Argenti, ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi peran komunikasi korporat. Pertama, kemajuan teknologi yang memungkinkan informasi menyebar dengan cepat. Kedua, meningkatnya kualitas pendidikan dan pemikiran publik. Ketiga, informasi semakin dikemas dengan menarik. Keempat, perusahaan atau organisasi semakin kompleks sehingga dibutuhkan kegiatan komunikasi yang lebih baik untuk menjangkau semua publik (Laksana, 2012). Konsep dasar komunikasi korporat pun berasal dari konsep dasar komunikasi, yakni ada komunikator, pesan yang disampaikan, publik, serta respon publik. Peter Jackson dalam bukunya Corporate Communication for Managers pada tahun 1987, melihat bahwa "corporate communication is the total communication activity generated by a company to achieve its planned objectives" (Hardjana, 2008). Komunikasi korporat dapat juga diartikan sebagai proses yang digunakan perusahaan untuk mengkomunikasikan pesan-pesan kepada konstituen/publik utamanya (Laksana, 2012). Munculnya istilah komunikasi korporat menimbulkan perdebatan antara kalangan akademisi dan praktisi peneliti terhadap ruang lingkup komunikasi korporat. Komunikasi korporat merupakan integrasi antara beberapa fungsi komunikasi, mencakup marketing communication (komunikasi pemasaran), organizational communication (komunikasi organisasi), dan management communication (komunikasi manajemen). Beberapa juga berpendapat bahwa business communication (komunikasi bisnis), public relations (hubungan masyarakat), dan managerial communication (komunikasi manajerial) juga termasuk dalam cakupan komunikasi korporat (Hardjana, 2008).

PT. Sinar Sosro merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang agro industri yang mempro... more PT. Sinar Sosro merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang agro industri yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk dengan menggunakan pucuk daun teh sebagai salah satu bahan baku utamanya. PT. Sinar Sosro dengan merek Teh Botol sosro merupakan leader produsen teh siap minum dalam kemasan (TSMDK). Merek sosro yang sudah terkenal di masyarakat tak lain diambil dari pengalaman nama keluarga Sosrodjojo, yang mulai merintis usaha teh wangi melati pada 1940 di slawi, Jawa tengah. Teh merek Sosro diperkenalkan pertama kali pada 1970 dengan merek teh Cap Botol soft Drink Sosrodjojo, baru pada tahun 1974 menjadi Teh Botol Sosro dengan kemasan botol seperti sekarang. Merek tersebut dipakai untuk mendompleng merek teh seduh cap botol yang sudah sudah lebih dulu populer dan mengambil bagian dari nama belakang keluarga Sosrodjojo. PT. Sinar Sosro pada saat ini dihadapkan pada berbagai saingan produk minuman ringan yang tidak hanya dari pesaing lokal, namun juga pesaing asing. Menurut data dari dalam penelitiannya terhadap pelanggan Teh Botol Sosro yang dilakukan Rizan, Saidani, & Sari (2012) memperlihatkan posisi Teh Botol Sosro sebagai leader dalam market share TSMDK. Persaingan berbagai merek teh dalam kemasan botol membuat perusahaan lebih berhati-hati dalam merancang strategi pemasarannya. Untuk mempertahankan posisi puncak market share TSMDK, Teh Botol Sosro perlu memperkuat strategi pemasarannya.
Articles by Mohammad Shihab
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS is a viral respiratory disease that was firstly identifi... more Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS is a viral respiratory disease that was firstly identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. The disease symptoms range from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Coronavirus has been identified as the cause of MERS with some experts naming this MERS virus as MERS-CoV. This article describes the symptoms of MERS disease and actions to prevent the virus spreading, and was published online in
Papers by Mohammad Shihab
Abstract The tourism sector is one of the sectors to increase the economy of the state. Banten is one of the province in Indonesia that has the potential to develop the tourism sector since Banten has Tanjung Lesung as Special Economic Zone. PT Banten West Java Tourism Development (BWJTD) as a developer of Tanjung Lesung has to manage various strategies to increase the number of tourists. This study explained the public relation strategies of PT BWJTD to increase the number of tourists to Tanjung Lesung. It used a model of strategic planning for public relations from Ronald D. Smith for analysis, known as The Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations. The model includes research formative, strategy, tactics, and evaluation. The data were collected using in-depth interviews with three key informants, observation on tactics, and documentation related to Tanjung Lesung. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the public relation strategies used by PT BWJTD are the proactive strategies.
image and reputation in front of stakeholders. A corporate communications practitioner must be
able to handle a variety of communication processes in an organization, including determining
the right strategy to reach its communications goal. The purpose of this research is to analyse the corporate communications strategy of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group to creates its corporate branding and reflect it with public relations strategic planning process. The researchers gathered the primary data from in-depth interview with key informant and combine it with secondary data from other relevant data. Afterwards, triangulation is used to strengthen the credibility of data and continue with analysis process. This research has concluded that Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group implements its corporate branding strategy according to public relations strategic planning process. Some of the targets have been achieved in one year period; however there have been suggestions to improve the future corporate branding strategy formation.
Keywords: culture, pencak silat, public relations, internet, social media
Teaching Documents by Mohammad Shihab
Assignments by Mohammad Shihab
Articles by Mohammad Shihab
Abstract The tourism sector is one of the sectors to increase the economy of the state. Banten is one of the province in Indonesia that has the potential to develop the tourism sector since Banten has Tanjung Lesung as Special Economic Zone. PT Banten West Java Tourism Development (BWJTD) as a developer of Tanjung Lesung has to manage various strategies to increase the number of tourists. This study explained the public relation strategies of PT BWJTD to increase the number of tourists to Tanjung Lesung. It used a model of strategic planning for public relations from Ronald D. Smith for analysis, known as The Nine Steps of Strategic Public Relations. The model includes research formative, strategy, tactics, and evaluation. The data were collected using in-depth interviews with three key informants, observation on tactics, and documentation related to Tanjung Lesung. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the public relation strategies used by PT BWJTD are the proactive strategies.
image and reputation in front of stakeholders. A corporate communications practitioner must be
able to handle a variety of communication processes in an organization, including determining
the right strategy to reach its communications goal. The purpose of this research is to analyse the corporate communications strategy of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group to creates its corporate branding and reflect it with public relations strategic planning process. The researchers gathered the primary data from in-depth interview with key informant and combine it with secondary data from other relevant data. Afterwards, triangulation is used to strengthen the credibility of data and continue with analysis process. This research has concluded that Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group implements its corporate branding strategy according to public relations strategic planning process. Some of the targets have been achieved in one year period; however there have been suggestions to improve the future corporate branding strategy formation.
Keywords: culture, pencak silat, public relations, internet, social media