Despite the name, this isn't just for fans of premiership teams - anyone with a love of football is welcome. Yes, even Chelsea fans.
It's a place for football fans of any nationality to come together and talk about any aspect of "the beautiful game".
Talk about how good/bad/indifferent your team is doing... last weekend's results... the latest transfer talk in the papers... the next boss to get the sack... talk about the FA Cup... Carling Cup... UEFA Cup... Champions League... World Cup... International friendlies... your favourite player... your most hated player... former players in TV adverts for crisps... absolutely anything.
Well, not quite anything. Please leave all your "oh emm gee, ronaldo is soooooo fit!!!111oneone" style posts for elsewhere. Fangirl wankery will not be tolerated.
If you want to join us in premiership - and frankly, we can't think of a reason why you wouldn't - then just click the join link at the top. We're really not that fussy - one of our admins is a Man Utd fan for pete's sake.
Click the crest to go to the club's official website. Isn't that clever?
A collection of other places you might like to visit. We're helpful like that.
If you've got any problems with trolls, want to report a post as offensive, or simply want to abuse us, the moderators can all be contacted via our userinfos. That said, we don't promise to actually do anything about it.
Take your pick:
gooner - Arsenal fan. Creator of the community. doublevodka - Manchester United fan. Makes the mod team infinitely prettier. benyamin - Wigan fan. Possibly the only one. funnynamehere - Arsenal fan. Famed for his drunk posts and Paint icons.