My Application |
[24 Apr 2008|06:39pm] |
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1. Name: Emma 2. Age: 13 3. Straight/Bi/Gay?: Straight 4. Sex: Female 5. Status(pictures if u want): Single with lots of guy friends Favorites
1. Stores: Hollister, Old Navy (kinda), Hot Topic, A&F 2. Music/Bands/Artists: Green Day, FOB and MCR 3. Movie: Star Wars, Mean Girls 4. Color: Black, Orange, Green 5. Hobbie/Sports: Dodgeball, IM, Singing 6. Animal: Monkies, Birds 7. Aim or Yahoo: AIM 8. Style: Unique yet a trend follower 9. Candy: Wonka 10. Actor/Actress: That REALLY HOT guy from Firehouse dog and Zuthura 11. Shoes you wear: Flip Flops all the way
What do you think about: 1. Gay marriage: Let them marry who they want. None of my biz. 2. The MODs: ? I'm new 3. Taco Bell: Uck. Disquisting. 4. Snakes: Misunderstood animals 5. Abortion: Your kid, your choice 6. Sk8ers and punks: Awesome friends SO fun to hang with. skater and surfer guys are sexy 7. Racism: Gross horrible and wrong. Many of my cousins are black. 8. Money: My BFF 9. Kmart: Ones where I live are to ghetto. You'll most likely get shot on entrance 10. Thrift Stores: For SHOES maybe...
[23 Dec 2004|08:28am] |
[20 Dec 2004|10:56am] |

EVERYONE MUST JOIN THIS COMMUNITY! It's a rating community exceptional for the fact that were not thar harsh.. Hurry first 15 get accepted!!!!It's my best friends and I community ..(ulyssa- andlifegoeson .. YEAH EVERYONE JOIN PLEASE! :) Sarah♥
[20 Dec 2004|04:34pm] |
help, i just started a comm
[19 Dec 2004|08:18am] |
[23 Nov 2004|05:50pm] |
[11 Nov 2004|06:52pm] |
wanting to be a mod |
[01 Nov 2004|10:05pm] |
Name:Jessica Lynn McKinnie
Why should u be a mod: I am responsible and i know a lot about how communitys run. look in my userinfo im in tons.
Will you promote this community(prove it): yes i will promote in my comm cute_layouts2 dont worry i will=]
Post at least 2 pictures of how preppy you are:
( click here to seeCollapse )
[31 Oct 2004|01:00am] |
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Well this week you have to promote the community after you get accepted, to other users, have to give me a link..and first one applying for a mod is a mod right away!! so hurry up!
[30 Oct 2004|04:14pm] |