Papers by Vladimíra Tomečková

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Dry eye disease (DED) is a chronic debilitating ophthalmological disease with the current therape... more Dry eye disease (DED) is a chronic debilitating ophthalmological disease with the current therapeutic options focused on the suppression of the symptoms. Among the possibilities of how to improve DED therapy, polyphenols have shown an enormous capacity to counteract DED functional changes. The study aimed to specifically target pathophysiological mechanisms by the addition of fisetin to the cyclosporine treatment protocol. We examined dog patients with DED on cyclosporine treatment that were administered 0.1% fisetin or fisetin-free eye drops. For the assessment of fisetin effects, tear film production and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) were studied in the tear film. Tear production was not recovered after 7 or 14 days (9.40 mm ± 6.02 mm, p = 0.47; 9.80 mm ± 6.83 mm, p = 0.53, respectively). MMP-9 levels significantly increased after 7 days and then dropped after 14 days (775.44 ng/mL ± 527.52 ng/mL, p = 0.05; 328.49 ng/mL ± 376.29 ng/mL, p = 1.00, respectively). Fisetin additio...

Open Chemistry
Fisetin is a polyphenolic compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammatio... more Fisetin is a polyphenolic compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Inflammation and reactive oxygen species play a major role in the pathophysiology of the dry eye syndrome (DES). Patients with DES undergo symptomatic treatment using eye drops known as artificial tears. Addition of fisetin into the eye drops could result in a better recovery of the eye surface. This experimental study examines the stability of fisetin in selected eye drops (Arufil, Hypromelóza-P, Ocutein, Refresh). Absorption spectra of fisetin were measured in selected eye drops, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), deionized water and normal saline solution (NSS) during a period of four weeks. The fisetin absorption maximum was placed at 350 – 390 nm depending on the solvent. Good stability of fisetin solutions were observed in DMSO and deionized water. The highest stability of fisetin in selected eye drops was observed in Hypromelóza-P. Irreversible fisetin structural changes were detected in Arufil, Ocu...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Homeostasis is a self-regulatory dynamic process that maintains a stable internal environment in ... more Homeostasis is a self-regulatory dynamic process that maintains a stable internal environment in the human body. These regulations are essential for the optimal functioning of enzymes necessary for human health. Homeostasis elucidates disrupted mechanisms leading to the development of various pathological conditions caused by oxidative stress. In our work, we discuss redox homeostasis and salivary antioxidant activity during healthy periods and in periods of disease: dental carries, oral cavity cancer, periodontal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, systemic sclerosis, and pancreatitis. The composition of saliva reflects dynamic changes in the organism, which makes it an excellent tool for determining clinically valuable biomarkers. The oral cavity and saliva may form the first line of defense against oxidative stress. Analysis of salivary antioxidants may be helpful as a diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic marker of not only oral, but also systemic health.

Background: Sensitive and rapid diagnosis of the early stages of glaucoma from tear fluid is a gr... more Background: Sensitive and rapid diagnosis of the early stages of glaucoma from tear fluid is a great challenge for researchers. Methods: Tear fluid was analyzed using three-dimensional synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (3D-SFS). Our previously published results briefly describe the main methods which applied the second derivative to a selected synchronous spectrum Δλ = 110 nm in distinguishing between healthy subjects (CTRL) and patients with glaucoma (POAG). Results: In this paper, a novel strategy was used to evaluate three-dimensional spectra from the tear fluid database of our patients. A series of synchronous excitation spectra were processed as a front view and presented as a single curve showcasing the overall fluorescence profile of the tear fluid. The second derivative spectrum provides two parameters that can enhance the distinction between CTRL and POAG tear fluid. Conclusions: Combining different types of 3D-SFS data can offer interesting and useful diagnostic tools ...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 13, 2022
Lipidy sú zdrojom energie a základnými stavebnými zložkami všetkých živých buniek. Strava má vply... more Lipidy sú zdrojom energie a základnými stavebnými zložkami všetkých živých buniek. Strava má vplyv na vznik rakoviny, na obsah špecifických lipidov v membráne buniek a metabolizmus lipidov. Experimenty potvrdili preprogramovaný metabolizmus rakovinových buniek na bunkových aj zvieracích modeloch, ktoré sú popísané v tomto prehľadovom článku. Výsledky týchto štúdií ukazujú, že rast rakoviny a metastáz môžu byť indukované alebo inhibované exogénnymi lipidmi v diéte. Vybrané lipidové markery môžu byť skúmané pomocou rôznych biologicko-chemických analýz: PCR, ELISA, Western blot, plynovej chromatografie (GC-FID) a kvapalinovej chromatografie (LC-MS/MS; UPLC/ ICPMS). Sledovaním vybraných markerov by sme chceli experimentálne detegovať vybrané signálne cesty lipidov, ktoré sa podieľajú na rakovine prsníka.

Dry eye disease is a multifactorial pathology compromising the quality of life of patients, resul... more Dry eye disease is a multifactorial pathology compromising the quality of life of patients, resulting in significant damage of the ocular surface and discomfort. The current therapeutical strategies are not able to definitively resolve the underlying causes and stop the symptoms. Polyphenols are promising natural molecules that are receiving increasing attention for their activity/effects in counteracting the main pathologic mechanisms of dry eye disease and reducing its symptoms. In the present review, a deep literature search focusing on the main polyphenols tested against dry eye disease was conducted, analyzing related in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies to provide a comprehensive and current review on the state of the art. Polyphenols present multiple effects against dry eye diseases-related ocular surface injury. In particular, the observed beneficial effects of polyphenols on corneal cells are the reduction of the pathological processes of inflammation, oxidative stress, ...

SÚHRN Cieľom tejto experimentálnej štúdie bolo odobrať vzorky kariérzneho dentínu a identifikovať... more SÚHRN Cieľom tejto experimentálnej štúdie bolo odobrať vzorky kariérzneho dentínu a identifikovať v týchto extrahovaných vzorkách patogény rodu Lactobacillus, ktoré majú význam v neskorších rozvinutejších štádiách zubného kazu pomocou modernej netradičnej diagnostickej metódy MALDI-TOF. V ústnej dutine pacientov boli identifikované s vysokým zastúpením nové typy patogénnych kmeňov Lactobacillus paracasei zodpovedných za vznik a progres zubného kazu tvrdých zubných tkanív, a ďalej boli diagnostikované aj ďalšie menej zastúpené druhy ako napr. ako Lactobacillus kitasatonis DSM 16761T alebo Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus amylovorus a Lactobacillus gallinarum s veľmi podobnými ťažko rozlíšiteľnými vzormi, ktorý je typický pre rod Lactobacillus ABSTRACT The aim of this experimental study was to collect samples of carious dentine and to identify in these extracted samples pathogens of the Lactobacillus group, which are important in the later advanced stages of dental caries usin...
RSC Advances, 2021
Tear fluid native fluorescence differs among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, suspected... more Tear fluid native fluorescence differs among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, suspected glaucoma, ocular hypertension, and healthy subjects and could serve as a diagnostic or screening tool in future.

Česká stomatologie/Praktické zubní lékařství, 2017
Ústav lekárskej a klinickej biochémie LF UPJŠ, Košice, Slovenská republika SÚHRN Úvod a cieľ: Cie... more Ústav lekárskej a klinickej biochémie LF UPJŠ, Košice, Slovenská republika SÚHRN Úvod a cieľ: Cieľom tohto prehľadového článku je popísať zloženie a biochemický význam pelikuly, organickej vrstvičky na povrchu zubov na vplyv rôznych chemických látok a prvkov prítomných v ovocí, zelenine, potravinách, nápojoch, liečivách a vonkajšom prostredí na zdravie a zafarbenie zubnej skloviny a ústnej dutiny. Táto práca popisuje aj možné biochemické mechanizmy, ktoré sa podieľajú na väzbe rôznych pigmentov-chromogénov na pelikulu a sklovinu zubov. Prírodné a syntetické látky zo stravy môžu sfarbovať zubnú sklovinu, ale môžu mať aj bieliace účinky na zuby. Metódy: Porovnávanie vplyvu rôznych chemických látok zo stravy na pigmentáciu zubov. Výsledky: Vysvetlenie vplyvu prírodných, ale aj syntetických pigmentov na sfarbenie skloviny. Pigmenty obsiahnuté v tabaku, káve, víne, mrkvovej aj čučoriedkovej šťave ako aj nadmerná aplikácia niektorých chemických prvkov, napr. železa, chlóru, dokážu nepriaznivo zmeniť sfarbenie skloviny vďaka chromogénom, ktoré sa viažu na pelikule uloženej na povrchu zubov, ale tiež prenikajú aj do jednotlivých vrstiev skloviny. Z prírodných pigmentov sú to hlavne karotenoidy (na oranžovo a žlto), flavonoidy (na fialovo), chlorofyly (na zeleno) obsiahnuté v niektorých druhoch ovocia, zeleniny a rôznych potravinách, napr. šťavách, kompótoch a ďalších, ktoré sú pripravené zo spomínaných zdrojov. Na druhej strane niektoré potraviny, ktoré obsahujú kyselinu askorbovú (napr. jablká, mandarínky, pomaranče a ďalšie) či bromelín (ananás), majú bieliace účinky na zuby tak, že zvyšujú tvorbu slín a obsahujú organické kyseliny s bieliacim účinkom. Záver: Organické látky a chemické prvky zo životného prostredia, potravín, ktoré prichádzajú do kontaktu so zubnou pelikulou a sklovinou vplývajú na jej zafarbenie a zdravie, buď pozitívne, alebo negatívne. Prírodné farbivá-chromogény (flavonoidy, karotenoidy, chlorofyly) tekutín a potravín, ale aj syntetické liečivá a rôzne chemické prvky sa môžu rôzne pevne viazať na povrchu, ale aj vo vnútorných vrstvách skloviny, a tak zmenia jej sfarbenie podľa zafarbenia konzumovaného pigmentu. Výberom vhodných potravín s obsahom kyseliny askorbovej a bromelínu môžeme zuby bieliť. Niektoré potraviny však na jednej strane zuby bielia no na druhej strane pri ich zvýšenej konzumácii môže dôjsť k erózii skloviny, teda k ireverzibilnému poškodeniu jej štruktúry. Ide hlavne o citrusové plody, kvôli vysokému obsahu organických kyselín, preto je ich dôležité konzumovať vyvážene.

Česká stomatologie/Praktické zubní lékařství, 2017
Dolinská S., Tomečková V. Ústav lekárskej a klinickej biochémie LF UPJŠ, Košice, Slovenská republ... more Dolinská S., Tomečková V. Ústav lekárskej a klinickej biochémie LF UPJŠ, Košice, Slovenská republika SÚHRN Úvod a cieľ: Hlavným cieľom tohto prehľadového článku je detailný popis jednotlivých štruktúr zuba, bioorganického a bioanorganického zloženia častí zuba, jednotlivých biochemických protektívnych procesov, akými sa zub dokáže chrániť proti vzniku zubného kazu a procesov poškodzujúcich integritu zuba. V ďalšej časti je popísaný vplyv jednotlivých chemických prvkov z potravy, ktoré sa podieľajú na pevnejšej štruktúre zubov a zvyšovaní odolnosti zubov na vplyv kyselín. Metódy: Analýza zloženia zubov, porovnávanie vplyvu rôznych chemických prvkov zo stravy. Výsledky: Obranyschopnosť skloviny zvyšuje vhodná štruktúra a biochemické zloženie, a to hlavne tým, že každý sklovinný kryštál je obalený plášťom, tzv. rod sheath, ktorý je viac mineralizovaný ako ostatné vrstvy skloviny. Táto štruktúra obsahuje železo a horčík. Kombinácia týchto dvoch prvkov dodáva sklovine požadovanú odolnosť voči kyselinám. Dôležitú úlohu majú v sklovine aj proteíny. Proteíny spevňujú sklovinu a regulujú vývoj kryštálov hydroxyapatitu. Pre zachovanie zdravých zubov a hlavne skloviny sú potrebné viaceré prvky (bór, kremík, vápnik, horčík, fosfor), vitamíny (D, K) a živočíšne proteíny, ktoré zvyšujú absorpciu vápnika a horčíka. Vzácne kovy pôsobia dezinfekčne a antioxidačne (striebro, zlato, platina). Na druhej strane existujú látky, ktoré zdravie zubov poškodzujú. Sú to najmä kyselina fytová, kyselina šťaveľová, kyselina citrónová a zvýšené množstvo sacharidov a tukov znižujú resorpciu vápnika. Olovo vytesňuje vápnik zo štruktúry zuba a lektíny bránia vstrebávaniu pre zuby potrebných živín. Záver: Táto práca detailne popisuje jednotlivé zložky zuba, jeho bioanorganické aj bioorganické zloženie. Bioorganická časť má vo vysoko mineralizovanom zube významnú úlohu pri zachovávaní integrity zuba. Správna kombinácia prvkov, vitamínov pochádzajúcich z pestrej stravy a pobytu na slnku sa podieľa na udržaní zdravých zubov. Klíčová slova: zub-sklovina-hydroxyapatit-chemické prvky-proteíny-výživa

Adipose Tissue, 2018
Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, metabol... more Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome and cancers. Excessive dietary intake of caloric food results in its accumulation in white adipose tissue (WAT), whereas energy expenditure by fat utilization and oxidation predominately occurs in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Reducing obesity has become an important prevention strategy of research interest, focusing in the recent years, mainly on browning of WAT, the process during which the enhance of the mitochondria biogenesis occurs and then white adipocytes are converted to metabolically active beige adipocytes. Sirtuin1 (SIRT1), the most known isoform of sirtuin deacetylases, is implied in the browning of WAT process. In fact, it is a sensitive sensor of cell energy metabolism and, together with other sirtuin isoforms, contributes to this differentiation process. This chapter provides an overview about SIRT1 involvement in browning of WAT as a target molecule that can thereby contrast obesity.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology, 2017
Introduction: The study compares the venom of species, Vipera berus, from two geographically dist... more Introduction: The study compares the venom of species, Vipera berus, from two geographically distinct areas. Individuals living in Slovakia produce larger volumes of venom in a venom gland compared to individuals living in Poland. Methods: The complex molecular structure of individual native adder venom was recorded by synchronous fluorescence fingerprint, atomic force microscopy and protein electrophoresis. Results: Fluorescence spectroscopy revealed differences in Slovak and Polish male and female structure of venoms and showed higher fluorescence intensity in Polish adder venom compared to Slovak adder venom. The similar pattern of venoms of snakes living in distinct area was observed by atomic force microscopy. The qualitative and quantitative protein differences in both albumin-like and globulin-like regions in adder venoms were detected by gel electrophoresis. Conclusion: Our results exhibited differences in venom molecular structure of species Vipera berus from the distinct area.

Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2013
Different pathological affections of the small intestine cause corresponding morphological and fu... more Different pathological affections of the small intestine cause corresponding morphological and functional changes. The present study was aimed to assess intestinal trehalase activities during ischemia and following reperfusion, correlate them with the pathological changes and determine whether trehalase could be used as a biochemical marker of the intestinal ischemia, ischemia - reperfusion injury. Wistar rats, randomly divided into 5 experimental groups (IR) (each n=15), were subjected to one hour mesenteric ischemia followed by 0, 1, 4, 12 and 24 hours of reperfusion. As a control group sham operated animals were used (n=15). The activity of trehalase was determined using an adapted Dahlqwist method. The range of intestinal injury was determined using histological (histopathological injury index and goblet cell quantification) and immunohistochemical (Ki67, InSitu TUNEL) methods. The highest activities of trehalase were recorded in the control group (C=4.42 ± 0.373 μmol/mg/h). The...
RSC Advances, 2019
In our pilot study we assessed the diagnostic potential of FS, IRS and AFM for diabetes mellitus ... more In our pilot study we assessed the diagnostic potential of FS, IRS and AFM for diabetes mellitus using tear fluid.

Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2012
Questions regarding functional markers characterizing injured intestines remain unanswered. Brush... more Questions regarding functional markers characterizing injured intestines remain unanswered. Brush border disaccharidases are crucial for the functioning of the intestines. The study was designed to assess changes in disaccharidase activity (DA) following intestinal injury and to compare them with morphological changes. Wistar rats, randomly divided into six experimental groups (each n = 6), were subjected to different ischemic/reperfusion injury. One-hour mesenteric ischemia followed by reperfusion for 0, 1, 2, 4, 12 or 24 hours was induced. As a control group sham-operated animals were used (n = 6). Intestine morphology was evaluated using histopathological injury index (HII) and goblet cell (GC) detection. DA (sucrase and maltase) was studied in mucosal scrape or in entire intestinal wall samples. Moderate morphological damage (HII, GC) after mesenteric ischemia was detected. Deepening of the injury was found during reperfusion with a maximum after two hours. Improved morphology w...

Open Chemistry, 2018
Ischemic-reperfusion injury of the small intestine is an acute clinical condition with high morta... more Ischemic-reperfusion injury of the small intestine is an acute clinical condition with high mortality rate. This study describes the changes in levels of phenylalanine and tryptophan metabolites in intestinal homogenates and urine samples of Wistar male rats after 60 minutes of mesenteric ischemia and different reperfusion periods (1, 24, 30 hours) in comparison with a control group without the ischemia. The ischemic-reperfusion injury was quantified by the histopathological injury index. The levels of serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine were determined in the intestinal homogenate and epinephrine, vanillylmandelic acid, and the 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid was analyzed in urine using the HPLC method. The statistically significant increased level of serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine were detected in the intestinal samples after 24 hours of reperfusion (p<0.01); even the most elevated serotonin level was observed after one hour of reperfusion (p<0.001). A statistic...

Open Chemistry, 2018
Diagnosis of bowel diseases is often difficult and time consuming since it is not always possible... more Diagnosis of bowel diseases is often difficult and time consuming since it is not always possible to obtain adequate information by the conventional diagnostic methods to set up a diagnosis and exclude nongastrointestinal causes of symptoms. The aim of this study was to investigate the structure of blood serum samples of patients with selected intestinal diseases. The blood serum samples of patients (N=35) with selected diagnoses (mesenteric thrombosis, inflammatory bowel disease, duodenal ulcers, sepsis, enterorrhagia, sigmoid colon resection, small intestine cancer) and of healthy subjects were evaluated by synchronous fluorescence fingerprint and atomic force microscopy. Autofluorescence of blood serum studied at λex = 280 nm showed significant decrease of fluorescence intensity in patients with all types of diseases affecting bowels in comparison with the healthy control patients. The blood serum surface of ill patients showed significant differences in comparison with control g...

Spectral Analysis Review, 2017
The aim of this scientific research was to study the influence of various diets (ketogenic, low c... more The aim of this scientific research was to study the influence of various diets (ketogenic, low carb, mixed) on teeth and saliva structure of healthy individuals. The health condition of teeth and the influence of diet (sweets, water intake) were investigated using the questionnaires which were statistically processed by descriptive and inductive statistics. Saliva was examined using synchronous fluorescent fingerprint (SFF) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The statistical evaluation of answers of respondents using the questionnaires about intake of sweets in their diet showed significant influence of sugars on formation of tooth decay of diet. The intake of water (volume and frequency) did not show significant influence on formation of tooth decay. Endogenous fluorescence and surface structure of saliva differed in healthy subjects with different diet. The most organized surface structure showed low carb diet (without crystals). The least organized surface structure showed ketogenic diet with the big crystals (1 -2 μm). Untraditional methods (SFF and AFM) enable the new, sensitive and quick analysis of the mixture of saliva. Saliva of individuals with low carb diet showed the most organized structure. Low content of sugar in diet is important possibility of the prevention before dental carries.

Current Metabolomics, 2016
Background: Blood serum is characteristic mixture of naturally occurring endogenous fluorophores ... more Background: Blood serum is characteristic mixture of naturally occurring endogenous fluorophores which are sensitive to endogenous and exogenous stress during physiological as well as pathological processes in the body. Methods: Dynamic changes of blood serum in patients with positive troponin and creatine kinase during myocardial infarction compared to control blood serum of healthy subjects were studied by synchronous fluorescence fingerprint and atomic force microscopy at 0, 1 st , 16 th , and 24 th hour time points. Results: While creatine kinase and troponin T values were in physiological range, fluorescence intensity of patient´s blood serum was significantly increased at λ = 280 nm, p < 0.001 at the first zero time point. In addition, at spectrum record appeared a second fluorescence peak place at λ = 306 nm in comparison with control blood serum fluorescence. Blood serum proteins changed structure from globular to fibrils during acute myocardial infarction in early 0 and 1 st hour timepoints in comparison to control samples with regularly arranged globular proteins studied by atomic force microscopy. Otherwise, creatine kinase and troponin T values were positive in blood serum of patients several hours after beginning of acute myocardial infarction while fluorescence intensity exhibited decrease. Conversion of fibrils to irregular bigger globular proteins in comparison to blood serum with regular smaller globular proteins in control during later 16 th and 24 th hour time points was observed. Conclusion: Mentioned new nontraditional techniques may be used in future for the early study of progress of the various cardiovascular diseases in patients with differential diagnosis which in daily practice meets some difficulties.

Spectral Analysis Review, 2016
Our aim was to study the selected cases of the patients with ischemic heart disease and to analyz... more Our aim was to study the selected cases of the patients with ischemic heart disease and to analyze the structure of blood serum of patients in comparison with control serum of healthy subjects by methods: synchronous fluorescence fingerprint and atomic force microscopy that are still not used in clinical practice. Our results of fluorescence analysis showed that blood serum of all patients with ischemic heart disease decreased intensity of fluorescence in comparison with control blood serum. Endogenous fluorescence of synchronous fluorescence fingerprint of blood serum of patients with unstable angina pectoris state after non ST elevation myocardial infarction; angina pectoris and arterial hypertension 3 was similar, but atomic force microscopy revealed differences in the structure of blood serum of patients with the angina pectoris. Blood serum of patients with angina pectoris exhibited disappearance of fluorescence peak with maximum fluorescence and showed lower fluorescence intensity than control blood serum and blood serum of patients with arterial hypertension 2. Profiles of synchronous fluorescence fingerprint of blood serum of patients with arterial hypertension stage 2 showed formation of the new fluorescent peak with maximum fluorescence, similar shape of synchronous fluorescence fingerprint and higher fluorescence intensity than blood serum of healthy subjects. Blood serum sensitively revealed changes in the body by using untraditional novel techniques which enable the analysis of the mixture of blood serum and might be a new possibility in study of heart ischemia diseases.
Papers by Vladimíra Tomečková